5 things about you.

Wow, you guys really are making me feel lame. Lol
1. Caught a state record bullhead on accident when I was 6 years old.
2. Played sports in high school for 6 months on a badly broken ankle after missing just one football practice. (More stupid than tuff)
3. Worked a job I don’t enjoy for 15 years with about 15 to go, but it pays well and good benefits and let’s my family and I have a good life and live in a great small town.
4. I used my waders from duck hunting to smuggle beer into the dorm in college.
5. I met my wife on a blind date 12 years ago set up by our co workers. We’ve been married 9 years and have 2 awesome kids together and I have a great step son who was a year old when we met.
@kwyeewyk wildlife ones.
1. Kicked a cougar in self defense
2. Been flogged by a wild turkey
3. Had a black bear press his nose into my tent <1' above my face.
4. Repeatedly punched two baby mountain goats in wack-a-mole fashion as they tried to play king of the mountain on my tent while I tried to sleep.
5. Had to fend off repeated attacks(?) from a large bull sea lion with my kayak paddle off Vancouver Island.
This is my favorite thread ever. We may need some of you to expand on their stories for sure. These are a few that popped into my damaged brain.

1) lit a potato on fire in the microwave while “baking” it, fire dept was called
2) did meth only once
3) missed the biggest whitetail of my life inside of 40 yards 4 times with my bow over a 2 year period
4) built a 3500 square foot custom beam house in 8 months as “my first and last” house building project (no subs) while working my real job(no clue how I didn’t get fired)
5) got pulled over doing 75 mph in a 25 mph zone on my way to check my minnow traps, no ticket!
built a 3500 square foot custom beam house in 8 months as “my first and last” house building project (no subs) while working my real job(no clue how I didn’t get fired
Kudos on that. I helped my brother in law completely gut and remodel their first house shortly after the birth of my niece. Man those were fun but stressful times. My sister had all our nuts to the grindstone.
-Can ride anything with handlebars ( except unicycle) far better than most. -Especially motocross
-Been married to only one person since I was 19. 34 years now
- coached high level softball. Nationally ranked team
- have too many guns yet I still buy more
-staunch Reagan conservative.
#2 really impressed me
#5 allows me to understand #2.
1.went through boot camp at 17.
2. caught a giant bluefin tuna with a sitting senator.
3. Got arrested naked outside a Grateful Dead show.
4. Never really had a real job.
5. killed 3 bull elk diy, solo in 4 years adjacent to my 50th birthday

Not nearly as impressive as many of you but I’ve had an awful lot of fun.

I give thanks every time I see the sun set and rise.
#1 Me too !
#3 escaped outside 'Grog's Bar" Halloween, in college, so I guess that doesn't count for me...
@kwyeewyk wildlife ones.
1. Kicked a cougar in self defense
2. Been flogged by a wild turkey
3. Had a black bear press his nose into my tent <1' above my face.
4. Repeatedly punched two baby mountain goats in wack-a-mole fashion as they tried to play king of the mountain on my tent while I tried to sleep.
5. Had to fend off repeated attacks(?) from a large bull sea lion with my kayak paddle off Vancouver Island.
So what you’re saying is if you aren’t assaulting wildlife, they are assaulting you? 🤣

Pretty nice list actually. I’m surprised shooting puffs of air into a marmot’s face didn’t make the cut.
Chronological order:
1) expelled from high school in 10th grade
2) climbed a volcano in Guatemala and its sister erupted while I was on the summit
3) lived in Panama for 2+ years in the Peace Corps, had my appendix removed there, owned horses, almost cut my thumb off free diving for shellfish in the Pacific with a machete, ate howler monkey, iguanas, etc...
4) collected, recorded, tagged, and released hundreds of endangered fish from all corners of the upper CO River basin working for USFWS
5) canoed/kayaked 400 miles from Lake Winnepeg to Hudson Bay and encountered wolves and polar bear
I climbed Mt Pica (Picia?) when I was 16 . It erupted a year later.
I was hunting with a guy once (Texan of course) and we were sitting out a rain shower under a tree. He had this magnesium fire starter thing and thought I might be impressed to see how well it worked. One strike and he lit his crotch on fire!

Don't know how this story relates to the thread topic, but I did find it funny.
#1 Killed a pope and young whitetail
#2 Won 2 state championship motorcross races
#3 Married my wife the day after her 18th birthday, 24 years ago and she wasn’t even pregnant 😆 Still going strong.
#4 Got into a fight with a neighbor who stole a nice 8pt deer rack off my porch and got a knife pulled on me. (Got it back)
#5 Filleted and ate a possible state record fish. No regrets.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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