PEAX Equipment

4 year olds with guns

huntme, you said " rifle calibure should be limited by the voters,not by the childs father or mother."

Like I've said, this is obviously a Montana problem to be addressed by Montanans; but, isn't this portion of the comment similar to Obama and the liberal gun grabbers attitudes towards semi-automatic rifles? Do you REALLY want a bunch of non-hunting, uneducated about gun voters making the decisions about what caliber of rifle or gauge of shotgun you can hunt with? Isn't that one of the problems in those states that require muzzle loaders and shotguns only? Or the states where a pistol caliber is all that's legal for hunting deer?

As for the comments about people moving to Montana and trying to change the state into a semblance of where they came from; that's the problem when you receive a large group of transplants. We in the South are quite experienced with this problem, so I sympathize wholeheartedly with that attitude. Here in SC, we're even having our seasons, limits, and traditions challenged and changed by non-resident hunters, at least you're dealing with people who actually live and pay taxes in your state. I believe that those of us from other states who have posted on this thread, have simply tried to legitimize the fact that any age minimum requirements established by the state simply can not be scientifically quantified as an absolute and as such is strictly just an arbitrary age pulled out of a hat. How would you feel if the minimum age were to be upped to 21? Would that then be an acceptable age? I seriously doubt it, but if the state established it as the law, how many of you would be willing to go along with such an obviously arbitrary limit?
Why not let the nonresidents make your hunting laws, you let them pay for your F&G budget :D
BAM!! that just happened! LOL
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Bam? No. I believe the proper urban slang would be "Banziga" but will need verification from NHY.

7minutes? Dude I was driving home.
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Im thinking the guys here that dont like the idea are just worried a 10 year old kid is going to harvest a bigger animal than they have shot:rolleyes:The kids dont get any respect in the aspect anyway.I use to take a coworkers boy hunting on youth metor hunts.he shot a nice buck with me one year and does the other years.The year he shot the buck I heard rumors saying that I had shot it because there was no way a 11 year old boy could have done that.That kid was safe when he hunted with me,safer than some of the people that had been through hunters saftey that you would expect to be safe.
Bam? No. I believe the proper urban slang would be "Banziga" but will need verification from NHY.

7minutes? Dude I was driving home.

You juxtaposed 'bazinga's' consonants...but you'd never admit it.:D

BTW, that word is gayer than LOL....or LULZ:hump:
Spook, No proof. My opinion. Why are you so interested in whether or not we in Montana choose to decide if this is a good idea for our state and our kids? mtmuley
Spook, No proof. My opinion. Why are you so interested in whether or not we in Montana choose to decide if this is a good idea for our state and our kids? mtmuley

Why are you not? I find it hard to believe that in this day and time, the parents of Mt. need yet one more regulation put upon them from on high.

Lets look at some of the reasons put forth in this thread not to give the Parents of Mt. the right to introduce their children to hunting at a time,and in a matter of their choosing.

Safety- I think we have established that, hasn't been the case in other states.

Gate way to poaching- A legitimate concern,better addressed through better enforcement, then stepping on the rights of Moms and Dads IMHO.

Not enough game to go around- I'm guessing that is what we should call it when guys who started off on this thread, dead set against,came around to say that they could accept the bill if kids where filling mom and dads tags and not their own. Don't you guys have lots of leftover tags and lots of areas that are over objective?

Supported by guys from somewhere other than MT.- Really! Grow up.

Someone please give me one'' REAL'' reason that Moms and Dads shouldn't be making this decision for their Children.

You're talking out of your act as though MT is just now trying to impose an age limit on hunting.

Heres something to think Dad took Hunters Safety in Montana, in 1957, at age 12...the first year he could legally hunt.

Spare me, the "we're losing kids because they cant have their own tags at 5 years old":

Spook. Like I've said, it is my opinion that the mentor program is not a good idea for Montana. MY opinion, but not mine alone. I have my reasons, some of which have been addressed here. I first learned of the bill in our local paper. It was introduced by a Sen. that is an outfitter. Two of the biggest supporters he has are a taxidermist and another outfitter. Coincedence? I don't know. I threw this out at work and to my hunting buds, and not a lot of support was shown. What we have works was the recurring answer. I can appreciate your opinion. Try to understand mine. My REAL reason that parents shouldn't be making this decision for their kids? As much as everyone would like to believe it, some parents just aren't equipped to make the decision. mtmuley
I threw this out at work and to my hunting buds, and not a lot of support was shown. What we have works was the recurring answer. I can appreciate your opinion. Try to understand mine. My REAL reason that parents shouldn't be making this decision for their kids? As much as everyone would like to believe it, some parents just aren't equipped to make the decision. mtmuley

Going to tell them parents they can't spank the kid too? I mean really, it is your business right?
If you co-workers and buddies dont support it, the best thing for them if it passes is to make the right choice as a parent and not let their kid shoot a gun until he is ready in the parents mind regardless if he is 12 or older. Oh wait a minute, that would be doing kind of the opposite of letting a parent make the choice.
Yea I am being a douche, but it sounds like you guys are not even open to this even if there was changes made to the bill involving tag allotment and arms reach rules. You guys must be the kind of kid that was not allowed to own a BB gun when you were 6 "because you will shoot your eye out";) Oh and I forgot to mention, Obama thinks your kids high school football sport is too risky and kids are getting hurt, he might have to do something about that because the parents are not equipped to make that choice either. Good grief
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You're talking out of your act as though MT is just now trying to impose an age limit on hunting.

Heres something to think Dad took Hunters Safety in Montana, in 1957, at age 12...the first year he could legally hunt.

Spare me, the "we're losing kids because they cant have their own tags at 5 years old":


Show me one time where I have said anything even close to ''we're losing our kids because they cant have their own tags at 5''.I have said multiple times that i think that this bill should be passed to give the parents the choice.

You have made your thoughts about your former fellow Montanans very clear, you know the ones that are gonna poach every animal they see if their kids get tags?

As for your little red herring reference, Ask Critter,Carrion, Gerald or what i suspect are any number of Dads if its real or not.

As to my question can you offer up a ''REAL''reason.