Kenetrek Boots

5 things about you.

1) DJ'd a wedding which was very small. Spent the whole time talking to Tony Bennett, since he didn't know anyone except the bride.
2) Had a brief chat with Mother Theresa in Tijuana.
3) Survived a hot air balloon crash landing.
4) Was on the TV show "Real People"
5) Met an married the best wife in history (25 years on November)
Chronological order:
1) expelled from high school in 10th grade
2) climbed a volcano in Guatemala and its sister erupted while I was on the summit
3) lived in Panama for 2+ years in the Peace Corps, had my appendix removed there, owned horses, almost cut my thumb off free diving for shellfish in the Pacific with a machete, ate howler monkey, iguanas, etc...
4) collected, recorded, tagged, and released hundreds of endangered fish from all corners of the upper CO River basin working for USFWS
5) canoed/kayaked 400 miles from Lake Winnepeg to Hudson Bay and encountered wolves and polar bear
I was in the RED ZONE not long after MOUNT ST.HELENS erupted,
fell off a commercial fish boat I was working on and cut my hands on barnicles getting back up. paddled the HARICANA RIVER in quebec,(BUT did not make it toHUDSONS (james) BAY.
EXPELLED from high school, hell, I did not know it was the principal's wifes car !!
got throwed off a galloping horse once and caught foot in stirrup
(Note to self....never wear sneekers riding horses) eaten pigs feet.
1. Published two articles in a hunting magazine.
2. Stayed married to my High School girl for 30 years.
3. Had my heart stop for around two minutes after getting stung three times by yellow jackets. Survived that!
4. I met the Big Show and Steve Austin back in the 90’s.
5. I met Dan Fitzgerald….he’s a deer hunting legend if you don’t know him.
I set my back yard garden on fire after loosing my temper on the yellow jackets that stung me.......dam, I doubled over in pain...wife thought I had gone mad.
Saw THE GIANT fight the ''mormon giant,Don Leo Jonathon at the old Montreal forum........ D L J spent his final years in B.C.
A few friends left, and too many for just 5, but here's a sample.

Drowned when I was 5 and survived.

Set the Bell Curve in Science, for the Pasadena school system @ 16 & graduated HS & and Basic @17, then jumped out of a helo into the water and swam to the boat, dropped by the helo, under fire, and got it started. 1 years time.

Smoked joints with Bob Marley & David Crosby.
Surfed Mavericks.
Drank coffee with James Garner, @ the Oscars.

Did 22 years with the ex-Sig.Other and still friends, retired @ 54 after 22 years as a Park Ranger, moved to NM. Had a HA @ 60 for some reason and survived.

Got Cancer @ 67 and almost have that beat now. Hopefully.
WOW!!!! Like I said, you fellas are WAY ahead of me !!!
Drank coffee and tequila several times with GORDEN CROCKER , never jumped out of a plane or a SLICK- paid good money for my ticket so I'M going to ENJOY the whole ride !!!
have a great day HANK
Some of you have incredibly interesting lives. Next time you're in southern Utah, hit me up. I'd like to buy you a cup of coffee and visit.

Here are 5 things that I've been a part of that my friends haven't done.

1- Backsquatted 365 pounds at 45 years old. (Goal is 440 at 50 years old)

2- Seized more than 50 pounds of methamphetamine from a routine traffic stop. (Done this one more than once)

3- Interviewed homicide suspects.

4- Raised 7 children (2 of hers, 2 of mine, 1 of ours, and 2 adopted)

5- Watched my sons adopt children and grow into good men. My wife gets the credit for that one.
Some of you have incredibly interesting lives. Next time you're in southern Utah, hit me up. I'd like to buy you a cup of coffee and visit.

Here are 5 things that I've been a part of that my friends haven't done.

1- Backsquatted 365 pounds at 45 years old. (Goal is 440 at 50 years old)

2- Seized more than 50 pounds of methamphetamine from a routine traffic stop. (Done this one more than once)

3- Interviewed homicide suspects.

4- Raised 7 children (2 of hers, 2 of mine, 1 of ours, and 2 adopted)

5- Watched my sons adopt children and grow into good men. My wife gets the credit for that one.
When we had a bar in AMERICAN FALLS IDAHO, I was taking a break, sitting,between 2 guys from UTAH, both convicted killers........ ya just never know........
Shot 2 Montana unlimited rams

Jumped out of a helicopter onto the backs, wrestled, and tied up most western big game species

Spent time in 38 countries

Saw the sun rise from the top of an active volcano

In high school and while wearing a tux, I jumped from the roof of a mall onto the roof of a brand new Planet Hollywood. Found a hatch to an opening going into a storage room off the kitchen, and snuck into the grand opening party. Spent about an hour drinking beer and BSing with Bruce Willis. He introduced me to Arnold Shwarzenegger and Demi Moore, but I only spent a few minutes talking to them.
Your list is very 007 😁
1. My dog and I are featured in a few Kelty ads, product photos
2. I've had 7 concussions, mostly hockey
3. Been charged by a bull I just castrated, miraculously finding the ability to jump a 6' fence before he slammed into it
4. I've been on a flight with Coolio (RIP) 3 times
5. I jumped a car, Dukes of Hazzard style in my teens over a culvert in Missouri, completely on accident and everything was fine. Mostly fine. Except for the suspension.

IMG_0077.pngScreenshot 2023-01-21 at 6.32.17 AM.png
#5 reminded me of a 1am syrup chugging contest at a Perkins. But I did not win.

Adding a few more to my list:
2) rode a bicycle over the Arctic circle in Finland.
3) lived in England and travelled Europe for 3 months on a study abroad program at 18yrs old. Thank you student loans. Don't worry I paid them off quickly.
4) treated like a celebrity at the great wall of china due to all the people that wanted to take a picture with me. Lots of people never that never saw a 6"1" white guy before.
5) I am 34 yrs old and my grandpa (dad's dad) was born in the 1800s (not something I did but interesting at least)
Some of you have incredibly interesting lives. Next time you're in southern Utah, hit me up. I'd like to buy you a cup of coffee and visit.

Here are 5 things that I've been a part of that my friends haven't done.

1- Backsquatted 365 pounds at 45 years old. (Goal is 440 at 50 years old)

2- Seized more than 50 pounds of methamphetamine from a routine traffic stop. (Done this one more than once)

3- Interviewed homicide suspects.

4- Raised 7 children (2 of hers, 2 of mine, 1 of ours, and 2 adopted)

5- Watched my sons adopt children and grow into good men. My wife gets the credit for that one.
Hold my coffee....

Never mentioned the missing years. I quit drinking in 1989.
Somehow I never had a child, never was arrested and was never fired from a job.

Hiked the John Muir Trail twice and crossed the Sierra's in the middle on the Mono Trail, during winter.

Caught a 56lb Chinook. 3rd person to surf BC, 10' Tapaltas bay. Rode a inflatable into Cape Beal Lighthouse cove, in heavy surf, off the rocks, and did not loose a beer.

Drove my dad home from work and into a shootout between the DEA and a gang. Drug a wounded cop back behind my Ranchero and we did not get hit. Took 6 months for the trial and I was the witness that put the 3 gang survivors behind bars.
1. Wrestled a wounded buck and stabbed him when I was a junior in HS. Little brother ran out of bullets and we were going to be late for school. Sooooo frickin dumb and I got extremely lucky.

2. Hold a college football record

3. Got to ride shotgun on G650 on a trip into Mexico

4. Had Justin Thomas make fun of my tee shot at a golf tournament. Who is he to criticize my lack of skill…lol.

5. Married an incredible woman who does a masterful job of keeping our family world on track.
Hold my coffee....

Never mentioned the missing years. I quit drinking in 1989.
Somehow I never had a child, never was arrested and was never fired from a job.

Hiked the John Muir Trail twice and crossed the Sierra's in the middle on the Mono Trail, during winter.

Caught a 56lb Chinook. 3rd person to surf BC, 10' Tapaltas bay. Rode a inflatable into Cape Beal Lighthouse cove, in heavy surf, off the rocks, and did not loose a beer.

Drove my dad home from work and into a shootout between the DEA and a gang. Drug a wounded cop back behind my Ranchero and we did not get hit. Took 6 months for the trial and I was the witness that put the 3 gang survivors behind bars.
I guess bodhi did make it off that perfect wave…

Seriously though what an epic life, hope we cross paths some day and I can buy you a slice of pie and hear some stories.
I guess bodhi did make it off that perfect wave…
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Seriously though what an epic life, hope we cross paths some day and I can buy you a slice of pie and hear some stories.
I do know surfing BC has gotten to be a thing.
The Bamfield area Coasties had been practicing rolls in HUGE waves out by the outer islands and stopped and just watched me for a while. I left my board with them when I left and said have fun.

I was only blonde until 5 & only semi-good looking...ever
1. Shot a “gun” that fired a 200 lb bullet
2. walked through the ruins of Babylon
3. Pushed the button to explode 50 tons of ammunition
4. Got stung by a jellyfish wading in the ocean at Qatar
5. Watched 2 UFO’s while hunting ducks early in the morning

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