Kenetrek Boots

Isn't it time for a BIG ELK Contest??

well a man needs to dream--can't be hanging my laurels on what I've attained so far--eventhough I can't complain I'm always lookin to better my best----chris
Wait a minute. Lets have this contest be your biggest bull ever. Thats fair. When do we post. Lets go biggest bull of your hunting career and let the chips fall where they may. Gross or net either way.

OK.. biggest bull ever on a over the counter tag.

You bunch of PUSSIES...

THIS YEAR.. BIGGEST BULL.. that simple.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-04-2002 08:46: Message edited by: Greenhorn ]</font>
Oh great!... Moosie's turning 30... another guy I can no longer trust.... :D

well in case I forget Happy early B-day.

Not a problem. Im in. Lets make a separate category for traditional shooters and call it the RETARD category. I just want to see who is the dummest guy on the board.
I,m in too! Having to hunt in Washington is an automatic recipe for pussie bulls considering we have 27 tribes statewide that get first crack even before bow season. I think anyone who has to put up with that chit deserves a handicap. ;) You boys have way too much room in your neck of the woods-lucky rat bastards!! :D I've only got four more years to deal with this ratrace on this I-5 cooridoor then I'm outa here.
Hey guys I don't think this is such a good idea. A hunt talk hat!!!!! Now that is enough to make most of us drive out to the park at night with thy old portable sun. I think a 100,000 dollars to the winner is a better idea. People would be less tempted to break the law for a 100 grand. If the hat is on the line who knows? Hell, Greenhorn will probably kill someone. I heard he bit the ear off a game warden once already.
What about us meat hunters? I saw lots of trophy animals this year, but you cant eat horns. Its tuff to get a nice meaty spike with my traditional bow though.
Meat hunters get to eat good meat. Those poor trophy hunters have to eat that old tough gamey bull.. Poor guys I ALMOST feel sorry for them ;) Yeah right. Maybe Moosie can have a longest spike or fattest cow contest??

Hey guys we have calm Greenhorn down we don't want him freaking out and chopping somebodys head off!
That is not true about big bulls being tough. By far the two best eating elk I have ever tasted were 10 1/2 and 11 1/2. A good meat elk also has a monster head. Guys that kill the "village idiot" aka rag or spike make that crap up. Big bulls live an easier life than smaller bulls. They lay around all summer licking their balls and growig horns. Actuall not a bad way to spend your summer!!!

Ill take steak off a old bull over a rag any day of the week.

Az402 how was that bull you killed to eat and how old was he if you had him aged?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-04-2002 14:38: Message edited by: Fuggingoodhnter ]</font>
Thats cuz the elk you kill spend their winters sitting in a pasture on the breaks soakin up the sunshine and eating ankle deep grass. Over here in gayville the elk winter up at 10,000 feet and the only feed they have is the lichen off the rocks.
Fuggingoodhnter: I am with ya a 100 percent on that. Who ever came up with that theory obviously had never killed and took care of a big bull. When you get 325 to 350 pounds of boned out meat off one of those puppies it's all good! The average spike I think is around 210 hanging with the bone still in. By the way- anyone that passes up a big bull cause they think it's gonna be tough-that was probably their excuse right after they chit themselves!! ;)
Biggest bull I've shot was the best tasting and very tender. I didn't think it was because of the age or size, but he was taken on September 1st, pre-rut, fatter than an MSU college girl after her 1st year of dorm food.

Had I shot that bull 2 months later, I'd guess he'd taste about like my ca-ca.
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