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AK story...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
The shadows decrease over the valley as the Morning sun glistened off the ice that formed overnight on the tussock grass. The excitement inside choked out the bitter cold that…… OK, OK,… Enough of that Crap, I hate Stories that start that way, Here is mine

The planning was a lot of fun and spending months at it helped me out a lot. I trimmed the weight of our gear down but was still 6 pounds over weight at the Check in. We had 8#’s more food then I was expecting but I was a bit worried of not having enough. Lemme tell you, I had WAY more food then I needed. We adjusted the weight and we were set !!

Well ,LBG picked us up from the Airport. He recognized me because I’m probably the only one that shows up to the Airport with Penguin Pajama pants and a muscle shirt. We Headed South To Soldotna and got all our gear weighed in. We spent the next day getting last min items after looking for some black bear in the morning. We were able to Spot a Sow and cubs in the Morning and in the evening but nothing we could shoot. We had a last good night sleep in the Aspen Hotel in Soldotna and relaxed “Moosie Style” in the Hot tub !!!

The morning of the Flight out on the Bush plane it was pretty exciting. We loaded up our Stuff and we were off sooner then I expected. We shared our plane with another hunter and his 3 hunting partners were in the other plane.

The Day was just awesome. We flew out with High Adventure . Tom was Very helpful in making the First trip a good one. He answered all my questions and brought up stuff I probably should have known but didn’t ask. Those that asked me about them and I said I’d let you know when I got back. I’ll let you know now they get the 2 thumbs up !! (PS, I don’t get anything for promoting them or anything, just incase it looks that way, I was truly happy with the service, Barring us getting any moose or ‘Bou).

The day was clear and our plane weight load was low. We were able to fly over the Mountains instead of through the pass. We took many a pictures of the mountain tops that we flew over.

We landed on a lake were we refueled and set off to the place and dropped off our other passenger. Then we went to an area that they had ready for us. We were fortunate to get to see 2 moose from the air but only got a Quick video of one of them. You can’t hunt the first day you land so we quickly set up the tent and the wait was on. It was hard to just sit around camp for the day but it was an experience for some days to come.

There was no waiting to hit the Snooze button on Day 2 (the first day of hunting). We got up well before light and the alarm and warmed up the water needed for our Dehydrated Bacon/egg breakfast. Since hunting was right out of camp we stuck around till we could see a little. From the air, it looked like visibility would be good. Walking through the brush the first day would prove to be quiet different from the view that we saw from the air. We walked out were we had seen the Moose the day prior but came across nothing. We glassed over an Open Field and about 1 mile away I saw a Moose. It was Very high in the Hills but we thought we could get to it. Little did we know a short mile hike would turn into a 2.5 hour Adventure. We bumped a moose on the Way through the thick Bushes. We tried to call a bit but he was having nothing to do with us. We never got to see him so we continued on. The bush was thick and the hiking was hard. We would never catch glimpse of that moose again.

Once we got high on the hill we surveyed the Land and got our bearings that we’d need for the next few days. We saw a Cow ‘bou and it was pretty neat to get kind-a close to it as it fed across the Hillside.

We glassed the hills and the Valley was too thick to see into it, but we tried. We stayed out all day and then Hiked back to camp at dark. The realization that this hunt wasn’t all cookies and Cream had finally set in. That night we slept a bit better. With thoughts of how to Attack the Morning hunt. We established a game plan and hit the hay.

We awoke and headed out right at light. We hadn’t gotten to far from Camp and heard a bull moose. In order for it not to wind us we needed to cut back the way we came and Sneak around. I had been walking behind my dad the whole time. As I turned around I saw it through the trees to my right. I through up the gun and Estimated it at 54”-55”. My dad was trying to slip around to get a view and hopefully a shot at it. As he cut back behind me he saw it and knew if it took a step it would be gone. He said “Shoot it”. I took the shot. It was only about 40 yards and I jacked in another shell and it was Gone. Being so thick I couldn’t even tell which direction it took off and didn’t hear a thing. Maybe the shot was still ringing in my ears or something ?!?!

We spent the next several hours looking for a blood trail but didn’t see one. We tried locating the bull but never did. I figured there was no way I could have missed it being only 40 yards away but something must have happened I was sure. It should have just dumped over. The rest of the Day brought nothing.

The next morning we went out in the same area and did a big loop around the area. We came in from the other side and as the hunting god’s came forth, we found the moose. The prior day was in the 70’s and the Moose had been out in the sun all day. This day was no different. We took a few quick pictures and started the cutting. The smell of the animal was already there and cutting into it just assured us of what we had feared.

As we were cutting it we had to endure the Fly’s, Mosquito’s and the gnats. Unfortunately we had to encounter the smell of Fauling meat too. We did our best to get it back to camp and cool it down but it wasn’t enough. The warm days and not cool enough night prior had done mother natures toll.

We took the next day off relaxing from the prior hiking and cutting of the large animal. High Adventure showed up that morning and got the meat out for us. We had about 9 trips all together in getting this massive animal out.

We hunted and tried different stuff the next few days but only saw brown bear in the morning and evenings and no moose was to be seen or heard. Seems like once you get a moose down their body sends off the dinner bell to every brown bear in a 50 mile radius !!!

As we were hiking, around day 6 I think, we came across this Moose rack that was about 45” and looked like it died the winter before. The porcupines had eaten away at the Tines and there was moss in its nose. We took a few pictures but left it in AK. Sometimes I wish we’d of taken it out.

We had a mouse or two that was around camp. Fortunately we had a bucket to keep our Cereal in and keep them out. We also had our guns with Mouse shot (I.E. my size 12 boots) so we were able to put some Damage to the Mouse heard *HEHE*

Well…. We never came across another Moose. I’m not sure if the Bear bumped them out of the area or if our presence there made them move or what. I guess we could have 100 Excuses but the bottom line is we never saw another moose. So after day 10, it was time to go to ‘Bou country. The day we moved was a Pleasant one and I was able to wash my hair in the lake before the pilot showed up. It was refreshing to clean the ol’ body for a change.

We landed and set up camp right away and just sat around filtering water and Glassing. We didn’t see anything but we were ready for the next day when they were to be piling in… Or were they ?!?!

The next morning was great.. But COLD !!! It was so cold hiking through the marsh and waiting around that I about went back to camp just to warm up in the Sleeping bag. One of the reasons for the cold was the Boots that I used ended up having some holes in them. Nothing like standing in a field at 18 Deg with wet feet. But I was out there to get something so we did what we needed too. The morning sun was always beautiful !!

On the 3rd day there, and after several attempts at chasing down herds of ‘bou and not seeing any bulls, I decided to shoot a cow.

I shot it right at dark and we were back before light to get it out. There was no chance at it going bad with the nights falling well into the high teens and the days only getting to about 45 in the shade. The wind was blowing very very hard which made it feel even colder on the face. Once we got it back on day 4, we were sitting at camp and glassing the far open fields. Lowe and behold 2 ‘bou came right next to camp. My dad through up his gun and we looked at them. They were both little ‘bou but I got the Camcorder out. A tree got in the way and I shut the Camcorder off. It wasn’t a ½ second later when “KA~BOOOOM”. Dad shot the bigger of the two and said, let’s call it a trip !! With the weather moving in and getting 2 ‘bou and a moose, I was happy to know that I would soon be back in a warm room and sleeping in a real bed.

Getting back to Soldotna, LBG had reserved us a room already and was heading up from Anchorage to meet us in Soldotna. We got the meat to the processors and headed north to view a glacier. It snowed pretty well that day and I was glad to be ion a warm truck. Although I handle the cold a bit better then dad does. He lives in the Marshal Islands and his low temp is around 75 for the year !!

We drove to the glacier and stopped a few time to glass some areas just to see what a guy could see. LBG had a Griz tag and we figured ya never know what might be around the corner.

We got back to LBG’s house and Tried several methods of getting the Moose rack packaged up to send back to Idaho. We ended up cutting the rack and boxing it up. We used 2 rolls of Duck tape and covered all the tips with cardboard then stuck it in a box inside a box. I labeled it “TRAILER Trash” and brought it on as Luggage !!

I’d like to thank Several People for this hunt. First I’d like to thank my wife for letting me go. I’d like to thank my dad for helping me make this trip happen. A moose hunt would have been far down the road for me. LBG (Joel) was nice enough to pick us up from the airport, Give us Shelter and a Ride to where ever we went and picked up all our food and had it there ready for us when he picked us up from the airport. He didn’t quiet follow my list I sent and Decided to put in some Veggie meals, but I’m sure it was an Accident... right *SMILE* TOM, with High Adventure air was also really helpful. I’m plugging them because they treated me like Family. Not because I got or didn’t get anything. I didn’t trade nor make any deals with them. I’m just saying this so you know it isn’t a fake Promo of them. They truly treated us right.

Deer opener has opened up so that’s my Short AK story. Time to go wack a deer then elk.

ALL the pictures are at :

And a Slideshow of all the pics are at :
Excellent story Moose-man. I really enjoyed the pictures.

Are you sure you and your dad are related? He looks a lot cooler than you.

I hope the you guys have lots of hunt left together, and he gets to enjoy them with his grand kids as well.
Great story and great pictures too. I really like the one with your dad and his Budwiser... That is what hunting should be all about, time with your family and a good cold beer when its over...

I can't wait to go to AK on a moose hunt, hopfully in the next couple years...

Thanks for sharing the photos Moosie, it looks and sounds like a great trip even if you didn't get to chow down on your moose. At least you were able to get some REALLY high value caribou meat out of the deal.

Nothing better then time spent hunting with your dad. They are times to truly cherish.

Just curious, are you going to get the caribou hide tanned?
Well, I read it. It sounds great, your dad and you in Alaska. A moose and two caribou, wow! That doesn't happen too often, I bet. Its amazing a huge moose could slip off like that, but you found him, that's great. Good luck on the deer and elk!
Great story, what a grand adventure ! Been there done that and you never tire of any of it. Great site you have here Moosie one thing for sure there are alot of good hunting storys. Bill
I don't know if you have listed every thing you took with you on your trip or not, but I would like to know everything you took if you would. I would like to get an idea of what to take in the years to come when I may have a chance to go alaska hunting.

Well Moosie, sorry to hear about the meat and lack of game, but you did get to experience the Alaska backcountry, and that has got to be awesome! Congrats on your moose and bou. I cant wait till I can get up there someday!

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