I don’t mind the raising of prices to a point, but we collectively as hunters and conservationists are going to have to figure out a sustainable long term solution to the cost/opportunity equation or we will continue to barrel down a path I think leads to fewer and fewer people being able to afford to be involved in hunting and therefore having any reason to care about conservation.
I understand where you are coming from here and agree with it that we need to all work together and find that happy place.
But, do you really think hunters are getting priced out of hunting as a whole? Maybe, moving towards more getting priced out of some western hunting I can see, but plenty of other opportunities.
As an example anyone can decide to come to WI as a NR on a whim and buy deer tags OTC for $160 gets you a buck tag and depending on area up to 2 doe tags. Doe tags (dependent on area) can be bought unlimited for $20 a tag.
I know western hunting is the dream of everyone on this forum myself included, however I would venture a guess that the majority on here from the east spend most of their time chasing deer. So if western hunting prices out some people they won't be leaving the sport all together imo. They might not just be chasing game out west but can find plenty of affortable hunting elsewhere.
Again not disagreeing at all but I think saying a state raising its tag prices will be the end of hunting is a bit of stretch.
I have my personal price point in my head and when it hits that it will be a sad day hanging up my western dreams. Until that day comes though I will be saving the $5.48 a day it takes for a WY special draw application if they raise them to $2000.