Kenetrek Boots

Isn't it time for a BIG ELK Contest??

FGH, kind of a bad deal happened with the meat on that bull. September in AZ is very warm still, it took quite awhile to get him out. I pretty much knew the meat was ruined. Took him to the processer and he verified it.

I agree though, some of the best elk meat I have had was from older class bulls.
No disgreement here, prerut before they get all manky and red eyed and still all fat from tussock and broadleaf browsing are good,younger stags seem to be worse, I think from running around trying to cut out some girls from the big fellas, must be the adrenaline in the blood ?.
Good stuff guys. I guess I had never really thought about it but my 6 point bull was much much better than my 5 point. But then my spike was pretty good too.. Maybe its the raghorns that are bad...You guys crack me up.. You funny bastards!
Gayhunter- Ive killed other big bulls on public land that were good eating. If your trying to say your elk are toughter and harder to hunt than mine, save it.
It doesnt matter where you kill an elk, an old bull is solitary and lives better. Herd elk AKA cows and rags i've found much tougher to eat. Like greenhorn said earlier the better. Obviously this is just my opinion.
By the way congrats to Kiwihunta on passing the magical 400 mark in posts. Glad I was there to see it!!

Where in NZ are you from? I have a buddy who is going to school at the U of Waicutta(sp).
lol fgh ;Waikato mate in the city of Hamilton. chit 400, I might write something worthwhile in time.
Lsten up Horny,ya chit head
Waikato is a province in the Central North Island of New Zealand, Hamilton is the Main City,any other Hamilton,s don't count mate :D
I'm in!! I'll take the strippers anywhere, doesn't have to be the Bahamas :cool: My bull will win, my taxidermist assures me of this! :D
DUDE.. I won't check Email Till Wed !!! NOW I'll have to go into the Office.. You're the 2nd dam person that said they've Emailed something

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