Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever
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  • Dave:

    Never heard of it. Looks like a great opportunity. Goog luck on that and make sure to tell us how it works out. Colorado has a lot of elk, so I am pretty sure that you can get into them.


    Hey Randy , How ya Doing ?

    Have you heard of the COFA hunt here is some info on it. I'm hunting with the group this year out in Co.

    for the COFA hunt..a bull tag is around $550 and a cow tag $250
    The October dates is 21-27 2010, the handout has last years date on it. But it gives you a good clue what to expect. You have to have an ATV, to see some of the best hunting spots for elk in the world.

    Here is the link:


    I saw your second episode (Montana Big Horn) a couple weeks ago and made the effort to learn more about your show and website......I want to complement you on your show as it is one of the very best I have seen and presents hunting in its best form....on your own in the real context of what hunting is anc should be!

    I helped Dale Burke make a few hunting videos about 18 years ago, including his most successful video, Hunting Rocky Mountain Mule Deer....and most recently helped design B&C's Big Game Profiles when I was the Executive Director of B&C.....I have hunted all over the lower 48 and Alaska (with my brother who is an Alaska resident and now a brown bear guide on the Peninsula). Thus, I know how difficult it is to get good footage of a hunt and portray it to a viewing audience in a thoughtful, complete manner....So, again congratulations on a great show.

    All the best,

    George A. Bettas
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