Knight "Ultra Light" - Deceptive advertising? Disappointing response.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2020
I stayed home most of the day today (burning vacation time) so I could sign for my FedEx shipment of a brand new Knight Ultra Light muzzleloader. It finally arrived and I was pretty excited to get it. I've been looking forward to this gun for a while. It's the most expensive gun I've ever bought, even at the CyberMonday 50% sale (which after taxes and shipping is really closer to 65%). I eagerly opened the box, inserted the bolt and started shouldering it. It fits nice, I thought, but it doesn't feel that much lighter than my CVA... Hmmm. So down to the basement I went, where my digital fish scale perpetually hangs to weigh things. I'm particular about hunting rifles, never wanting one to weigh more than 7 lbs. scoped, and less if possible. I carry my hunting guns in my hands and I walk a lot, often at elevation. At 55 years old, the ounces add up and I've reached a point in my life where I feel like I've earned the right to get what I want. And a light, well balanced gun is one of those things.

Anyway, the scale readout popped up and my suspicions were confirmed. 6 lbs. 6 oz. for the bare gun (with iron sights). That's six ounces more than I was expecting and six ounces more than anywhere Knight had advertised this "ultra light" gun. Not only that, but it is only four ounces less than my CVA Optima V2 that cost 1/3 as much. Talk about deflated.

Knowing they also say "all gun sales are final..." (wonder why they have that policy) I still sent them an email today asking if I could return this unfired, brand new gun, because they had mislead me with their advertising. As expected, I got an "all sales are final" response.

I hope anyone who is considering one of these guns - ESPECIALLY at the full price of $1600 - reads this and considers it carefully before they proceed. Draw your own conclusions. I am very disappointed. Maybe you would not be. That is not for me to say. But the facts are, this is NOT a 6 lb. gun, as advertised. Apparently "never compromise" only applies to Knight and not to their customers. What a shame, especially from an American gun manufacturer.

Here is my exchange with the person at Knight, word for word:

"Hello, I received my order today. Thank you for the fast shipping. I assembled the rifle (inserted the bolt) and eager to see how ultralight this muzzleloader is, I promptly put it on a scale. I was very disappointed to see what was advertised as a 6 lb. rifle is actually 6 lbs. 6 oz. The sole reason I chose this particular rifle was to have finished rifle under 7 lbs. with mounts and a scope. That is not possible. It was advertised at 6 lbs. and it is not 6 lbs. Your slogan is "never compromise" and I guess I'm not willing to compromise either. Therefore I am interested in returning this rifle. Please advise how I can do that. Thank you."

(Their response)
I apologize and I understand, however all rifles are final sale - non returnable, non refundable. this is stated on our website in multiple places. If the rifle being exactly 6 pounds was extremely important, i would have recommend reaching out to verify and we probably could have probably weighed one and told you there could be a couple ounces of variation but it doesn’t hit 7 lbs or over. Sorry about this. Thank you,"

Make of this what you will.

(edited for length)
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