Caribou Gear


That is a dandy bull, Moose-man. :eek: Maybe someday I will learn how to hunt those big bastages. WTG.

Nice to see you are still making friends on those lesser boards. :rolleyes:

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-29-2002 17:47: Message edited by: mtmiller ]</font>
how much did that cost at the trading post or did ya swipe it out of someones truck :D :D congrats on the nice bull
Moosie, about those pants. :rolleyes:

Great bull Moosie....
Way to go and congrats... :D :D :D
All that hard work and long hauls made it well worth the run.. :D :D :D

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-29-2002 04:48: Message edited by: ELKCHSR ]</font>
Just a suggestion, go back to using that tiny camera you used with the spike, it makes you and the elk lokk small, use it on this monsterosity of an elk to shrink in down like in the other picture. Also if you then squint when you look at it it will look like a tall spike with cheaters coming off. :D :D :confused: WH
Way to freaking go!!!!

So tell us. Who is really the hiking king of MT, WW or Greenie?
Or are you ready to step up to that title? :D
Holy crap. I have a pair of pants just like that. Wait a minute, they are not in the closet.

MOOSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dammit, did you have to drink my last beer too. :mad:

Desert Sheep... NOt to pick a "WINNER" but I'd say Greeny is a bit more Motivated. And HELL not I can't compete with that title. Although I didn't have to take my Panties off when I went hunting with Greeny, And roumor has it even he was Tiered the next day... Although he did carry me most of the way

2nd... Sorry bout taking the pants. And when I hunt. I need the beer ;)
Jees.......Oscar, now you'll never be happy hunting on your own. You'll always have to have someone show you the "little ones".

Congrats. Nice Bull... no bull....

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