W's Resume

Maybe because they realized what better excuse to start a war with Iraq, then an attack on our home soil.
I'm not one to throw stones, but that is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard in quite a while. It's one thing to suggest that the White House had prior knowledge of the attacks and chose not to act, but it's quite another to suggest that they purposefully let thousands of innocent people be killed for some political agenda. That's just plain outrageous.
How would Nader have acted or reacted to 9-11? I don't know , I'm asking.

Beardown can you prove your statement about prior knowledge? Can you prove the method or targets were known even if they did have prior knowledge that an attack were eminent?

Has it been proven that Bush was anymore "in bed" with Enron than Clinton? here's the comparison. http://www.judicialwatch.org/archive/newsletter/2002/0302d.shtml

He was planning the War with Iraq as soon as he got into office? Maybe that's because Clinton didn't act when he should have. Wanna see all the quotes Clinton said about Saddam? Shit, Saddams men fired upon planes enforcing the No Fly zone the entire time Clintoon was in office, he didn't have the balls to do anything serious about it.

Yeah Bill and Al kept the economy going for 8 years, Bill Gates and Allan Greenspan. And it was Clintons regime that burst that bubble.
In all seriousness, how old are you? 19-20? Have you ever served in the military, or better yet, been honorably discharged from the military. Do you have a career or a job? There is a difference.

You don't like Bush which is fine, but the rationale you offer is absolutely assinine. You assert that Bush destroyed the economy. Really, How? I mean, when I drove to work this morning I failed to notice any economic devastation. No bread lines, no masses of the suddenly impoverished. Could it be that the reason I didn't see it is because its not there. The economy was static all through 1999 and had nosed-over by March 2000.

Here's two little political truisms for you: (1) The President does not control the economy--the Chairman of the Federal Reserve and a cabal of essentially anonymous Wall Street powerbrokers do. (2)The effects of any President's economic policy don't manifest themselves during his administration. In short, every president deals with an economy created by his predecessor.

A president sets the pace, the tone and the example whether he wants to or not. His lead gets followed so he has a grave responsibility to act accordingly. Clinton failed on all accounts. Billy-Boy in(and by) all his vacuous, ammoral glory created an environment where people were free to do what they wanted because thats what the president was doing, whatever he wanted.

Enron, Adelphia, Tyco, all those companies and others were dismantled by their leadership because their officers were confident, based on the example in the White House, that there wouldn't be any real consequences. That there were consequences is a reflection of a Bush Administration not burdened by worries of moral hypocrisy.

Look, the hemmorage of manufacturing jobs to the third world began in the 70's and really picked up speed after NAFTA. GW did not "destroy" the "economy" no more than WJC "built" it up. The only real job growth during the Clinton years was in the service sector(oooh I wanna be a Motel-6 maid too), retail (Wal-Mart 39.5 hours a week wage slave anyone?), and of course the infamous dot.com's (boom-bust). New home construction was on the up for a while but that was mostly in the west and mostly driven by the exodus of Californians to the Rockies.

The state of the so-called "economy" as reported on the evening news is really a reflection of how well Wall Street is doing. Big companies take jobs oversees, or automate, or merge, get bought out and broken up--either way Americans lose jobs BUT next fiscal quarter profits go up--share holders are happy and the Board gets a big bonus.
That is (and has been) the state of the American economy.

Osama goes down this year
Bush will be handily re-elected(12 point margin)
Nader, who is a damn fine consumer advocate but out of his depth, won't be a factor.
Kerry's continued assault on Bush's service record will back fire as it will eventually alienate America's 27 million National Guard veterans.
I see on this AM's news that California's tax structure has made it one of the least hospitable areas for business. Combined with the exhorbitant cost of Workman's Comp Insurance, is it any wonder industry is leaving? Hmm - could be the same thing on a national level? Taxes too high? Wages too high? Move production lines to Mexico...

Yep - let's raise taxes!
C. H.,



Your starting to sound like a Buzz clone. Share with us the web-site that provides you with all your cutting edge information.

Actually I've been stuck listening to XM radio! These guys that are for either canidate are all nuts! I just like taking these extremely ridiculous accusations they say and post them here to stir up chit! On some level I have been affected by the economy, but not to any point that I need to bitch about it. Sorry if I got all you right wingers in a frenzy, I just figure if you are going to make dumb ass accusations against Kerry why not make them against Bush. You see all my accusations are just as ridiculous as saying a guy that gets his ass shot off in combat is a traitor, because he came home and told it like it was!
Being there after he left, by myself most nights, in a much smaller boat than Senator Kerry - he did not "tell it like it was." The SEAL squads I was inserting and extracting were probably the most feared guys over there, and they raped no women, deliberately murdered no babies. Nor did I, although I let loose a whole bunch of 7.62 and 5.56. I shed blood - both mine and the enemy's - but only combatants.

So I take it as a personal insult...sorry 'bout that, but I can't help it. I held a few dying buddies, and I sifted through a few pockets only to find pictures of the kids I orphaned or the widows I made. It is personal, to me.

Tell ME again "how it was."

Kerry came home, ran for office, lost and saw that it was politically expedient to become anti-war - so he did. Now it is politically expedient to call himself a hero - so he does.
Damn Erik; I am totlally impressed!! Cold weather must be good for the thought processes.
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