PEAX Equipment

yetti pics...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
HEre is a buck that the Yetti Smacked while I was in Montana 2 weeks ago (I wasn't with him, but talked to him on the phone, AND, he sounds like a CANADIAN ;))...

And his 'Lope also...

I'll let him tell you the lies about it ;)




Man, these pics of big whitetails is really making me miss chasing 'em. Congrats Yetti!!! That antelope sure looks heavy! At least you look old enough to drive in these pics!!;) Again congrats on some awesome animals.

BTW, from the pic it the cover looks pretty thick. Were you hunting from a treestand?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-06-2002 11:52: Message edited by: 1_pointer ]</font>
2 weeks ago was Oct. 23, rifle for deer didn`t open till the 27th,,,whats up with that?
Welcome back Dickhead.. I mean..... 280 :D It WAS the 27th, because that was opening of ELk too... I misspoke again.

I think what 280 meant was CONGRATS Yetti :rolleyes:
Way to go trying to get Yetty in trouble? You must not remember that we have a crack investigator lurking on this site! :mad:

(I said "crack investigator")

Edited part: Oh yeah, nice animals Yetty!


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-06-2002 13:14: Message edited by: Colorado Oak ]</font>
never once said he poached it, mearly asked a question to a statement da moose made, ww and da moose both ass,,,,umed, it is both a nice whitetail and lope.ww has trouble reading,,(ie,,eastman cover thread,,,) to many of them ther big words
Never said you said he did.. If you want to get technical, How come when We cal lyou an "ASS" you think we said that you stated he poached it ?

:D :D

Speaking of big words, nice post :rolleyes: ...
re-read slowly ww post moosie, pay close attention to the words,,, YETTY POACHING CASE,,,ww posted it not me,I get a kick out of yetty`s posts, he is a legend over at HIS and I still laugh everytime I hear someone talk about their aught six, yetty hit the nail on the head a few weeks ago with his post about it and trailer houses,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and thanks for the compliment on the post,
Its very obvious that the Yetty is the man. He is also quite a photographer. His best skill is going to be demonstrated this weekend as a deer driving mofo.
Thanks for the compliments. I killed the whitetail opening morning at 10am. My original game plan was to hunt some draws where I spotted a few nice bucks earlier in the year. After a 70 minute hike I was right were I wanted to be. But when the sun came up I realized I was in big trouble because of the fog. I couldn't see more then 70 yards and this is an area I need to see more like 300 yards in every direction. So by 8am plan "B" was to still hunt this aspen grove where I had also seen some nice deer. On my way over to the aspen grove I jumped a 320 class 6 point bull only 60 yards away but as you guys know I'm out of that game for this season by now. When I dropped down into the grove I was moving at sloth pace. Creeping along and stopping for 10/15 minutes at a time after moving 70 yards. At 10am I doe followed by a buck passed me at 80 yards. I wasn't sure if he was the one at first but when he looked right at me and I saw how wide he was I asked him nicely to put on his jammies because he was about to take a little nap! One shot to the base of the neck with my .280 Browning A-bolt and the rest of the day was spent turning the tops on beer bottles. His inside spread is 20.5" and he grosses just over 140 with very few deductions.

The Speed Goat is another story. But aren't all antelope stories about the same?? I looked several nice bucks over and finaly found a buck worth taking. I stalked with FGH to within 85 yards then ruined his day and made mine all at the exact same time.
The speeder scores 78.5 and is 15 on one horn and 13 7/8th on the other. He has 7" and 7 2/8" bases.

Not to bad for a guy who askes WW if he could borrow some binos.
280.. GO reread what you typed...

YOU said "never once said he poached it"

Moosie said "Never said you said he did"

All W.W. said was "Nice work on cracking the Yetty poaching case"

He never said you said it, He "Implied" that you "IMPLIED" it. ANd you did becasue you're a PHUCK. Can you deny that part ? If you're going to become a lawyer and break apart the english language, better go to lawyer school..... Also, I'm guessing you own a Aught-6.

Give the ol Yetti a compliment, I'm guessing he won't like you any more then Any of the other Montana boys here :D :D

And remember, Go RE-READ slowly .. HEHE...
C'mon, now. You know that 280 and Wild Elk are solely and personally responsible for the abolition of game farms in Montana, and are statewdie heroes. Oh yeah, I forgot - 280 and Wild Elk are the same person. :rolleyes:

Think I'll go whack a muley with my '06...
aught six? i don`t think so, but if you read slowly any one of my posts you may if you are a real cleaver moose figure out what caliber i shoot, clues to be posted later, if you still don`t get it
aught six? i don`t think so, but if you read slowly any one of my posts you may if you are a real cleaver moose figure out what caliber i shoot, clues to be posted later, if you still don`t get it

lawyer school???????lol, thats a good one
I think what is more impressive than the deer and antleope is the fact that the yetty single handedly shut down that place is dead. Now that is a feat. The other amazing thing is how that hat stays on his head.
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