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Wyo Task Force - Nonres Comments!

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Ah, I see. That makes sense I suppose.

I was thinking along the lines of, hunting the Ozarks in Arkansas and Missouri is very different from hunting the Mississippi River Flood Plain or the Gulf Coastal Plain here at home.

To me each place I hunt is a unique experience. Not only in the hunting aspect but also the culture and local history.

Definitely. It's not a knock on the hunting. There's just not enough difference for one state to separate itself from the other so demand and scarcity aren't an issue.
If you are a concerned nonres and have years of applications and $ invested into the Wyo pref pt system....especially for the Big 5 species you can submit comments directly to the Task Force for the July 8th meeting. You must do this by 5:00 pm on July 6th!

90:10 would cut nonres limited tags in 1/2 and require twice as long for ALL nonres to draw tags. For the Big 5 this would likely mean that those that don't have max pts or close to max pts may never draw tags. Nonres that have invested years and $ into a draw system will suddenly have the light switch flipped off with these changes!

The more nonres willing to comment, the more attention will be given to nonres at this and other meetings!. There are no nonres members on the Task Force even though nonres stand to loose so much with decisions made! Sending comments is the only voice you have unless you attend one of their meetings.

Here's a link to submit your comments:
Thank you for showing us how we can comment on that. I wrote in as a WY resident and opposed the proposal. Let's hope it gets defeated as easily as it did last year!
I don't understand why outfitters, hotels, restaraunts etc. would even think about supporting this.
Because they are sharp enough to understand that not all NR hunters use an outfitter, stay in a hotel or eat in a restaurant. They are also sharp enough to know that some resident hunters use outfitters, stay in hotels, and eat at restaurants. Some of the representatives of these industries are also Wyo residents, as are their friends and family and they are sharp enough to know what Wyo has been giving away for far too long. Some of them are also hunters, out of state hunters at that, and they see how other states allocate NR tags and they still manage to have an outfitter industry, hotels and restaurants in those states. Probably smart enough to see it would be just as possible in Wyo. Just my hunch, only they really know.
Because they are sharp enough to understand that not all NR hunters use an outfitter, stay in a hotel or eat in a restaurant. They are also sharp enough to know that some resident hunters use outfitters, stay in hotels, and eat at restaurants. Some of the representatives of these industries are also Wyo residents, as are their friends and family and they are sharp enough to know what Wyo has been giving away for far too long. Some of them are also hunters, out of state hunters at that, and they see how other states allocate NR tags and they still manage to have an outfitter industry, hotels and restaurants in those states. Probably smart enough to see it would be just as possible in Wyo. Just my hunch, only they really know.
I could see the compromise is that in exchange for WOGA support, all big 5 NR on public land must use a guide.
About as many as residents in MS get...

Bag Limits Antlered Buck Deer: The statewide bag limit on antlered buck deer is one (1) buck per day and three (3) per annual season. One (1) of these three (3) may have hardened antlers that do not meet the unit legal antler requirements on private land and Holly Springs National Forest. For youth hunters fifteen (15) years of age and younger, hunting on private land and authorized state and federal lands, all three (3) of the three (3) buck bag limit may be any antlered deer. Antlered buck bag limit in the North Central Deer Management Unit (DMU) is one (1) buck per day and four (4) per annual season. No antler restrictions apply to this DMU. All four bucks may have any sized hardened antlers. Antlerless Deer: Private lands: The statewide annual bag limit on antlerless deer is five (5). The antlerless bag limit for private lands in the North Central DMU is ten (10) antlerless deer per season. Antlerless deer are male or female deer which do not have hardened antler above the natural hairline. Only two (2) antlerless deer may be harvested from the Southeast Unit. There is no daily bag limit on antlerless deer in the Northeast, North Central, East Central, Southwest, and Delta units. Only one (1) antlerless deer per day may be harvested in the Southeast DMU. U.S. Forest Service National Forests: The bag limit is one (1) per day, not to exceed five (5) per annual season except in the Southeast Unit, which is two (2) per annual season.
One Wyoming elk adds up to all of those deer. Just seems like Wyoming has plenty of game for residents. Really not sure why they want to run off an annual money maker.
Non residents can hunt the same 6 Deer, 6 Antelope, and 3 Elk as a resident, even after 90/10.
Will the odds be good for that? A NR could hunt sheep, goat, and moose in the same year, I would assume. Not likely, though.
Just wait for the pending crash and go in with a few like-minded folks for a tract already enrolled in land owner tags. Set up an LLC and rotate tags.
There's an active lawsuit about that...and another issue the task force is going to talk about.

Also, if the GF catches wind that the sole purpose of the land purchase was for landowner tags, you'll be denied.
There's an active lawsuit about that...and another issue the task force is going to talk about.

Also, if the GF catches wind that the sole purpose of the land purchase was for landowner tags, you'll be denied.
There are minimal hoops to jump through. No one says you have to be a good rancher.
The times of eastern hunters trapsing all over the west hunting easily and cheaply are coming to an end. Wyoming has been giving up why too much for way to long. Same story with MT.
The fact that NR can even comment on matters taking place in another state is offensive.
it just boils down to this,,buzz and "most" of his residents are for 90-10////and 99pct of non residents are against the 90-10//nuff said
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