Caribou Gear Tarp

2023 Garden!

The snow is just now melting off the raised beds. The night temps are still going into the teens and the day temps are barely getting above freezing. I've still got 2 months before I can think about planting. This never ending winter is just about to get to us. It snowed off and all most of the afternoon yesterday. Give us a break! Posting pictures of flip flops and green things.
I started broccoli and cauliflower yesterday when it was 57 degrees, it snowed 5” last night but my 2023 garden has officially started! I plan on tilling up a new area and spreading out this year! Your pictures last year inspired me and I plan on trying to keep it looking weed free this year! Post up your garden pictures, what you have planted or plan on planting this year!

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You don’t have a cat. That is what I see in that pic. Lol
Just waiting for April 15th…Tomatoes…some spicy peppers (Habanero, Ghost(?), Serranno’s…. My neighbor makes the Jalapenos…maybe some onions. And lots and lots of spices…Basil is getting a heavy planting this year)…

looking forward to this!
I'm probably a little early but I haven't had a garden in a few years ago I'm too excited to wait. When I moved to TN in 2021 I planned to get chickens and have a garden in 2022. Then I got the compression fracture in back in February 2022 which risky screwed up my spring plus anything that involved bending over in any way. So this year I'm making up for lost time.

I have two 8'x4' raised beds which are 3' deep. Over the last week I've planted sugar snap peas, purple husk pink eye beans, cucumbers, carrots, spinach, red Cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, and butternut squash. Within the next two weeks I'll be adding cherry, Roma, and heirloom beefsteak tomatoes, poblano peppers, collard greens, yellow onion, and Brussel sprouts. Given my size limitations I'm not growing a lot of any particular plant obviously.

And we picked up 6 ISA Brown baby hens a couple weeks ago. It's been a good start to spring.
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Have any of you tried seeding cereal rye after early harvested crops (Mid aug to mid sept) and then cutting with psythe once the anthers on the heads appear the following spring? We plant crops that do okay without much N, anything viney, cucumbers, even tomatoes. Basically no til the starts in and then replace the rye straw around seedling. It has worked very well for us in keeping quite weed-free all season. Much easier then mulch.
Great for all of you and your sprouts.
We got another 2" or so of snow today. Snow predicted until next Tuesday.🤬
Peach tree is ready to bloom. One really cold night expected next week (Tuesday). Hope flowers can hold off few more days. Didn't grow anything from seed this year. I will plant limited garden as two puppies are year older and have calmed the F down a bit. They usually get into everything while I'm at work.
Great for all of you and your sprouts.
We got another 2" or so of snow today. Snow predicted until next Tuesday.🤬
We are supposed to get severe storms this afternoon with a high near 60 today. Tonight it’s supposed to get to the teens and get an inch of snow.
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