2024 Garden!

Cold or rain?

Both. It won't stop raining, which would be fine if we had average temps, but it's been colder than usual. We're finally getting normal temps this week.

On the other hand, I've never seen the landscape this green. Driving down grid roads with 2-3 feet of grass on each side feels like driving down a tunnel. Slough that have been dry for the past 10 years are filling up, definitely happy about that. Losing 15 bucks worth of seeds is a small price to pay I guess!
Both. It won't stop raining, which would be fine if we had average temps, but it's been colder than usual. We're finally getting normal temps this week.

On the other hand, I've never seen the landscape this green. Driving down grid roads with 2-3 feet of grass on each side feels like driving down a tunnel. Slough that have been dry for the past 10 years are filling up, definitely happy about that. Losing 15 bucks worth of seeds is a small price to pay I guess!
Sounds like a good summer for duck production on the prairie.
Like Sask our cucumber and most of our beans and peas don’t come up or got flooded out. Potatoes and carrots seem to be doing well. Replanted peas, beans and cucumbers a couple weeks ago. Cucumbers in particular seem to be doing good off the replant so far
I think the top ones would have been less aggressive. That was really something there. Didn't even think about your catch on the spelling. 😉
It was kind of a big revelation for me years ago when I discovered the band was spelled differently than the bug.
The first BLT of the season with tomato and lettuce from the garden is something I look forward to all season. It didn't disappoint.
Finished lunch off with some peaches from our trees in milk.
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We're a lot slower to get the garden going in Wyoming but I am sure enjoying it! This is my front yard potager garden, we have tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, strawberries, beans, peas, three kinds of mint, rhubarb, basil, thyme, oregano, chives, onions, garlic, spinach, lettuce, carrots, kale, parsley, rosemary, all mixed in together with roses and other companion flowers. I've been harvesting herbs to dry, and making strawberry jam, and any extra leafy greens get preserved for winter before they go to seed in this heat. My amazing husband let me turn the lawn completely into garden and built me a lovely white picket fence for the climbing roses and tomatoes.


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