Yeti GOBOX Collection

5 things about you.

Driven 2 different types of vehicles on land over 100mph.

Hit a deer (fawn) on a bicycle.

First time on a small plane, hungover and landed next to a glacier, cost me $20.

Picked up a hitch hiker at the Alaskan Canadian border, dropped him off at ANC airport.

Shot a wounded brown bear at 10 yards with shotgun, bear wasn't fazed, brothers finished it.
~My relaxing hobby is piecing patchwork and quilting by hand with 1/4 inch pieces of fabric
~I grow hybrid tea roses in Wyoming without a greenhouse
~Once upon a time I chaired a Parliamentary select committee meeting
~I can train a horse to gallop across an open pasture to me by snapping my fingers
~The best thing I ever did in my life was move halfway around the world to marry my best friend and now hunting buddy @220yotekiller
This would be really hard except the bar is so set so low, comparing myself to what few friends I have.

1. In high school I was part of the mile relay team that set the state record. The record still stands to this day, since they stopped running it a few years later.
2. Let a guy wrap a 7 ft. cobra around my neck in Marrakesh. (Yes, there was a woman I was trying to impress)
3. In the army I was sitting in a tent with 7 other guys while Sgt. Lewis was heating up a 5 gal. can of water on an open flame stove. When he opened the can, it turned out to gas, not water. That was exciting for a moment or two.
4. I once climbed to the top of an un-named mountain planted a banner and proclaimed the name of the mountain to be the same as my own name then sat down and watched migrating whitefronts flying beneath me.
5. Most impressive is, I have been married to the same woman for 45 years, lived with her for 46, and I am still alive.
1.Build ship and aircraft models, since 1957
2. Hit a deer, two years in a row, with the same car, same month, same road, same time of the morning and same damage to my Corolla.
3. Had Cancer three times
4. Shot 33 Whitetail deer
5. Lost a son in 1995
I am sorry you lost your son.....parents should ''solve the great mystery'' before their kids..........
my respects....Glenn
1. Stepped on Terrell Davis’s foot, then in my dazed bewilderment, completely ran into Bill Romanowski in the Denver airport. 🤦🏻‍♀️

2. Been charged by wild bison.

3. Fought off a would-be abductor(?) that tried to shove me into his car in college.

4. Put up my own furs.

5. ID’d 150 lifers on my bird list in 10 days in Costa Rica.
1. 4H Grand Champion in Woodworking and Baking the same year.
2. Was a legendary corn detassler in the fields of southern Indiana between the ages of 8 and 18.
3. Shot biggest elk and deer 20 hours apart with a ML.
4. Double majored in Religion and Business.
5. Dislocated my hip and popped it back in myself…then fainted.
1. Traveled the Isthmus of Panama; dipped my toes in the Atlantic and Pacific in the same day. Fished in Gatun Lake and ate the fried fish and fried plantains in a little village on the bank.
2. Crossed the equator twice at sea. Yes y’all nasty pollywog slime.
3. Spent 6 months out at sea on an oil rig in the Arabian Gulf without seeing dry land.
4. Lived in the Middle East for 3 years.
5. Been on the flight deck of a plane while midair refueling over the Atlantic.
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#1 started reloading for shotgun when I was 9 (parents have nothing to do with guns or hunting)
#2 started reloading for rifle at 13
#3 started trapping when I was 13 to pay for my rifle/reloading addiction
#4 semi built my first rifle myself on a savage action at age 14 (prefit barrel so all I had to do was headspace and tighten nut. Changed out stock too I guess) that’s where it all began
#5 called a mountain lion to within 10 yards of me in the dark while coyote calling before thermal and didn’t even know it was behind me until I seen the tracks the next day

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