Kenetrek Boots

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  1. F

    The Caribou bull??

    I Killled the caribou in 2000. The yetti was with me on that hunt and alot of others.(thats what hunting partners are for, Right??) I dont check in here very often anymore. I just finished school and am busy building a house in southern Montana. I dont understand where this post is...
  2. F

    Got Pussy?

    Yeah you got me pegged. BB it is. I think a trip to the red garter may be in order. Have you ever been to indy? Bring small bills. What kind of dogs do you run? Ive got red tics. You guys out west seem to tree alot more cats than over here. Whats the secret? later Brendan
  3. F

    Got Pussy?

    No you dont have to bring a teddy. I willl be there in the booth for RAC and I imagine we'll be killing a few beers with the Soprano brothers. By the way that was a great moose Weisner killed with you. How many quotas are filled out in your neck of the woods? Ive only dumped on one female...
  4. F

    Got Pussy?

    Casey, Are you the same casey that is sharing a room with Tony Permanian at the AMO? Btw nice tom! Just curious Brendan
  5. F

    I heard a secret!

    I hope nobody thinks I gave two sh!ts about what was posted. You couldnt say a thing to hurt my feelings. I've got skin like a rhino when it comes to that sh!t. I just hope no one is offended by my name!! Give me a break about the kids and women. Why would a kid who hasn't heard a swear...
  6. F

    World Record Roosevelt shot in Oregon

    There is a photo of the bull on the Boone and Crockett Web site. Click on trophy watch.
  7. F

    Isn't it time for a BIG ELK Contest??

    By the way congrats to Kiwihunta on passing the magical 400 mark in posts. Glad I was there to see it!! Where in NZ are you from? I have a buddy who is going to school at the U of Waicutta(sp).
  8. F

    Isn't it time for a BIG ELK Contest??

    Gayhunter- Ive killed other big bulls on public land that were good eating. If your trying to say your elk are toughter and harder to hunt than mine, save it. It doesnt matter where you kill an elk, an old bull is solitary and lives better. Herd elk AKA cows and rags i've found much...
  9. F

    Isn't it time for a BIG ELK Contest??

    That is not true about big bulls being tough. By far the two best eating elk I have ever tasted were 10 1/2 and 11 1/2. A good meat elk also has a monster head. Guys that kill the "village idiot" aka rag or spike make that crap up. Big bulls live an easier life than smaller bulls. They lay...
  10. F

    Isn't it time for a BIG ELK Contest??

    Not a problem. Im in. Lets make a separate category for traditional shooters and call it the RETARD category. I just want to see who is the dummest guy on the board.
  11. F

    Isn't it time for a BIG ELK Contest??

    Wait a minute. Lets have this contest be your biggest bull ever. Thats fair. When do we post. Lets go biggest bull of your hunting career and let the chips fall where they may. Gross or net either way. BB
  12. F

    What did Moosie's Bull Score?

    322 gross 316 net. The picture with it on WW back has me thinking that. Beams are shorter than most have guessed.
  13. F

    OK.. Some more Pictures and a short Story...

    Nice bull Moosie. I like the way his royals tip out. I assume your going to mount him...again!!
  14. F


    Nice Bull. Glad to see the "aught Six" is shooting straight for ya. That is a tremendous field photo. Did you get him in the garage???
  15. F

    Little Sky downs his first buck!

    Congrats Little sky. NIce buck. Alot bigger than my first. You must have one hell of a guide!!!
  16. F

    Bull Busted In Bitterroot Burns

    Good bull Ernie. Congrats. Now you'll have to chase around some of those bitteroot whiteys with your bow. BB
  17. F

    Bull Busted In Bitterroot Burns

    Good bull Ernie. Congrats. Now you'll have to chase around some of those bitteroot whiteys with your bow. BB
  18. F

    yetti pics...

    I think what is more impressive than the deer and antleope is the fact that the yetty single handedly shut down that place is dead. Now that is a feat. The other amazing thing is how that hat stays on his head.
  19. F

    yetti pics...

    I think what is more impressive than the deer and antleope is the fact that the yetty single handedly shut down that place is dead. Now that is a feat. The other amazing thing is how that hat stays on his head.
  20. F

    Eastern MT Action!

    Good buck Kurtis. Im going to guess him at 140.5687 gross. Am I close?? seriously nice looking deer. Did you kill him Ice Fishing? that looks like a pretty flat spot!!!
Caribou Gear

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