
Got Pussy?

We finally got some snow in ID, went out yesterday, put a bob in some rocks, pickup broke down and got home to find a female thats came in heat prolapsed her uterus, just a ordinary POS day you wished had went away.
Are you the same casey that is sharing a room with Tony Permanian at the AMO?

Btw nice tom!

Just curious
Them lions are easy to tree compared to bobcats. 8-9 out of ten lions I turn loose on end up in a tree, but I would say about 50% of the bobs never climb. As far as shooting lions, I have been on over 300 lion trees now and have oly killed two lions myself and had about a half dozen cat killed over the dog. Just more fun to leave them for another day, shooting a cat in the tree sure ain't the challenge. Happy hunting, Casey
No you dont have to bring a teddy. I willl be there in the booth for RAC and I imagine we'll be killing a few beers with the Soprano brothers.

By the way that was a great moose Weisner killed with you.

How many quotas are filled out in your neck of the woods? Ive only dumped on one female yet this year. Snow sucks in over here.
Yeah you got me pegged. BB it is. I think a trip to the red garter may be in order. Have you ever been to indy? Bring small bills.

What kind of dogs do you run? Ive got red tics. You guys out west seem to tree alot more cats than over here. Whats the secret?

Here is a little pussy boys!!
Hey Ray, I asked Kevin B about you last time I was over there couple weeks ago, I did'nt know your last name but he figured out who you was and when he said he had video of you shootin a cat with your bow I knew then it was you. You know a Tim C up in Clallam Bay, he builds alot of roads for timber companys, hes good freinds with blankenships also and i just sent him a pup.
CASEY..... BB Stands for Bullchiting Burns, YEP, you have him pegged :D :D

Hey Casey.. Whats the odds of you treeing a cat and calling me over to shoot it, I can leave on the drop of a dime for a cat
?!?! :D :D
Anybody ever point out that you have a very large hairy pussy that is sitting between your legs in that photo. It appears soft, but I am sure it stinks and is a bit greasy!

Better buy a tag next year. I am working on an outfitting area about 50 miles west of Missoula and you can be my first pussy client, or is that client that's a pussy? :D

Well you are running the right kinda dogs to catch game, do you have your own mutts? I'll bring some small bills, I haven't seen another women naked, with exception of being on duty, since my bachelor party. Boy, sometimes I live a pathetic life! LOL Spend all my money on hunting! Happy hunting, Casey
I'm sure he'll love the pup Gatoman. Check out the Kitty there, compliments of Kevin's dogs up on Owl Mountain.

Casey, that's one way to get some tail right!! ;) :D

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