Kenetrek Boots

2025 Garden!

No. We have a little lean to where we store the yard tools. Our chickens would get in there and nest. Made a mess.

So I caged it off with some 6 foot 2x4 inch horse fence I had. Works good at keeping the chickens out.

But the damn starling, sparrows and finches go in there by the hundreds.

Like worse than the pigeons in "Steel Magnolias" absolute pain in the ass.
All in good fun. Barn swallows do the same shit here. But they eat mosquitoes, so they get a pass.
First pass rototilling my garden. I added a pickup load of free compost from the city + 300 lb of bagged steer manure. I don't use the fresh stuff because it contains too many weed seeds. I will probably give this about 3 or 4 more passes of the rototiller before I plant anything. Radishes and a few root crops will go in about this coming Wednesday.

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All of my plants I have started indoors are about 2” tall and I need to move to a bigger container this week. I’ve started cherry and big boy tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts jalepenos, and bell peppers,
I hear you there. I got a bunch of Early Girl tomatoes that are over 12" in red drinking cups. Going to put some in walls of water outside Wednesday. I get a lot of early tomatoes using the walls of water and using them also to start other things like sunflowers, peppers and maybe squash.
We had a glorious day yesterday. Hit in the mid 70's. Everything is wanting to wake up and start growing. Some trees the buds are swelling. I keep telling them not to rush just yet.
I had 2 asparagus shoots come up waiting on the rest. I have a handful of strawberry plants greening up.
Looks like the raspberries survived. Not sure on the black berries. But I did water them all.
My lettuce is going wild. Just haven't had time or remember to go pick some.
Now we are cooling back down and a possible chance of snow this weekend.
I'm jealous of you guys in the Deep South with all of your greenery and growing plants.
I didn't start any seeds this season will buy my plants. But waiting on that because I don't want to have to buy a lot of propane to get the plants through a couple of months of growing before I can plant outside.
So I'll keep working on my garden stuff and prepping. Right now I'm watering the beds to get moisture down into them. It's that dry here already.
Good luck everyone
I put some onions in the ground the other day, but the next seven days are supposed to be cold and wet. If it don't warm up soon, I don't know what kind of garden I'll have this year.
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