Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Wyoming Coyotes

Meh........Center for Biological Diversity is quoted in the article, they don't want anything killed, ever. The guy who has actually been in the field handling coyote problems says he has tried all the non-lethal methods and they only work for short times, killing the problem coyotes still works according to him. Ill take his word over a group who is hell bent on destroying hunting all together. Surprised a university in Wyoming is cozying up to CBD, thought Wyoming would remain the last great place for awhile longer before they started allowing California values to influence their young minds. If thats the case prepare for Californication sooner than expected.
Coyotes can survive without killing mature big game which allows them to thrive as long as some small critters are abundant. Coyotes also adapt to thrive around humans and will eat trash and handouts. Rarely does small critter prey populations crash so coyotes will find food. Small groups of coyotes can sometimes drive a cougar off a big game kill so the cougar kills more frequently animals the coyotes would not be able to bring down on their own. Coyotes do not follow a pack hierarchy as to who breeds so more pups are born per female compared to wolves. So, more of the female population is breeding, more pups being born, less chance for the prey of choice to fall below sustainable numbers. Surviving coyotes rebound quite quickly when are below the equilibrium. If was easy to kill enough coyotes to cause a long-lasting decline in numbers then would have happened. You can reduce coyote numbers by trapping and hunting but the rebound will be as short as one year. Disease might be effective but who wants to try and develop that in the laboratory knowing might have unforeseen effects on other mammals?
Coyotes can survive without killing mature big game which allows them to thrive as long as some small critters are abundant. Coyotes also adapt to thrive around humans and will eat trash and handouts. Rarely does small critter prey populations crash so coyotes will find food. Small groups of coyotes can sometimes drive a cougar off a big game kill so the cougar kills more frequently animals the coyotes would not be able to bring down on their own. Coyotes do not follow a pack hierarchy as to who breeds so more pups are born per female compared to wolves. So, more of the female population is breeding, more pups being born, less chance for the prey of choice to fall below sustainable numbers. Surviving coyotes rebound quite quickly when are below the equilibrium. If was easy to kill enough coyotes to cause a long-lasting decline in numbers then would have happened. You can reduce coyote numbers by trapping and hunting but the rebound will be as short as one year. Disease might be effective but who wants to try and develop that in the laboratory knowing might have unforeseen effects on other mammals?

In the past people have tried introducing mange. It was not only cruel, but also ineffective.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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