Caribou Gear

4 year olds with guns

third, they were talking about BIG GAME. illinois has deer. I posted what it takes for a youngster to do that hunt including the ages involved. that's what this is about.

are deer not BIG GAME? maybe just gophers with long legs??
There seems to be no shortage of ''Calls for help'' coming out of Montana lately.So which is it, would you guys like a little assistance from time to time or should all of us not from the center of the Universe go pound sand?

Just wondering when your parents were going to let you start hunting spook?

The bill:

Maybe I'm off base, but it seems like this bill is a bad idea. I can see how it would be abused by folks looking for that extra buck, encouraging unethical behavior, etc. Maybe I spend too much time with Posewitz as well because I've always felt that if a kid needed to kill something in order to want to hunt, then the adults in that kid's life weren't teaching them the proper respect for the game, the hunt and the weapons used to kill something.

I'm still struggling with this one. What do you guys think?

....cept for you spook. Sure don't want any non-statey swaying the 'tanny legislature. Leave it alone, you've been warned. LMAO

Ben, please be more specific in the future. The restivus will just sit in the corner and bask in the warm glow of Montana's parliamentary brilliance. Good grief.
Do you guys that are for this bill also think that there shouldn't be an age on voting? Drinking? Driving? Gambling? Buying smokes? Purchasing a firearm?

Not trying to stir the pot, just curious if they're different for you guys of not.

I think there SHOULD be a limit on the age to do all of those things, including hunting. I just don't know that the age should be 12, and I'm not sure that a number (age) is really what's important in that regard.

The more that I've thought about this one the less that I'm sure I support it. I would like the opportunity to decide, along with the rest of my family, when our children are ready to take the big step of carrying a dangerous weapon while trying to kill living creatures. My children are no where near that age, so I don't really have any perspective on when that age might come.

What will happen with the point system? It could be ugly. Children starting to accumulate points for (and every once in a while drawing) highly coveted tags.
first off, when you question someone from that state, you should know what you are talking about. you do not. as usual.

"For hunters just getting started, finding and taking a hunter safety course is required by law for persons born after January 1, 1980. Hunters will learn about safety, ethics and many of the skills to become a successful hunter. After taking the course, a person should learn how to use their hunting weapon and practice with it often until they are proficient in using it."

second, quoting something from 2008, is just plain stupid. even in illinois, they update rules and regulations.

third, they were talking about BIG GAME. illinois has deer. I posted what it takes for a youngster to do that hunt including the ages involved. that's what this is about.

***Now go back and underline the preceeding sentence in that other post of yours that shows I'm CORRECT and quit attacking the person like you have done in the past on another site and read what your law actually says! YOU ARE WRONG and your Apprentice License Program is still just like it was when it was introduced and now also allows NRs to hunt there too! You will never admit you're wrong about anything even when it's right on the screen in black and white, LOL! The law in Illinois DOES allow a person to hunt for one year WITHOUT Hunters Ed, but not that special youth hunt you posted trying to make a point that is INCORRECT!!! This is directly from the Illinois website as of this AM Mr. Expert:
Illinois DNR
Apprentice License Information
The purpose of the Apprentice License Program shall be to extend limited hunting privileges, in lieu of obtaining a valid hunting license, to persons interested in learning about hunting sports.
•Provides that an Apprentice Hunter License may be issued to a person of any age.
•Youth under the age of 18 years old must be supervised by a validly licensed resident or nonresident parent, guardian, or grandparent.
•Provides that a person with an Apprentice Hunter License who is 18 years of age or older must be supervised by a validly licensed resident or nonresident hunter who is 21 years of age or older.
•The Apprentice License shall be a one-time, non-renewable license that shall expire on March 31st of the following year.
Apprentice hunting licenses are available through vendors with online licensing terminals, and do not require completion of an ILDNR Hunter Safety course.
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are deer not BIG GAME? maybe just gophers with long legs??

WD, that meant that deer are the only big game we have. guess some may consider turkeys big game?

the DNR says we don't have cougars here. and we don't have a season on bobcats. not sure what they would consider those here.
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Helena IR came out for it.

Parent, not kid has to have taken hunter's safety. Given the many idiots who happen to hunt, I don't think that is right. In addition to what I said earlier I would have to deal with peer pressure from my kid's friends to take him hunting even if he isn't ready for it.

Let them go through the rite of passage at 12 I say. When you don't have to work for something it has little value.

Just my opinion...
"What will happen with the point system? It could be ugly. Children starting to accumulate points for (and every once in a while drawing) highly coveted tags."

***And what, Sir, is wrong with kids starting to acumulate PPs? This sound liks just anther excuse for only the older to hunt and be greedy about the natural resources that all should be able to use.
***Now go back and underline the preceeding sentence in that other post of yours that shows I'm CORRECT and quit attacking the person like you have done in the past on another site and read what your law actually says! YOU ARE WRONG and your Apprentice License Program is still just like it was when it was introduced and now also allows NRs to hunt there too! You will never admit you're wrong about anything even when it's right on the screen in black and white, LOL! The law in Illinois DOES allow a person to hunt for one year WITHOUT Hunters Ed, but not that special youth hunt you posted trying to make a point that is INCORRECT!!! This is directly from the Illinois website as of this AM Mr. Expert:
Illinois DNR
Apprentice License Information
The purpose of the Apprentice License Program shall be to extend limited hunting privileges, in lieu of obtaining a valid hunting license, to persons interested in learning about hunting sports.
•Provides that an Apprentice Hunter License may be issued to a person of any age.
•Youth under the age of 18 years old must be supervised by a validly licensed resident or nonresident parent, guardian, or grandparent.
•Provides that a person with an Apprentice Hunter License who is 18 years of age or older must be supervised by a validly licensed resident or nonresident hunter who is 21 years of age or older.
The Apprentice License shall be a one-time, non-renewable license that shall expire on March 31st of the following year.

not an attack. showing you are wong again. this thread is not about apprentice programs. this thread is about young ones getting guns at an early age. then they started talking about getting big game tags at early ages. I posted what big game illinois has. and the regulations and ages for young ones. and the hunters ed requirement that is state law. your bullchit has nothing to do with either. what you are quoting is about a "give it a try" crap. a one time deal for a general hunt. rabbits, squirrels, birds. and deer tags are not included in that. deal with it. you are wrong. deer tags are either OTC, or by draw.

as far as the attacks on the board. have a feeling most would do the same if you went after their wife for no reason. and doubt many would let you accuse them of burning down their house for the money. you did both. now, go take a picture sitting on top of someone else's elk.
maybe you should read it, and what illinois has. same basic principles as the youth deer tag here. difference is they have more big game. and they both require hunter safety courses.

why did you remove your crap about me getting banned and not you?
WRONG AGAIN Mr. Expert, as a youth can also deer hunt in YOUR state of Illinois on the Apprentice License WITHOUT taking Hunters Ed! You just don't know when to shut up and are making an azz of yourself, LOL! Read this link right off YOUR Illinois DNR website:

PS: Didn't remove anything that is already up here about a ban or any such thing, but good try and don't try to do some BS C/P of yours like you've done before, LOL! I'm done with ya, as you cooked your own goose on this one by spouting off with no research on your own state's requirements!!! You do realize you're not on your own site where you can get away with all your "garbage" don't you?

PPS: Also, quit putting up quotes of mine like you just did up above and then removing the bottom line showing I'm correct---what a loser it show you are when you have to pull crap like that trying to win what is a complete loss on your part!
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It's interesting that most folks that don't live here, or that have come here from other states are fully behind this bill. mtmuley

It's a forum, and reality.

Same has happened here in 20 years. People moving here from out of state = see the link below to understand why?!
the kids wear skinny jeans or dress goth....the parents vote to legalize pot / grow pot, then their friends move here claim they need debt foreberance, qualify for lovely entitlements and changed via vote, who represents us.

Aint life grand!
leopard doesn't change it's spots. still a liar I see.

"PS: Didn't remove anything that is already up here about a ban or any such thing,"

done with your typical know everything bullchit. you still act like you know everything when you are clueless. going to tell someone who has taken kids out on this hunt how it works. typical for you.

maybe you should read ALL the illinois laws?

"a hunter safety course is required by law for persons born after January 1, 1980"
anyone hunting on a youth tag is going to be born AFTER 1980.
TLC: "leopard doesn't change it's spots. still a liar I see"

I'd be very careful using words like that on a site you don't own and run and that is being watched closely now for rules violations as that is most definitely a personal attack! You obviously have a big problem controlling your temper and I'd suggest you quit posting as you are to me because you're just digging a deeper hole you can't get out of. You obviously didn't read the link I posted or lack reading comprehension if you did. Here is the main section of the link from the Illinois DNR website stating I'm correct and it's right here in black and white. A person using an Apprentice License does not need to have gone through a Hunters Ed program and can hunt deer under this paragraph:
Youth Deer Hunt while using an Apprentice Hunter License must be accompanied by a non-hunting,validly-licensed (Illinois hunting license) parent, guardian or grandparent. All other hunters
participating in the Youth Deer Hunt must each be accompanied by a non-hunting supervisor (parent,
guardian or responsible adult) who has a valid Illinois hunting license or who has in his or her
possession a valid Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) Card. The non-hunting supervisor must
wear the orange garments required of gun deer hunters, and must remain with the hunting youth so as
to have the youth under immediate control. Each supervisor may only accompany a single youth at
any given time during the hunt. The supervising adult shall be criminally liable for the actions of the
youth in the hunting party, and be subject to the criminal penalties provided
noharley, what you said, plus 10.

Now back to the original topic. I have a question for the original poster, why the title?
"4 year olds with guns"
I read then re-read the attached article and could not find mention of any 4 year olds hunting at all.
There was however, mention of a 10 year old, who would, by the way be two and a half times as old as the title refers to.

If I am missing where the 4 year olds and other toddlers are mentioned, please point it out to me so I can be corrected. Or give us a hint why someone would used such sensationalized wording tactics on
a forum query looking for the opinion of his fellow sportsmen.
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Sorry it took so many posts to get a couple of points across! As far as your question about the thread title, it would appear that the OP is against the Bill with the followup statements in his post listing various reasons and was just trying to make sure that people saw his thread by using the 4 year old with guns title. It obviously worked to go into this many posts even with us getting sidetracekd somewhat.