5 things about you.

1. I have a photo album of the chicken fried steaks of Montana - still in progress
2. Montana Newspaper Association Columnist of the year 2021
3. State Champion Cowboy Action shooter 1996 -Junior Category
4. Assistant Chief of a VFD
5. Drank a whole jar of queso on a dare

#5 reminded me of a 1am syrup chugging contest at a Perkins. But I did not win.
1. swam and fished in the Imzjim River and Amazon river.
2. Harvest over 500 deer with a Crossbow. One year shot 2% of the state total does.
3. Turned down Marc Chagall to Apentis for him.
4. Lucky to be moble at 70. Never thought I'd make it to 50, now thinking 90 is looking good.
5. got a wife great wife who still inlove with me after 41 years and 3 sons who have learned to make there own way from from the old school thinking.
1.went through boot camp at 17.
2. caught a giant bluefin tuna with a sitting senator.
3. Got arrested naked outside a Grateful Dead show.
4. Never really had a real job.
5. killed 3 bull elk diy, solo in 4 years adjacent to my 50th birthday

Not nearly as impressive as many of you but I’ve had an awful lot of fun.

I give thanks every time I see the sun set and rise.
Have my signature permanently hidden in
1-Smithsonian Institute
2-Super Dome Bunker Club
3- San Francisco 49er's Stadium
5- Winnipeg James A. Richardson International Airport
...and have never been to any of them
Now that's cool, I didn't start putting my signature in places till I started riding cross county on the HD. 13 years ago.
1. Called 10 different states home in my 20s.
2. Guided some of the knarliest whitewater in the US, took a senator on a trip one day.
3. Ran the mile in 4:29 and a 5k in 15:03. (Always wanted a 4 minute mile but a bad knee ruined that quest)
4. Been in 4 high speed car crashes with the car flipping and never sustained an injury let alone a scratch. (Still trying to figure out why God let me survive all them)
5. Partied with big and rich
1. Killed bull elk DIY over 400 in
2. Killed DIY Alaska Caribou with bow
3. Had ER doctor in Steamboat Springs tell me I had 5 hrs to live if my buddies had not brought me to ER
4. Watched my wife shoot Idaho DIY wolf.
5. Obtain my Forestry degree while working full-time job.
  • Rode 100 miles on a bicycle in under 4.5 hours
  • Name and brief bio listed in book in the Baseball Hall of Fame
  • Shot a caribou at 11 years old with a rifle I had never fired before that day
  • Voted Most Likely to Succeed in my high school graduating class
  • Finished 13th out of 106 students in state spelling bee when I was in 6th grade
1. Alaskan moose hunt, unsuccessful
2. Amazon Peacock bass fishing, unsuccessful
3. Latvian Red Stag hunt, unsuccessful
4. Reunion Island Marlin fishing, unsuccessful
5. S.C. Whitetail hunt, unsuccessful

It is the accumulation of my ineptness that is my point.
I don't know, Nick - that caribou you shot in 2010 when we hunted Alaska together is still the biggest caribou I have seen taken - nothing inept about that!
1 l was home schooled so l couldn't play sports, so my parents enrolled me and my brothers into bullseye 22 shooting, that started a lifelong addiction.

2 l'm a history nut

3 l went to school for diesel mechanicing and l'm now a welder, go figure

4 during my senior year in highschool l was at a college level in everything but spelling, l was at a 7th grade level then and l havn't improved much as you all know.

5 married my hunting buddy 270.rose
1. Took welding class in high school and college.
2. Was on the FFA dairy cow judging team at world dairy expo circa 1980.
3. Built and lived in 7 different homes to date.
4. Drew all 3 Montana Big 3 tags in one year. ( moose, goat , and unlimited bighorn)
5. Had 3 sheep tags the following year ( Montana unlimited, Idaho Bighorn, and Yukon thinhorn)
Let's see the rams..
1 Flown a plane. Have my Private Pilot cert.
2 Beat cancer
3 Hyper and have ADD even in my late 50's
4 chicks dig me.
5 Seen Greenhorn in complete panic at a strip club in Vegas when he found out the girls lap dance caused his phone to butt dial his much much younger GF and she heard everything. That story comes up every time I go there.
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