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2025 Garden!

It’s growing so good I can’t keep up lol
In about early June when I’m done bear hunting will plant tomatoes, beans, peas, lettuce and carrots. Less potatoes and way more tomatoes this year and beans. Home made pasta sauce is where it’s at I don’t think I’ll ever be able to buy pasta sauce again. Last fall we planted 20 or so raspberry canes so we will see how they make out and hopefully can get some raspberries this summer
I relocated all my raspberry and blackberry plants last spring. I babied them all summer. Then we bought a bunch of cattle panels and fenced them off from the deer. This summer I should have fruit again. We have planted 5 fruit trees since we moved here. 2 have survived. Won't plant anymore. Too costly have to fence them off from the deer too. I have all my old dog kennel panels up around everything in the yard to keep the deer out.
It sure doesn't look like gardening anytime soon. Warmed up to 42 yesterday and had water moving all over. Snow went down but it's 17* so far this morning. Cost way to much to heat greenhouse around the clock with propane heaters.
The local Amish have great plants they are selling now. That is where I bought those monster tomato plants will buy all my plants there this spring.
Have to have tomato, pepper and cucumber plants inside too much wind here it beats the plants to death. Onions, carrots and green beans and corn I grow outside. Sometimes I can get the cucumbers to grow outside. The new big greenhouse I grew gherkins in last year and those crazy plants just kept producing until I got tired of them. Only thing I can't seem to grow and get to ripen fully is acorn squash. I tried to grow in the new greenhouse even tried to pollenate by hand got one squash. Easier to buy from a guy who comes in with a trailer load of veggies and fruit in the late summer. Won't plant spuds anymore either. They use too much water and I have to use well water for everything. I sure miss my old place with its unlimited spring water.

The frame for the new greenhouse. We used the frame from those cloth type carports then put the wood up. Use polycarbonate panels that are sun rot resistant. We've built 4 houses with the polycarbonate panels there was one old greenhouse on the place then bought a real nice greenhouse from the Amish. I'm going to have to plant flowers outside the door and maybe inside to get pollinators inside to pollinate some of the plants.

Heck I had deer walk into that greenhouse last year walk clear to the back and try to eat a couple of tomatoes. They stepped over a panel I had made to keep the bunnies out. I had to make a panel out of the cattle panels to keep them out. At least it isn't elk!


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Thats something I've been thinking about doing here too.
I used to work for a restoration company and really enjoyed some of the native project we did. I think everyone should have a small pollinator plot in their yard. They definitely aren’t maintenance free as you have to learn what are weeds and what are flowers, but prairie plant gardens are awesome.
We are having a false spring. Everything is melting and water running everywhere. Temps are in the upper 40's. This is getting everyone fired up. Neighbor was talking about getting things into her greenhouse. She said it's so warm in there and then we asked what the temp was at night. At $3.43 a gallon for propane she can't afford to run a heater non stop for very long. I haven't gotten the garden bug yet. To many shoulder and back issues right now.
Had a decent day for a change. Was able to work outside w/o a jacket. Got the fruit trees pruned, thinned the raspberry cane's, worked on training the blackberries, cut back the asparagus and even found some optimistic crocuses sprouting in the flower beds.
Forecast looks like the ground should warm up enough in the next week or two to plant onion sets.



Thanks for the reminder. I need to go cut the asparagus off and start pruning too. Can finally walk out in the yard and touch turf.
70 today here. Lettuce has sprouted and I pulled a little soil back to check that peas are coming along nicely, should sprout this week.
the start of my garden. Picture is Early Girl Tomaes that will go into walls of water towards end of March in the garden. I also have a hot version of mucho nacho jalapenos, onions and lots of marigolds (companion plants for tomatoes and jalapenos). Can't wait for full blown garden season to get going. Rototilling the arden this coming weekend and getting radishes and carrots into ground.

Spread a yard and a half of mushroom soil on the garden today. Luckily the landscape supply still had some left from last year.
Planted my onion sets and gambled with some lettuce, spinach and radish seeds. No extreme cold in the long range forecast. Worst case I'm out $6 worth of seed, best case I'll be enjoying salads from the garden early this year.
61 degrees this afternoon and down to a t-shirt turning over soil.

Keep On= lucky stiff. Weather peeps calling for an inch of snow tomorrow. 17* Thursday night.
Don't plant anything outside before June unless it's a sure thing on Temps.
Keep On= lucky stiff. Weather peeps calling for an inch of snow tomorrow. 17* Thursday night.
Don't plant anything outside before June unless it's a sure thing on Temps.
Where I'm at Mothers day is the proverbial wisdom for last frost date. I will usually gamble late April if the long range forecast looks good and put a few tomatoes and peppers in early.