Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever
Big Fin
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  • Just a quick question... Do you subscribe to HuntinFool? Im new to DIY hunting in the west and wondered if it was a good resource, or something i shouldnt mess with... just wanted to get your opionion.

    thanks for all you do!!

    You have my email on the website registration but here is my cell 801-259-2642. Look forward to meeting you at the Expo in Salt Lake City.
    My name is Mason Davis
    I read the thread on your elk hunt in Arizona and it sounds like the same hunt I had last year.
    I sure hope you guys put that show together sounds great
    I was very fortunate and shot a big bull opening morning. Scored 351 4/8, 51 inches wide and matching 52 inch main beams. We actually had over 35 different bulls on camera during the summer, no cows & all the big bulls left 2 weeks before the rut to look for cows, We got lucky and found some cows on our last scouting trip 5 days before the hunt started. My brother did a great job of cow calling that bull into 50 yards for me.
    My brother had the dec elk tag in that unit and shot a 6x6 that scored just under 300 the cool thing was that he shot it at 850 yards with his 264 mag.
    I would be happy to text or email you some pictures of our bulls.
    Mason Davis 480-390-6509 cell Email [email protected]
    feel free to call or email anytime
    I'm looking for a scope and I was wondering if you have used the CDS on the Leupold and wonder what your thoughts on this scope might be. I am looking into a custom Howa and need to get it set up with great optics. Thanks Andy Dockins
    can you help with any info on a anteople hunt for 2012. Does not have to be in a trophy area just somewhere you might be able to find speed goats on public land.
    Randy, Weren't you a member on Bowsite or MM before starting OYOA years ago? I thought I remember seeing your Big Fin handle somewhere for quite a while, but I don't have the best memory.

    Anyway, I just registered on OYOA today and voted for your show on Sportsmans channel. My hunting buddy Don K told me about it and I no longer watch any other outdoors shows. All I do is public land hunting and I'm not interested in any of the leases or canned hunts. I have been watching many of your online videos and will be purchasing the full video library for myself for Christmas.

    I have hunted many of the same places you go on your shows. Best of luck with your website and shows.

    Ken Zimny
    St. Charles, IL

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Glad to see that you have had much better success as of late in your hunting adventures. Take care.
    Andy Dockins(Big Slick)
    The friends, stories and memories are the best part of the hunting heritage. Things that last a lifetime. Its good to see you make solid choices on your hunts, even if they are not easy. Brett (konasage)
    thanks for inspiring me to do the Wy hunt ,
    my wife and I got our first Antelope, and it's a first harvest of anything for her.
    we are having a great time and ended up hunting on our anniversary
    we will be back, we are in Laramie to trout fish for a day or 2 and head back to Texas and get ready for Bow season there

    Mike - Yeah, will be back for a wedding in July. Walleyes are always great, if Jason doesn't take them before they get to me. :)
    Heard Your coming to MN soon. Let me know when and I will hook you up with some Walleyes to take back. Thanks for the help MIke
    Randy they guy who won the Elk print...I have left him messages to make sure he got it but I have not heard back from him. Did you get any word from him?

    I sent your wife a few versions of a logo. let me know what you think and post them if you want to see what everyone else thinks. Let me know if there are any changes or other ideas. Thanks for letting me do some up for you. I figure I owe you that much for the cool leather guncase I won last month.
    We auction one every year at the Colorado Bowhunter's Assoc. banquet. Usually goes for 3500-$4500 if memory serves. Good all fall. Can bid over the phone. let me know if you need a "Colorado booner" (that would be a true booner minus 5 inches:D)

    2011 Pronghorn License Auction
    Hunt 4-1/2 months, Aug. 15 – Dec. 31, 2011.
    Use all legal weapons for pronghorn and interchangeable.
    Auction to be held at CBA Awards Banquet, March 19, 2011, Auction starts at 3:30 p.m. and closes at 10:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time.
    Verbal as well as absentee written bids are being accepted now! Send written bids to (MUST be received by March 18, 2011):
    Colorado Bowhunters Association
    c/o Tim Atwater
    8090 W. 26th Ave.
    Lakewood, CO 80214
    Phone Bids will be accepted by calling Tim Atwater at the following numbers during Auction hours: 303-726-4497, 719-936-7303, 303-324-6526.
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