If you are a concerned DIY/OYO nonres hunter that enjoys hunting Wyo I would highly recommend offering comments to the Wyoming Task Force. Some may believe that nonres should sit back and allow Wyo res to make wildlife and hunting decisions within their own state. What is truly sad is that Wyo outfitters are trying to pass legislation similar to New Mexico that would allow outfitters to offer tags to clients that sign contract prior to the public drawing. Many nonres may be unaware, but Wyoming already offers limited tags to landowners prior to the public drawing. These tags are taken off the top. Every landowner tag is taken away from the nonres quota. Some nonres may not be aware but currently no tags are offered to nonres in high demand units because all tags are taken each year and issued to landowners. It's great that landowners are issued tags but it doesn't end there! Outfitters through the Task Force are currently asking for additional tags that would be similar to landowner tags and issued to nonres that sign contracts with outfitters prior to the public draw.
What could potentially happen in Wyo is landowner + outfitter tags offered prior to the draw. In addition, many Wyo residents support 90/10 which would immediately cut limited tags in 1/2 for elk, deer, and antelope. It is a very scary thought that Wyo could promote landowner + outfitter tags prior to the draw plus 90/10 for elk, deer, and antelope.
Anyone that has waited years and years to draw tags and have paid high preference point fees may want to submit comments to the Task Force. You have obviously put in time and $ in hopes of some day drawing high demand tags. Obviously the opportunity to hunt DIY/OYO is in jeopardy if these things become reality!
The deadline for submitting comments is tomorrow (April 21 at 5 pm). Thanks to all the concerned DIY/OYO hunters that are willing to offer input!
What could potentially happen in Wyo is landowner + outfitter tags offered prior to the draw. In addition, many Wyo residents support 90/10 which would immediately cut limited tags in 1/2 for elk, deer, and antelope. It is a very scary thought that Wyo could promote landowner + outfitter tags prior to the draw plus 90/10 for elk, deer, and antelope.
Anyone that has waited years and years to draw tags and have paid high preference point fees may want to submit comments to the Task Force. You have obviously put in time and $ in hopes of some day drawing high demand tags. Obviously the opportunity to hunt DIY/OYO is in jeopardy if these things become reality!
The deadline for submitting comments is tomorrow (April 21 at 5 pm). Thanks to all the concerned DIY/OYO hunters that are willing to offer input!
Wyoming Wildlife Taskforce - Public Input
Submit comments for the Wyoming Wildlife Taskforce below. Public comment provided to the taskforce for consideration prior to each meeting can be found on the "Meeting Materials" page. Comments received by 5 p.m. MST on November 7, 2022 will be provided to the Taskforce for the November 18, 2022