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  1. Big Fin

    Don't let an accident become a tragedy

    This topic has been discussed in a few threads on Hunt Talk - carry a live round in the chamber when it is not necessary. I've read the past HT threads. I read the comments on a YouTube video Michael posted. I've went and read/re-read what is currently being taught in Hunter Ed. Accidents...
  2. Big Fin

    Relax, Everything is Going to be Okay!

    This thread was started in response to the notion that changes will/won't impact public lands and conservation. Keep it to those topics and take the other issues to your FB pages. It's almost as if some of you want this thread closed, so you continue to interject points unrelated to public...
  3. Big Fin

    Buschy's 2024 Season Review

    Excellent, as is the norm with you. Enjoy Gillette.
  4. Big Fin

    Affordable Housing Land Disposal???

    As a follow up to the post I started earlier this week on the effort to sell land for supposedly lower housing costs, Marcus and I did this deeper dive segment for Fresh Tracks Weekly. That Hunt Talk thread discussion is here -...
  5. Big Fin

    Search Function

    I've strategically asked that our database maintenance happen in the middle of application season. 🧐
  6. Big Fin

    Search Function

    Database server update. The tech group we work with is aware and it will get back up when they’re done.
  7. Big Fin

    Federal Land Sales for Affordable Housing?

    And on the same note, I'm not sure what can be used to discourage the Dems who see tapping into the sales proceeds as some free pork for their local patrons, with patron being a better term than constituent when there is "gubment cheese" being doled out. I expect all who are disconnected from...
  8. Big Fin

    Federal Land Sales for Affordable Housing?

    What you just posted has nothing to do with this thread. It’s more of the hyper partisan stuff that detracts from discussion on important topics. Take the derailing partisan bullshit somewhere else.
  9. Big Fin

    Federal Land Sales for Affordable Housing?

    It is not as far fetched as I once thought it to be. Given the lands already identified as "suitable for disposal" under the FLTFA, those are low hanging fruit. And I suspect the FLTFA idea to use any proceeds for reinvestment in other lands could easily be tossed aside and the sale proceeds...
  10. Big Fin

    Federal Land Sales for Affordable Housing?

    This is not just Trump and his ideas, even though he has established a committee comprised of Department of Interior and Housing and Urban Development to identify DOI lands suitable for housing. The infatuation with labeling everything we like/dislike as Trump's idea is a strange phenomena. The...
  11. Big Fin

    Federal Land Sales for Affordable Housing?

    I hesitate to post this, as I know how much folks want to frame public land topics around the teams they support/oppose. This article hit the Wall Street Journal this morning and the title is rather misleading, though I suspect titling it with Trump makes for better headlines at WSJ. This title...
  12. Big Fin

    And Utah says, Hold my Beer!

    Being from Montana, I can't really complain about what I have to pay in other states as a non-resident, in this case, Utah. My home state has the highest ratio of NR fees-to-R fees of any western state. Trying to get resident fees bumped in any state is harder than changing the rotation of the...
  13. Big Fin

    How Access is Funded or Squandered

    If you want to see the map Marcus refers to that shows the projects funded by LWCF, here is a link:
  14. Big Fin

    How Access is Funded or Squandered

    One of the most common questions I get is about how access is created or improved. On the Federal level, most of that gets funded with the Land and Water Access Fund (LWCF), a program that's been around since 1965 and was recently fully funded and permanently extended with the Great American...
  15. Big Fin

    March Madness: Wildlife Conservation & Free For All Events

    I'm in. Glad to see the support for RMEF. Thought I'd add to one of the smaller groups who does a lot with very little.
  16. Big Fin

    Whatever happened to..?

    About a half dozen longtime members asked to have their accounts deleted in the last month. Too bad, as all them contributed value to the forum. Pretty much all had the same reason- tired of the continuous rancor that seems to have occupied too much of the forum lately. I’ll admit, when some...
  17. Big Fin

    Relax, Everything is Going to be Okay!

    I unlocked this thread, hoping we can have a sane discussion about public land agencies, funding, and that "everything is going to be okay." If we can't, I guess I'll lock it again, maybe even delete it.
  18. Big Fin

    Relax, Everything is Going to be Okay!

    I first read this book in the summer of 2016. One of my more liberal friends recommended it to me as an explanation for some positions I couldn't understand in my head. He warned that it was written by a guy who though a self-proclaimed liberal, admitted that his field research in psychology...
  19. Big Fin

    Montana House Bill 676 - This could sell off 1.25M acres of State Trust Lands - that's almost 25%!!! This is not the Homesteading Bill

    I don't think you are missing something. Lots of problems with this bill, from many different angles and interest groups. Thus, the bill still awaits assignment, so it is hard to ask people to comment in an effective manner without knowing where/when the bill is headed. I wouldn't say it is DOA...
  20. Big Fin

    The Tourney ‘25 - MN High School Hockey

    Happy to see East Grand Forks win the 1A tourney. They beat #1 ranked Warroad in the Section 8 finals, so they deserved to win the big one. Good for Moorhead after many times of being runner-up in 1AA. Another Section 8 school that has some players who will be playing for "The Cup" in ten years.

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