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Zeroing in Muzzy question


Active member
May 20, 2020
Denver, CO
quick question:
i did just get my 1st muzzy CVA Optima .50cal.
got some powder, bullets, primers.
**waiting on cleaning kit now.

but otherwise i'll be ready to go to the range and test it out.
i'm in CO so i will only hunt Open Sights.

question: is my thinking correct that simply for figuring out which bullet works best for me (i have 3 options so far), i thought about putting a scope on, simply so i can always aim at the exact same point and think it should help eliminate Open Sights group spread i would otherwise have.
with Scope i would look to see which of 3 options groups best (i'll try 2 or 3 diff charge volumes for each as well). once i know what bullet shoots best, i'll remove the scope.

sounds reasonable?
Practice how you will hunt starting as soon as you dial in the load to be accurate. CO has or had rules re optics, bullet length to diameter, etc. Not sure if they restrict powder substitutes. I last hunted with a muzzie in CO over a decade ago.

If plan on shooting beyond 100 yards, might want to look at the peep sight set-up where you look through a circle at a bead.

I like the quickload plastic tubes that hold the powder on one end, the bullet on another and the primer has a spot as well. I found accurately measuring the powder with a scale, using fresh powder, and applying the same pressure as tamp the bullet into position helped my accuracy off a bench. I pre-lubed my bullets. My accuracy in the actual woods was greatly assisted by a TriggerStick. And, the peep sight.

One caution. I ran hot loads and shot at a buck very close and the slug disintegrated as hit a rib and part of the bullet continued into the chest cavity and fragged the lungs and part of the bullet traveled down the rib and UP the opposite rib as passed the keel. Massive bleed out but thought would have had a straight through punch. No exit and all I found of the bullet was dozens of tiny bits with none as big as the size of a small raisin.

Happy tuning.
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Honestly I would just start with Hornday boreriders. I’ve found them to be very accurate with a wide swath of powder charges. Shoot it like your hunting it.
Your approach makes perfect sense if you are trying to first decide the most accurate setup then build your zero from there.

However, your open sight accuracy is probably going to be limited to 4-6MOA so having a super accurate setup isn’t all that important.

Further, I want the most powerful load possible more than I care about accuracy. So I started with solid copper BOR Locks over a max charge of BH209. It wasn’t quite as accurate as the 80% charge of BH209 but the velocity and energy were worth giving up a MOA or two of accuracy for me.
I would absolutely use the scope for load development and accuracy testing. Once you know your load is accurate, switch to open sights. I would put a rear peep on also. That’s my old 700 ML shooting 300 grain Thors over Triple Seven. I can use a scope here in SC, so I do. I have a CO muzzy tag, so I took it off Saturday and put the rear peep on and shot the 3 round group to the left of the dot. Made a small sight adjustment then shot the two in the dot. I had done my load development with the scope so I knew it was accurate, and any deviation was me. Otherwise it might be chasing my tail wasting hard to get components. That was 100 yds, I’ll stretch it out to 150 and 200 next weekend. A1C162DA-F42C-4879-ACB3-E93A0AF623CA.jpeg
This type of peep will provide a longer sight radius than simply replacing the rear sight

Peep will make a difference in your accuracy- make sure to practice in lower light as well. They make different diameter inserts for the peep so you can find what works.
Use the scope to figure out which load is more accurate. Then switch to open sights or the peep is a good idea. There is a lot to learn about muzzle loaders. I have seen 9" swings in bullet impacts due to different loading pressure of the ramrod on the bullet. Consistency is pretty important. I actually clean between shots to keep it consistent. Do not get windex in the trigger mechanism. Trust me on that. Remember, its not a high power rifle. Stay within your range. The typical front fiber sight on a muzzleloader covers up nearly a foot of target at 100 yds. You do not have to shoot BH209 to kill things. Your choice. Completely clean it at the end of every shooting day or it will turn into junk very fast. I found Bore Drivers to be very accurate in mine with 90 gr Triple7. Your mileage may very. I do not know Colorado regs though. Have fun, be safe.
thanks guys, good to know my plan makes sense.
CVA Accura LR-X (i got the CO model) so it has William's rear peep and front fiber optic. i really like how it holds on targets. and will be exciting to actually shoot it open sights to get proficient.
i am already looking at William's front Globe w/ cross hairs to replace the fiber. Williams Front Globe
and possibly Ace in the Hole by William's as well for the rear peep to have integrated rail (or for this exercise i may just put a rail on, figure out which loads work best, and then remove the rail)

but to know which bullet & powder charge will result in best/tightest groups, i will be using scope.

here are bullets i have lined up:
Hornady FTX BoreDriver 290grain
Powerbelt AeroTip 295gr Copper
Thor Hammer Copper 300gr (size pack of .500, .501, 502, 503 and will order exact size bullets as soon as i test fit it)

i have BH209 and 209 CX2000 Cheddite primers *(as soon as i can find Federal 209M i will switch, but for now due to availability i'm using CX2000)

If you have same rifle and have used these same bullets /powder please do let me know what worked best for you.
***i plan on using digital powder scale to prep all powder by Weight (after adjust for Volume to Weight of course)
I would absolutely use the scope for load development and accuracy testing. Once you know your load is accurate, switch to open sights. I would put a rear peep on also. That’s my old 700 ML shooting 300 grain Thors over Triple Seven. I can use a scope here in SC, so I do. I have a CO muzzy tag, so I took it off Saturday and put the rear peep on and shot the 3 round group to the left of the dot. Made a small sight adjustment then shot the two in the dot. I had done my load development with the scope so I knew it was accurate, and any deviation was me. Otherwise it might be chasing my tail wasting hard to get components. That was 100 yds, I’ll stretch it out to 150 and 200 next weekend. View attachment 231411
thats great, congrats on your CO muzzy tag.
i really want Thor Hammers to shoot well for me, i like the idea of full copper set up.
I’m for throwing a scope on to figure out what your gun likes, but only if you have plenty of time to get out and shoot it. If you are only going to get out 1-2 times I’d skip it and just shoot with open sights. I have a TC Triumph and am using 130gr by volume of Triple 7 with the Boredrivers and am getting great accuracy with it. Im running the EABCO peep with a rail on it so I can throw a scope on and off depending on where I’m hunting. Ill be in Colorado also with deer and elk tag in my pocket.
I’m for throwing a scope on to figure out what your gun likes, but only if you have plenty of time to get out and shoot it. If you are only going to get out 1-2 times I’d skip it and just shoot with open sights. I have a TC Triumph and am using 130gr by volume of Triple 7 with the Boredrivers and am getting great accuracy with it. Im running the EABCO peep with a rail on it so I can throw a scope on and off depending on where I’m hunting. Ill be in Colorado also with deer and elk tag in my pocket.
i have time, Muzzy purchase was in preparation for 2023 seasons and forward just to find some new Tags/Seasons/hunt opportunities. so not in any rush for this fall.

good luck on your hunts. if not a secret, what units are you hunting?
Tag is good for X. Planning to hunt X with backup locations in X. Never hunted it before, so going in with low expectations other than to learn the unit. Looks like beautiful country and worth the hike even if most of the gouge says it's not great numbers of elk and deer.
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i did look at Federal Bor Lock Copper and it was the only other bullet i wanted to try as well, but i cannot find it anywhere in stock. if i find some later i may give it a try as well.
Tag is good for 7/8/9/19/191. Planning to hunt 7 with backup locations in 8. Never hunted it before, so going in with low expectations other than to learn the unit. Looks like beautiful country and worth the hike even if most of the gouge says it's not great numbers of elk and deer.
i haven't hunted in those units. *(well Antelope in 9 but that doesnt help you). but i do fish in that area so i spend some time up there.. there are definitely enough elk and deer and plenty of moose there, it just gets busy (same as everywhere else in CO).
Also in the same situation as you. I was able to find Bor Loks at Scheels. In my optima with 70gr 209 by weight they group MOA. Pretty happy with that. Decided to never use the scope. Didn’t want to know what a precise sight picture looked like only to have to go back to iron sights. Good luck!
thanks guys, appreciate the advise.
i have few bullets in front of me, and i just test fitted them, i'll start new Bullet specific thread with few pictures shortly to ask few questions.

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