4 year olds with guns

There is no minimum age to hunt in Washington, although there is currently legislation in place to establish a minimum age that a hunter must be accompanied by an adult.

Montana has a very good quality hunter ed program, similar to Washington's. We don't have issues with kids being unsafe. However, at times the instructors do have issues with kids who don't have the maturity level to be in the class.

I think waiving hunter ed requirements for any reason is a very bad move. I don't think the world will end if 10 year olds can hunt. However, as with anything there will certainly be abuses of it.
The reason is because we have seen this type of Bill pass where we live and know that it works from first hand knowledge. Change is always hard to accept because it's just human nature to not want to change what already seems to be working fine.

We have seen this type of bill fail in three previous sessions.
It's interesting that most folks that don't live here, or that have come here from other states are fully behind this bill. mtmuley

Living my whole life in Montana this is real common. People move here to get away from where they are from, only to try and change Montana to be like where they came from.
Actually the state does decide, as wildlife is a public resource, held in trust by the state, to be managed by the state.
The state should decide what is best for the wildlife,NOT the child.I'm no Biologist but it would seem to me to make no difference whether an animal is removed from the gene pool by an 11 year old or a 90 year old.

I understand that wildlife managers spend as much time if not more managing people these days and thats what this deal looks like to me. If the fine people of MT. are comfortable abdicating their responsibility as parents over to the state,God Bless.
spook12, leave it alone. We don't mess with Arkansas legislative business ... don't mess ours.

There seems to be no shortage of ''Calls for help'' coming out of Montana lately.So which is it, would you guys like a little assistance from time to time or should all of us not from the center of the Universe go pound sand?
Are all parents responsible parents?

Nope, and no bill will change that either. Just the same as not all HS graduates are safe. Not going to change it, some people are irresponsible idiots and some will be until they die.
Ok children...I think it's past all your bedtimes. Can we please let this issue rest? nobody is convincing anybody and we've now wasted 170+ posts arguing a moot point...this bill has zero chance of passing. please...somebody say something really nasty so we can get this thread locked down!
After having read this thread, I've decided there are some parents who live vicariously through their children. Of course my kid can hip shoot at 250 a running pronghorn after hiking 20 miles...been doing it since the day he was 5. Now at age 9 he is proficient in everything outdoors...can't understand why the state and everyone else can't see how little johnny is the best thing since sliced bread as his mommy and I do!

I think a ton of both of my boys. I believe in their abilities...too much. Often times I forget their abilities because I believe they have no limitations and I believe in them so much. Truth is...it doesn't hurt for them to wait. They will grow up fast enough and they will get their "firsts" in their own time. Just as there are minimum ages for many things...this is just one more of those "rights of passage". It may be an abritary age just like drinking, driving, smoking, voting and an age of consent. All are arbritrary ages but the need for minimums is a necessity even if "little Johnny" is far more advanced than everyone else...just ask me, I'm his parent.:)
TLC---You might want to check your facts before you start your spiel next time since you don't even know what your own state of Illinois has under the Apprentice Program to be chastizing someone from MI. What you underlined in your post has nothing to do with the Illinois Apprentice Program and is strictly the rule for that youth hunt. Here is your Illinois Apprentice Law that is good for one year only:

Illinois Apprentice Hunter License Program Expanded To Include Non-Residents:
The following useful information is from an IDNR press release issued 7/18/08. Apprentice hunting licenses allow youngsters ages 10 to 17 to go hunting with a parent, grandparent or guardian who has a valid Illinois resident hunting license.
Individuals 18 and older will also be able to buy an apprentice license, then hunt with any family member or friend who is a licensed Illinois resident hunter.
Apprentice hunting licenses are available through vendors with online licensing terminals, and do not require completion of an ILDNR Hunter Safety course. Illinois Apprentice hunting licenses are valid for only one year, and cannot be renewed. guess you don't understand what this means? not quite the same as being able to get a license every year, is it?
PS: Nobody, including myself, is espousing having a 6 year old out on the mountains in Montana!

first off, when you question someone from that state, you should know what you are talking about. you do not. as usual.

"For hunters just getting started, finding and taking a hunter safety course is required by law for persons born after January 1, 1980. Hunters will learn about safety, ethics and many of the skills to become a successful hunter. After taking the course, a person should learn how to use their hunting weapon and practice with it often until they are proficient in using it."

second, quoting something from 2008, is just plain stupid. even in illinois, they update rules and regulations.

third, they were talking about BIG GAME. illinois has deer. I posted what it takes for a youngster to do that hunt including the ages involved. that's what this is about.
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