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5 things about you.

1. Haven't shaved my mustache in 32 years
2. Drove over 115,000 miles on out of state hunts
3. Shot a dove off a wire from a roof with a pneumatic nail gun
4. Helped 18 friends and or family members kill their first Elk & 3 kill their first Oryx
5. Scared of snakes
1. Double total hip replacement (right side 14 years before the left one ). Not great genetics that I pray I didn’t pass on to my kids.

2. I’ve been known to eat termites (lived in Kenya as a kid). Also have had eland, warthog, impala, Thompson’s and Grant‘s gazelle, oryx, Cape Buffalo, wildebeest, topi, Koch’s hartebeest, and an assortment of francolins/Guinea fowl. Dad also took lessor and greater kudu, leopard, and elephant but I don’t think that meat made it home, and for sure the waterbuck and zebras weren’t served at home.

3. Had a near miss brush with a spitting cobra that was hiding in the campfire woodpile. And I can tell you the “siafu” (safari ants) bites are painful!

4. Had cold weather gear issued to me for my mobility bag as a USAF dental officer. Had Desert Storm caused large death numbers, I would have gone to Dover AFB where there is a huge morgue set up in an airplane hanger for mass casualty body identification.

5. USAF marksman award for the one and only time shooting a handgun.
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Which two were the most under and overrated?
Not sure if I can really answer that. States get a lot of talk and advertising that gives impressions ahead of time. The big ones with things you like are pretty much just what you expected once you get there. Some states were just a quick drive through.

Underrated may be hard to believe. Alaska. Even with all of the stories, pictures, TV shows and all that stuff, once I got there I was awestruck. Nothing could compare to what I saw and experienced in person. Every trip had something new. It really is the one place I want to be.

Overrated is tough because I didn't spend a lot of time in most places. Maybe Texas. Went to Ft. Worth for a NASCAR race and hated it. Traffic was a nightmare, the scenery was lacking even in the countryside while headed east to go home, and the BBQ was a letdown just like Memphis both times we went there. Plenty of other states were kind of boring drives looking out the window but it's hard to say what they were really like from that.
Don't let my impressions keep you from going anywhere! We all like different things.
Not sure if I can really answer that. States get a lot of talk and advertising that gives impressions ahead of time. The big ones with things you like are pretty much just what you expected once you get there. Some states were just a quick drive through.

Underrated may be hard to believe. Alaska. Even with all of the stories, pictures, TV shows and all that stuff, once I got there I was awestruck. Nothing could compare to what I saw and experienced in person. Every trip had something new. It really is the one place I want to be.

Overrated is tough because I didn't spend a lot of time in most places. Maybe Texas. Went to Ft. Worth for a NASCAR race and hated it. Traffic was a nightmare, the scenery was lacking even in the countryside while headed east to go home, and the BBQ was a letdown just like Memphis both times we went there. Plenty of other states were kind of boring drives looking out the window but it's hard to say what they were really like from that.
Don't let my impressions keep you from going anywhere! We all like different things.
My mom and step dad went to Alaska like 2 or 3 years ago. Said they really have no desire to vacation anywhere else now.
1. Traveled the Isthmus of Panama; dipped my toes in the Atlantic and Pacific in the same day. Fished in Gatun Lake and ate the fried fish and fried plantains in a little village on the bank.
2. Crossed the equator twice at sea. Yes y’all nasty pollywog slime.
3. Spent 6 months out at sea on an oil rig in the Arabian Gulf without seeing dry land.
4. Lived in the Middle East for 3 years.
5. Been on the flight deck of a plane while midair refueling over the Atlantic.
I want to replace 4. Handled over 24000 kilos of illicit drugs, mainly hashish.
Shot 2 Montana unlimited rams

Jumped out of a helicopter onto the backs, wrestled, and tied up most western big game species

Spent time in 38 countries

Saw the sun rise from the top of an active volcano

In high school and while wearing a tux, I jumped from the roof of a mall onto the roof of a brand new Planet Hollywood. Found a hatch to an opening going into a storage room off the kitchen, and snuck into the grand opening party. Spent about an hour drinking beer and BSing with Bruce Willis. He introduced me to Arnold Shwarzenegger and Demi Moore, but I only spent a few minutes talking to them.
He wins!
I was hunting with a guy once (Texan of course) and we were sitting out a rain shower under a tree. He had this magnesium fire starter thing and thought I might be impressed to see how well it worked. One strike and he lit his crotch on fire!

Don't know how this story relates to the thread topic, but I did find it funny.
I was running a habitat restoration project on a coastal stream with the CCC's. The crew foreman & I knew each other well and had done a lot of projects. Sitting in my truck eating lunch we were talking about the project and the crew.
He said some might become something, a few will be lucky to make it a day.
Just then one of the kids was filling a fuel tank on a chainsaw and spilled some on his pants. He took out a bic and lit it on fire...we just looked at each other.
1. Haven't shaved my mustache in 32 years
2. Drove over 115,000 miles on out of state hunts
3. Shot a dove off a wire from a roof with a pneumatic nail gun
4. Helped 18 friends and or family members kill their first Elk & 3 kill their first Oryx
5. Scared of snakes
I have had mine since the Nam.IMG_0120 (2).JPG
What a cool thread. The experiences and accomplishments from A LOT of you guys are humbling. Pretty tall order to pick out the moments that are defining yet also somewhat unique. I’ll give it a shot.

• Got clean and sober when I was 29. Firmly believe that all good things in my life are only possible as a result of remaining that way.

• Was threatened at knife-point by an elderly woman while backpacking through Chilean Patagonia because I mistakenly pooped in her bathroom.

• To my complete and utter shock, I was voted Prom King of my large, Southern California high school. (Kept waiting for the pig blood to be dumped on my head, but it never happened.)

• Have close to 100 letters and emails from former students telling me how my class changed their lives for the better.

• Am currently working on a prototype for a machine that my kids (four and six) invented that can make you a super hero and changes your body to suit your personality. Like for example, if you’re a really sweet person, the machine will turn your blood into cake frosting and you’ll be able to shoot sugar out of your eyes.

Here’s the mock-up of what my daughter said it would turn her brother into:


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