4 year olds with guns

4 years is minimum enough for drinking;)...but I don't need a law to define the stewardship....YMMV

...and for 40 years a blonde has made sense to me...again YMMV

Don't you have a bus to catch?:cool:
Here again, is part of the contention in the thread. Down here, we don't carry rifles and hike around the country on a hunt. Putting a kid, regardless of age in a tree stand or a ground blind with a rifle is limiting their field of fire, as well as, limiting any interaction with another hunter, especially considering that we are hunting private land for the most part. The other scenario is placing a child in a specified spot with a shotgun on a dog drive. If the child is mature enough to handle the gun and can be trusted to stay where they've been put, the odds of them accidentally shooting another hunter are pretty much nonexistent. From the very first time I ever put Travis on a deer stand, other hunters have complimented him and commented to me about the fact that he has never moved from his spot. Even when he has shot a deer, he communicates with me by walkie talkie, and has always waited for me to tell him if it's ok to get off of his stand and move the deer or find out if I will come look for it.

I have hunted with guys who are much older, some even older than I am, who aren't that careful. I've even run off guys who wouldn't stay on stand and decided to walk the woods. So, once again, the different style of hunting must also be considered when discussing what constitutes the proper age for a child to be allowed to carry a gun and hunt without an adult standing right beside them.

BTW, any kid that pitches a tantrum, probably hasn't been properly raised and taught. So, there again a responsible parent or guardian must make the proper decision regarding the maturity level of their kids.
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Or mandate a minimum drinking age, voting age, age for driving, etc.

Sometimes, you boys make as much sense as a blonde. ;)

You guys that are against this thing keep using these same arguments, so lets take a second and take a look at each one and see if it advances your argument that those under 12 shouldn't hunt.

Minimum drinking age- Time was in this country there was no minimum drinking age for anyone.The national drinking age act wasn't passed until 1984. The law has many exceptions, consumption for religious practices,drinking in the company of PARENTS or GUARDIANS,medical uses, being a few.

So those of you using drinking age as an argument,the law makes exceptions for the Parent to know what is in the best interest of their child.

Minimum driving age- Once again time was there was no minimum driving age,however as time passed and accidents increased people felt the need to start setting benchmarks,age often being one.

Those of you that like to use this one in your argument,it falls on you to PROVE that there is a greater safety risk to the general public. Those of us in states with lower or no age restrictions are telling you that we aren't seeing it.

Voting age- Prior to the Vietnam War the National voting age was 21 however with the draft age set at 18 wasn't long till those asked to serve their country also wanted a voice in how it was run, so a hell of a battle was fought in the halls of congress and it was lowered to 18.

The best I can tell 21 was just a number snatched out of thin air so a bunch of old white dudes could protect their self interest.Just like all voting rights those under 21 had to fight for them just like ,Woman and African Americans.

If I'm reading the tea leaves right this Bill is going down.It's gonna be a loss to all Montanans that young Fathers like Crittergetter, and Gerald Martin are having their right to decide what is best for ''Their'' kids taken away from them.Just one more case of the Nanny State'' knowing whats best for you and your families.
You guys that are against this thing keep using these same arguments, so lets take a second and take a look at each one and see if it advances your argument that those under 12 shouldn't hunt.

Minimum drinking age- Time was in this country there was no minimum drinking age for anyone.The national drinking age act wasn't passed until 1984. The law has many exceptions, consumption for religious practices,drinking in the company of PARENTS or GUARDIANS,medical uses, being a few.

So those of you using drinking age as an argument,the law makes exceptions for the Parent to know what is in the best interest of their child.

Minimum driving age- Once again time was there was no minimum driving age,however as time passed and accidents increased people felt the need to start setting benchmarks,age often being one.

Those of you that like to use this one in your argument,it falls on you to PROVE that there is a greater safety risk to the general public. Those of us in states with lower or no age restrictions are telling you that we aren't seeing it.

Voting age- Prior to the Vietnam War the National voting age was 21 however with the draft age set at 18 wasn't long till those asked to serve their country also wanted a voice in how it was run, so a hell of a battle was fought in the halls of congress and it was lowered to 18.

The best I can tell 21 was just a number snatched out of thin air so a bunch of old white dudes could protect their self interest.Just like all voting rights those under 21 had to fight for them just like ,Woman and African Americans.

If I'm reading the tea leaves right this Bill is going down.It's gonna be a loss to all Montanans that young Fathers like Crittergetter, and Gerald Martin are having their right to decide what is best for ''Their'' kids taken away from them.Just one more case of the Nanny State'' knowing whats best for you and your families.

...well said. Now get back to pounding sand :D
So, if a father has his 8 year old son and sits with him on a hillside, and a big doe walk by in a over quota area, and the father takes his gun, hands it to his son, helps him get the bipod set up and whispers to him to chamber a round, wait for the deer to stop moving and stop for a broadside shot, and to take his time, do what they practiced and talked about...... This is so big of a danger to whome??? This kind of thing is why the mentor program works. Kids are not shooting adults in the states this has been made the rule. And I am with NoHarley, the title of this first post is very misleading if you did not read the bill. Not saying it is a perfect bill, I would change the part that reads voice contact to arms reach but at least look at this and think about what it could be, not what others want you to think it is. The reality, no 4 year old is going to be shooting at deer.

sir,i would not argue at all,that would be totally acceptable,that is a father teaching his son or daughter to shoot,and take game correctly,and the mentor program is a good idea,we have a program in effect here in oregon,and it works well,but,said child should have a valid youth tag,doe, or buck,and rifle calibure should be limited by the voters,not by the childs father or mother.
So, if a father has his 8 year old son and sits with him on a hillside, and a big doe walk by in a over quota area, and the father takes his gun, hands it to his son, helps him get the bipod set up and whispers to him to chamber a round, wait for the deer to stop moving and stop for a broadside shot, and to take his time, do what they practiced and talked about...... This is so big of a danger to whome??? This kind of thing is why the mentor program works. Kids are not shooting adults in the states this has been made the rule. And I am with NoHarley, the title of this first post is very misleading if you did not read the bill. Not saying it is a perfect bill, I would change the part that reads voice contact to arms reach but at least look at this and think about what it could be, not what others want you to think it is. The reality, no 4 year old is going to be shooting at deer.

sir,i would not argue at all,that would be totally acceptable,that is a father teaching his son or daughter to shoot,and take game correctly,and the mentor program is a good idea,we have a program in effect here in oregon,and it works well,but,said child should have a valid youth tag,doe, or buck,and rifle calibure should be limited by the voters,not by the childs father or mother.
There is a difference between "nanny state" and anarchy. That's where we are presently balanced in Montana. There's no real problem with current regulations .... but, hey, maybe it's time to do away with them so everbody can have their own way. 'Just sayin.

We have enough problems with folks falling in love with Montana, moving here, then wanting to change Montana to be like where they came from. Now we have those not even here yet already wanting their way for Montana folks.

This "hunter apprentice certificate" is a Montana proposal we are discussing, after all.
Having sat through hunter safety with my grandson late last fall, I was really surprised by some of the kids in the class. A couple of itty bitty little girls who obviously didn't want to be there and basically let daddy or whomever know that they could be dragged there, but not made to learn. A couple of teens that I wouldn't want to be in the same drainage with (even after finishing the course), couple of learning challenged kids who asked some good questions, smart kids and not so smart kids.
I took my grandson to his range/field day and watched while they did field practice. It scared the hell out of me. Some of the kids I would guess, would not be able to explain muzzle control. Some looking around while they picked stickers out of their socks.
Obviously all of those parents thought their child was ready, when in fact some were not. Okay, so now that worries me about the parents. Where do we go from here?
Straight Arrow, you're sounding alot like those old ''White dudes'' protecting their own interest.

It sounds like you are ''Presently balanced in Montana''or ''Have no real problem with current regulations''as long as you aren't a father who would want to be responsible for their own kids,a few of whom have said as much in this thread.
There is a difference between "nanny state" and anarchy. That's where we are presently balanced in Montana. There's no real problem with current regulations .... but, hey, maybe it's time to do away with them so everbody can have their own way. 'Just sayin.

We have enough problems with folks falling in love with Montana, moving here, then wanting to change Montana to be like where they came from. Now we have those not even here yet already wanting their way for Montana folks.

This "hunter apprentice certificate" is a Montana proposal we are discussing, after all.

Not unlike any other states who offer supply for demand. Please address the esteemed Mr Lamb's 'what do you guys think of my hypebole' query. I really don't think your legislators are logging on and taking we sand pounders to heart. No?
Spook, you are so wrong ... again. I am a father, grandfather, and also neighborhood central guy for many activities. I also was there as one of those guys who went to VietNam. That issue was not so cut and dried either, as it had more to do with military service, draft age, politics, and many other factors ... certainly none of which was children under 11 packing firearms in Montana.

I hunted here as a kid, have continued for over fifty years, and take my grandkids, nephews kids, and others. My "kid" displays a license plate that says "HuntMax". I am a third generation "balanced in Montana" kind of guy. I respect your right to an opinion and also to express it. I don't have to agree with it. Feel like I put my life on the line to protect that right .... so don't attempt to belittle me when you don't have a clue.
Seems most that are for this bill are not from Montana and are for it because it works well in whatever state they are from. Fairly common as folks move to Montana to "get away from it all" then try and change Montana to be like their home state. See it all the time.

I wonder if anyone has ever left Montana "to get away from it all" and moved to AR, TX, or WI.? :D

No offense,,,and Ben really did mean it. :) Really.
Spook, you are so wrong ... again. I am a father, grandfather, and also neighborhood central guy for many activities. I also was there as one of those guys who went to VietNam. That issue was not so cut and dried either, as it had more to do with military service, draft age, politics, and many other factors ... certainly none of which was children under 11 packing firearms in Montana.

I hunted here as a kid, have continued for over fifty years, and take my grandkids, nephews kids, and others. My "kid" displays a license plate that says "HuntMax". I am a third generation "balanced in Montana" kind of guy. I respect your right to an opinion and also to express it. I don't have to agree with it. Feel like I put my life on the line to protect that right .... so don't attempt to belittle me when you don't have a clue.

Straight Arrow

First I NEVER meant to belittle you.Thanks for your service, I've done my share of the heavy lifting too.

I have never once advocated for ''anarchy'' as you suggested in your post above,but these crazy laws and statutes that are based on the lowest possible denominator are, well stupid in my opinion.Lets see, no one should drive because someone else got a DWI?
Are you not offended that your state passed a law that basically says that ''Others'' know how you should raise these Kids and Grandchildren that you are obviously proud of?Do you feel good about imposing how you feel a child should be raised on Critter or Gerald or any other young man in MT.
Seems most that are for this bill are not from Montana and are for it because it works well in whatever state they are from. Fairly common as folks move to Montana to "get away from it all" then try and change Montana to be like their home state. See it all the time.

I wonder if anyone has ever left Montana "to get away from it all" and moved to AR, TX, or WI.? :D

No offense,,,and Ben really did mean it. :) Really.

UH YEAH. Your talking about a human condition that has been going on since before recorded history.People have ALWAYS taken their customs,religion and traditions with them. Not unique to Montana.
Seems most that are for this bill are not from Montana and are for it because it works well in whatever state they are from. Fairly common as folks move to Montana to "get away from it all" then try and change Montana to be like their home state. See it all the time.

I wonder if anyone has ever left Montana "to get away from it all" and moved to AR, TX, or WI.? :D

No offense,,,and Ben really did mean it. :) Really.

No offense taken...really. ;) I know what Ben meant...and he's good at it.
...chirp, chirp.

UH YEAH. Your talking about a human condition that has been going on since before recorded history.People have ALWAYS taken their customs,religion and traditions with them. Not unique to Montana.

Looks like I was wrong.:D:p