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Wyo Task Force - Nonres Comments!

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The times of eastern hunters trapsing all over the west hunting easily and cheaply are coming to an end. Wyoming has been giving up why too much for way to long. Same story with MT.
The fact that NR can even comment on matters taking place in another state is offensive.
Real offensive for NRs to comment about what goes on on their public lands.
The general attitude of some of the resident hunters here on this site sure makes a fellow who is generally for stronger State government and less Federal control pine for the fed to somehow stick it to some folks on this issue.

Not that I think the fed being involved in wildlife management is a good idea, but it sure would be satisfying to sit back and watch some whiney resident hunters have a hissy fit.
The times of eastern hunters trapsing all over the west hunting easily and cheaply are coming to an end. Wyoming has been giving up why too much for way to long. Same story with MT.
The fact that NR can even comment on matters taking place in another state is offensive.
I couldn’t agree more. While we’re at it we should make crossing your home state line illegal and really crack down on public comment at all. I find it disgusting that people can even have this conversation right now. In fact I think we should make it so you can’t even be traipsing outside of your home township/borough that you reside in.
Bowhunting is another thing that needs to be gone. Too many people blundering around with primitive weapons. High power rifles only and don’t even step foot into the woods unless you can shoot a minimum of 1 mile.
Let’s hope it doesn’t go like the wilderness rule……. DIY non-resident hunters are such an easy target.
I doubt that there is a Wyoming resident hunter that thinks the Wilderness rule that the outfitters pushed through the legislature was very fair to the non resident hunter. It sucks for sure, but the Wyoming outfitters have a lot of pull with the legislature as there are ranchers & outfitters in the legislature to do their bidding.
of course i want more opportunity in wyoming as an NR. like no shit right? i'm allowed to feel that way. and residents are allowed to feel differently and have more of a right to say how that should actually play out in the regulations.

to further try and keep myself from getting flamed, l will say: wyoming do whatever you want, i'm not submitting comments, not MY wildlife.

but some of the comments from some residents feel sort of analogous to outfitters trying to keep people off public lands in my mind - this vibe of "don't you dare touch our wildlife, don't have an opinion on it, and in fact don't even look at it and go f&*k yourself in the process" is really something
This whole thread makes NRs look like a bunch of whining cry babies. WY is bringing things in line with other western states, and rightfully so. WY has been too generous for too long and you’re simply pissed it is going away. I am a NR and I support 90/10. I sure as hell would if I were a resident! As a matter of fact, I hope CO follows suit in the near future.

By the way, I am a NR in WY and stand to take it in the shorts with 19 moose points. Just as I was getting close to drawing a decent tag, my chances of realistically drawing under 90/10 before I die are slim to none. No guarantees and no tears shed. That is just the way it is!

Anyone who didn’t have their head in the sand should have seen this coming. I am far from the smartest guy around and have been drawing WY tags for myself and my family the last few years to “get out of the game while the getting was good”.

Final thoughts. First, this issue can easily be resolved for any upset NR by moving to WY. We all have that option. Second, there is grumbling in CO about the same issues. I would support 90/10 here, across the board, just like I do in WY. Third, I am originally from ND where they only give 1% of rifle deer tags to NRs. Where is the outrage?
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Have any NRs been sending their hate mail to [email protected]? Voice to them how you disagree with wilderness rule and any tag set aside/resell programs and how you plan to spend your money. My opinion but most residents only want more oppurtunity to draw a LE tag not reduce NR tags, and yes both can be done in DEA, big 5 is just a shinking pool no matter how you divide it.
Update tomorrow at 6...stay tuned.
Buzz do you expect any news about issues beyond 90/10 for the "big 5" tomorrow or will most of the focus be on that issue first?

It will also be interesting to see if there are changes made to the points/random allocation for those tags, so I'll be curious about that.
The times of eastern hunters trapsing all over the west hunting easily and cheaply are coming to an end. Wyoming has been giving up why too much for way to long. Same story with MT.
The fact that NR can even comment on matters taking place in another state is offensive.

Your first paragraph is not wrong. Unfortunately, the days of the Western states residents hunting all over their own state easily and cheaply might be threatened at some point too in the not-so-distant future. When that time comes, we will all be way better off being supportive and cooperative than this thread indicates we really are.
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Just another reminder of a broken wildlife system. "We" collectively as self proclaimed hunter conservationists preach about public lands being America's birth-right, some altruistic grandiose idea that we share access to a wonderful resource, an equality that unifies all economic classes, while in the same breath work to privative wildlife for "our" group, for our State. "NO general public, you do not get access to wildlife on your public lands, it's ours and ours alone, only out of the goodness of our heart and the void in our budgets do you even get a sliver of it. But please continue to press you Senator/Legislator to support the public land in my State."

At some what point the "State" is no different than a private hunt club.
Idaho cut disabled vet tags this year for finacial reasons, where was that outrageous response. That would of been worthy of it!
Never were preference points to be bought in Idaho. No bait and switch.

I’ll edit this to say I read too quickly. I missed the disabled vets part. That’s awful.
Come on out and do whatever you like on it, just don't hunt our animals or catch any of our fish. Try to grasp the notion that the wildlife belongs to the citizens of Wyoming and not non-residents.

Technically, wildlife belongs to no one, but is simply managed in trust by the state for the citizens.

Wildlife exists as a condition of the land. It's a critical part of the NAM, and how states have approached management, until the politicians got greedy.
It's definitely not offensive that NRs can comment on this process... that's a ridiculous statement. But: While I understand the general sentiment coming from my fellow NRs, Wyoming is literally only moving to an allocation that matches basically everyone else (and still beats NM, OR, several others).

I mean not to gloss over the frustration some of you guys are feeling, but I think signaling an apocalypse over allocation changes as an NR is just as fractious and destructive as being an R who boasts an "FU, got mine" attitude.

Everybody needs to take a deeeeep breath here.
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