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Those pants are Oscar's "They're not pajamas, so I can wear these everywhere can't I?" pants. :D
Big freaking rack buddy.
(Of course that's what he said too) ;)
Jesus! One heck of a whopper you got there! That rack has similar characteristics, at least I think so, of FGH's elk. Nice one!!! You're gonna have to build a bigger house to be able to keep putting those things on the wall, or one of the kids is gonna have to move out!!! ;)
OK...OK.... I'll get some "REALISTIC" pics up later today ;) I'll get the rest scanned in and posted. I need to pull some pics from the Video but it gave me a "CONDENSATION" warning this morning. So It automatically shuts off. I guess I should have brought it in the house last night after it got snowed on the day before :eek:

Anyways..... I don't know the score but figure it scores at least "280" :D :D
You loser you should of hunted with the great white hunter Russel Taylor, now there's a guy that knows a thing or two about deer and elk in Montana. His success this year screams out his ability to be in the right place at the right time. Congrats to you anyway. Seriously, super elk there Moosie!
Great bull, Moosie! Too bad Meathead wasn't there to take the pics for you. ;) And, like was already said, nice pants. :eek:
dude, cant hardly tell what that hat says even though your head is so swelled up. is it a hunt talk hat?
i'm figuring 281:eek: on the score--very nice elk--yes yellerstone still produces some little one once in awhile :D ---WTG and mega congrats on a 345+/- bull----chris
Yep...thats a pretty good one.

Congrats again ;)

You would have thought that Greenhorn would have taken you to the GOOD spot though
Hey, great bull Moosie! How about a story?

The pants are nice, but the shirt is great! ;)


Congrats big time man. First on the Great Big ol Bull. Secondly on being comfortable enough with your sexuality to wear those pants! :D All jokes aside give us the story and some more pics.. Congrats man!
Congratulations! He's huge. I'm glad you didn't get a spike. Life is tuff, sometimes you just take a big 6x6 and live with it. You probably won't ever forget it, so its good you're smiling. They got you a dozen of those 300cm points there, they did great!

You didn't carry that thing 10-20 miles out did you?
I hate it when that happens!!
I thought you would have more patience in holding out for a spike, but we all make mistakes!

Helluva bull-nice job :D
Moosie, didn't they tell you that nonres can never have a pic taken with their elk if they even wanted to get another one?
what were you thinking, now you'll never get another.

Nice elk tho.

Still can't read your hat tho... says?? PJ'
Nice Bull. I wish I had that problem. NOT the pants but the big bull vs. Spike.
Yep I'd ask for a refund on your tag... :D


nice bull

Nice Bull. Glad to see the "aught Six" is shooting straight for ya. That is a tremendous field photo. Did you get him in the garage???
THANX for the KUDOS !!! I'm getting pics scanned in real soon.

Fuggingoodhunter.. does he look a bit BLOATED , Like maybe he was dead for a few days ? *WINK* HAHA !!!
Moosie!!!! Great elk man! Wish I could have been there. Unfortunately I opted to freeze my balls off in a treestand all weekend.

Glad to see your persistance paid off! Was it worth 4 trips to Montana? That's what I thought.

Most hunters go many years and don't take an elk like that in a general area on public land!! Great going! CONGRATULATIONS!

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