
What did Moosie's Bull Score?

I'd say 339.....and I'm still waiting on the winners prize from the last guessing contest...Greenhorn's 1st elk of the year...that I was closest to the final score. I think a new H2 was the prize...but I have yet to see it :rolleyes:

BTW...Elkhunter, there is the pic we were looking for...LMAO :D
Tom--only the inside spread measurement is used for scoring all others are used to mark the horns, if you will for characteristics--in case someone else tried to enter it---chris
going to give my official guess--

main beam 47"
17" + 16" + 12" + 19" + 11" = 75"
circs 23" x 2 = 46"
inside spread--42"

332" net + 6/8 = 332 6/8 net and thats it...chris
hunter, Even if you don't visit much, Anyone that stops by if FAMILY !!!! GOOD guess.. WRONG, but good guess :D

I'll have the Score up in 2 days. I want to RE-RUN the tape over it and HAve a NON-BIAS party do the same. I want the score to be Exact.

CAN I GIVE ya hint ?!?!? 99% of you are high.. ANd that's in the Scoring, not from CRACK :D :D

Don't feel bad, Greeny's wrong too

I like HOW Chris and Greeny broke it all out though !!!!
SURe.. If ya want to chew the FAT over the phone.. I'll call ya !!

HELL.. I'm already in trouble wit hthe wife for staying up this late.... Might as well add a long distance bill to it ;) (Just kidding on the BILL.. I get long distance free, ANd after my Montana trips.. I'm DAM GLAD !!!!!
Whats the state code ? When I call Switzerland it's 011-41- then their #'s

MAybe I'll call, BUt you have to be nice like Chris was ;) :D :D

But tonights not the night... CUZ Moosie is gonig to BED !!!!!!

(Shoot me off an Email with your # and the time Diff. Kiwi !!)
Congrats on a nice elk! Looks like 46-47 inch beams, 40ish spread. Hmmm a few calculations..... I'd say about 324ish.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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