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  • Randy, Why would this happen? I log in ,then I write a response to a thread then I hit submit and the site says I'm not logged in.Then I lose the written response trying to log in again.Happens quite frequently. Nate
    Hi Randy,
    Just wanted to let you know I put your Colorado unit 21 maps in the mail today. I sure appreciate the help, I did shoot my best mule deer nothing to brag about but I am happy. 23" 3x2 I thought he was a big fork but he had a 5" point that turned under that I couldn't see. One of these days I will learn to post pics. Thanks so much and have a great New Year!
    Hey Randy....Happy New Year.

    I'd like to bow out of any type of possible participation in the BAYED contest. I've already won a nicer prize than I could have ever dreamed for. I just wouldn't feel right about even 'maybe' hurting anyone elses chance. Kinda like a Once in a Lifetime Sheep Tag.......

    Sorry to bug you. My wife and daughter shot some nice animals this season. I was hoping to share the photos, but I don't know how to start a new thread. Could you give me some pointers? Thanks
    I was thinking i could pick your brain on some areas in Montana that offer public land for mule deer hunting next year. Anything would be great thanks.
    Randy - great show. Keeps me going through long periods of being without the west. - hitman
    Thought I would let you know, my boyfriend and I have joined the site! Posted a bit on his ram, will have to have him add to it. It was great to meet you the other day, and Jason was indeed jealous!
    Have a good one!
    Hows it going?Not much to report here.Bowhunted elk as much as i could(5-6) half days.Mostly hunted in the Elkhorns trying to fill my cow B tag.Saw a fair amount of elk,....6 pts. but no cracks at a skin head.No deer hunting yet.November is going to be a big month,lots of tags to fill. Nate
    Randy, I love you show and I have been a fan of OYOA from the beginning. I have hunted in Colorado all my life and have been applying for a moose and sheep tag for almost 20 years. I was wondering if you would consider going on a Colorado moose or sheep hunt with me. It would be a pleasure to share my tags with you and the show.

    Thanks for your time.
    Rich Rupp
    Never mind my previous question about creating a new thread. I figured it out all by myself without help from my 9 yr. old.
    I am the guy Breaks Runner was reffering to about the freak horned antelope. I intend to post a field photo and brief summary, but I can't figure out how and my 9 yr. old son isn't home from school yet to help me. Is there a place to click "new post"?
    Good job on the mule deer.Not bad shooting for a guy that was shaking at thirty yards earlier this summer.hehe What broadhead did you use?Same ole'-same ole' lately,little of this and that.Might go out this week-end for a couple of nights,chase elk.....that is if I can work out some last minute "issues" with my bow. Nate
    Hi Randy, I had a question about a post you made yesterday on the breaks fire. I am archery hunting the breaks this year for elk and am looking forward to this weekend...however, after reading your post that you will be there at the end of the month, I am questioning my decision on being there opening weekend. I know there are going to be a lot of people there this weekend, but I think I should be okay as I have a spot two miles from any roads and I am hoping it is an overlooked area. I really do not know what to expect opening weekend. Is it a zoo and is that why you are going up there later or is it as simple as work/home conflicts? I am also wondering what affect the fire and fire crews had on the elk. Well I should know that answer in a few days. Thanks Randy.
    I got home today ( been on the road all week) and the scope arrived in perfect condition.

    After I get it mounted I'll post a pic. It's going to look great on my Ruger 77 synthetic, with a blued barrel ! Think I'll name it "Black Beauty ". LOL

    Thanks again,

    Due to elk hunts several of the guys have planned we aren't going till Nov 1. I told the guys we'd better not grab a handful of horn to drag a critter! Oh well, high adventure. One of the fellas has an ex partner that guides for goats around Forsyth and may be one of our ranch hookups. I intend to bring my shorthair and a couple of scatterguns as well. I'm doing a little recon with some contacts for "places" . The other fellas are driving from the Spokane area and I'll meet them in Bozeman. Any ideas you might have would be welcomed. If you are around it'd be a hoot to talk a little scandahoovian with ya!
    Paul - That is good news. When you know the dates you are coming through, let me know. I would love to catch up with you and your pals, if I am in town and not out filming. And, I might be able to give a few locations, if you don't already have a place.


    Randy, I and 4 pals drew the 700 speedgoat tag in your fair state. I have not been able to draw a tag for 10 yrs in ID!
    I'll be passin thru, if you are around I'll buy ya a cup of Minnesota mud.
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