5 things about you.

-Can ride anything with handlebars ( except unicycle) far better than most. -Especially motocross
-Been married to only one person since I was 19. 34 years now
- coached high level softball. Nationally ranked team
- have too many guns yet I still buy more
-staunch Reagan conservative.
1. Caught a state record goldeye when I was 4 years old.
2. Broke my own record from #1 6 days later.
3. Was in sports illustrated ‘faces in the crowd’.
4. Was a guest on the David Letterman late night show.
5. Won a mountain goat tag in a raffle.

The first 4 are all because my dad had the patience to drag my ass along when fishing. Life’s rough when you peak at 4 years old!
1. Alaskan moose hunt, unsuccessful
2. Amazon Peacock bass fishing, unsuccessful
3. Latvian Red Stag hunt, unsuccessful
4. Reunion Island Marlin fishing, unsuccessful
5. S.C. Whitetail hunt, unsuccessful

It is the accumulation of my ineptness that is my point.
Excluding #5 (no interest), you've saved me some $ - Thanks :) . I may still have to suffer a shot at Amazon peacock bass fishing - That has been a bucket list line item for some time. I'm in the same boat as your #4 (Cortez) though will give it another go at some point.

A list of personal standout activities, not necessarily accomplishments, beyond the majority of my friends...
  • Age 16, as a YMCA lifeguard, saved a 7 y/o with cpr.
  • Competed as a "Morey Team Rider" (Mach 7-7, Baby!) Bodyboard extraordinaire.
  • Enduro ride from the Prudhoe Bay, AK to the tip of BCS, Mex (Baja). With two buddies - one injured along the route (full recovery).
  • Survived beyond 9 cat lives from motorcycle to atv wrecks and still walking.
  • Recent scuba with bull sharks.
1. Got knocked out stone cold at the 50 yard line in the Fargo Dome

2. Peed in the urinal right next to Roy Williams (unc basketball coach) at the college World Series.

3. Got trapped in a hay feeder in the middle of a lot for 4 hours by a pissed off bull.

4. A. I. ‘D thousands of cows.

5. Got a combine up to about 45 mph when it popped outta gear going downhill, spun a complete 360 in the middle of the county road when I finally panicked and stomped the brakes only to catch 1. (Why couple them like a smart person for road transport?)

My accomplishments are a lot like my knowledge, varied, and mostly useless.
1. Got knocked out stone cold at the 50 yard line in the Fargo Dome

2. Peed in the urinal right next to Roy Williams (unc basketball coach) at the college World Series.

3. Got trapped in a hay feeder in the middle of a lot for 4 hours by a pissed off bull.

4. A. I. ‘D thousands of cows.

5. Got a combine up to about 45 mph when it popped outta gear going downhill, spun a complete 360 in the middle of the county road when I finally panicked and stomped the brakes only to catch 1. (Why couple them like a smart person for road transport?)

My accomplishments are a lot like my knowledge, varied, and mostly useless.
The combine spin is cool. mtmuley
1. Sunk a truck off a boat ramp
2. Captured, banded & released nearly 200 woodcock (mostly chicks but a few hens)
3. Drove an M88 across a 100 ton limit bridge while towing another M88 & M113, without collapsing the bridge
4. Driven my truck on the frozen Missouri River
5. Drafted a fishing regulation that passed my states legislation & was signed into law
Flown in a bunch of helicopters and small planes for work and hunting
Went to Egypt for a month, spent time behind the scenes at the Cairo Zoo and Museum of Antiquities.
I've stacked somewhere around 400 tons of antlers in conex boxes
Prepared a couple construction cost estimates for projects over $1B
Designed this monument.
1. I have a photo album of the chicken fried steaks of Montana - still in progress
2. Montana Newspaper Association Columnist of the year 2021
3. State Champion Cowboy Action shooter 1996 -Junior Category
4. Assistant Chief of a VFD
5. Drank a whole jar of queso on a dare
I'd like to hear about your CFS's of Montana. I think you should do a little write up on each one, add ratings and critiques, and publish it. I'd buy a copy. 😃
1. Took welding class in high school and college.
2. Was on the FFA dairy cow judging team at world dairy expo circa 1980.
3. Built and lived in 7 different homes to date.
4. Drew all 3 Montana Big 3 tags in one year. ( moose, goat , and unlimited bighorn)
5. Had 3 sheep tags the following year ( Montana unlimited, Idaho Bighorn, and Yukon thinhorn)
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