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Would you still hunt with....

Would you hunt with someone with a hunting Violation ?

  • Yes, It doesn't matter if he/she has taken game out of season or multiple animals.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only if they haven't been convicted.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • As long as it wasn't serious.

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • I'm not answering your dumb Questions.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No, not even if it was because he punched the wrong date on his tag.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
No problem, Oscar! It's your choice and rightly so. I'm not impressed, but I still consider you as a friend. I'm confused on your "bowing out". Are you or are you not going hunting with this guy?

Clarity :
Bowing out of the conversation.
Still hunting with a friend.
Sorry about that nemount,
so who runs the ranch the father-in-law or do you. Do you allow hunting or do you charge like everybody else? Ya I am not native does that give me a discount? Greenhorn finally pipes up as well, didnt you leave your ranch to come to Bozeman?
Blue Gummer,

Father in law passed on, Brother in law runs the ranch, Mother in law still owns the ranch. Never have we charged anybody to hunt. Permission only requires you stop in at the ranch house, ask nicely and respect the land. I have never paid to hunt anywhere other then Canada.

I left the home ranch first to join the Army and then to Bozeman to get my degree. Now I am back working my own business and am out to the ranch as often as possible. Have to do something to be able to afford the ranching habit.

Well I think we are getting way off topic, besides you claimed to own a ranch and you "occasionally" help out, I am sure just during the rut.
From your earlier statements about how ranchers should get off their ass and post, I am going to assume your "Ranch" or I mean your wifes "Ranch" is posted at all BLM and State and county access points and every gate with no trespassing signs? Cause I bet your lazy ass didnt do that.
Well I think we are getting way off topic, besides you claimed to own a ranch and you "occasionally" help out, I am sure just during the rut.
From your earlier statements about how ranchers should get off their ass and post, I am going to assume your "Ranch" or I mean your wifes "Ranch" is posted at all BLM and State and county access points and every gate with no trespassing signs? Cause I bet your lazy ass didnt do that.

Dear Idiot,

You claim to be a hunter but I bet only in a bar hunting skanks.

Find anywhere in my posts where I said the following: A) Ranchers should "get off their ass" and B) anything about no trespassing signs?

Since my wife is an owner and my name is also on the deed of "our" ranch I can call it that. If you don't like it then tough shit.

I said it doesn't take much effort to spray paint some orange paint on your gate posts and corner braces.

I spend a little more time out there then just during the rut.

I think I am going to make sure and get a blanket ban on anyone with Bozeman plates hunting the place next fall.

Ouch!! Good plan on the "Bozemanians" though. Maybe you should get a bigger blanket and throw more counties under it.
Just print this thread Nemont, let everyone at the ranch and the neighbors while you're at it see it, geesh. They'll probably all look forward to telling someone who behaves badly, no, please leave now.
Damn, I was gonna swing thru Bozeman and get me one of them young wimmin to take hunting up to Nemont's.....

If I have out of state plates and a 21 year old blonde from Bozeman, can I hunt?
Damn, I was gonna swing thru Bozeman and get me one of them young wimmin to take hunting up to Nemont's.....

If I have out of state plates and a 21 year old blonde from Bozeman, can I hunt?

Since you already know where it is at, sure. You could even bring along Big Fin. Maybe even Greenhorn if you trust him around a 21 year old blonde.

What else can I say? In doing some research on hunting laws in Montana, I stumbled upon this forum! I haven't posted on many of these, as I usually figure that the people that do this ALL DAY LONG, don't have to work to make money, and I do. I can't believe that you would even ask a question such as "would you hunt with someone who has violated hunting laws". If there are actually hunting laws in Montana, very few people follow them!
I am going to give you a little background here and then I am going to say my peace and let you figure out which of the stupid comments on this forum, I have responded to.
I am a rancher. I own the land. I am a college graduate. I do the work on my ranch and it really pisses me off when some whiney big shot that has probably never worked a day in his life on a real ranch, claims that he is an Eastern Montana rancher, much less that he owns the thing, just because "honey" inherited it. (NEMONT) To set the record straight, real ranchers in Eastern Montana don't ranch by using 4-Wheelers, they do their work horseback. Quit giving these poor hunting freaks the wrong idea about how a real ranch works beings you don't know any better.

#2 I "sh** full" of people like Blue Yummies (A.A. candidate, by the way) from Bozeman or Kalispell thinking that they can come to Eastern Montana and hunt wherever they please. I have had many instances where I caught trespassers and asked if they had permission from the landowner to be hunting and they said "yes" we asked and they gave us permission, only to inform them that I was the landowner and had never been asked. You jerks have left gates open for cattle to get mixed, ran game through fences with your stupid-assed hunting techniques(ie 4-wheelers, dodge pickups and etc), made ruts so deep that the grass no longer grows because you are too stupid to stay on roadways. If you think I am going to let you on my land to hunt you are dead wrong! FUNNY THING, NEMONT! I spray paint all of my posts at every cattleguard gate and crossfence. It means nothing. If you think it works, maybe I'll come spray paint your yard fence in Glasgow so blue yummies won't inadvertantly wander onto your property when he is hunting out there this year.

Another question and the reason I was doing research to begin with... What are the good and bad points of going with an Outfitter. I need to try something different and I may as well try to get some money back to refund the grass and feed losses I have suffered feeding "YOUR PUBLIC" game animals, as well as having to buy paint, rebuild my fences and spend a lot of gas money running your sorry butts off my place, when I have work to do.

Can anyone give me the name of some good, trustworthy Outfitters in Eastern Montana that won't screw me over. Is there a post on here about Outfitters? I am sick and tired of you city folk thinking that we ranchers who have bought and paid for our land, owe it to you to let you hunt on it. If you want land, buy it yourself. I did.
Shoots-straigt you are a sick ol'man. As much as I hate doing this I have to say congats to greenhorn for at least clearing the big mystery.

As for nemount, okay I get the fact that you think I am an idiot. But instead of repeating yourself over and over, tell me why you havent tried to make hunting on your ranch profitable like all of the other ranchers by using an outfitter and letting the big tv guys lease your place and you could become a guide and be on tv and all of the 21 year old women would flock to you. Why havent you done that instead of being a used car salesman in the middle of nowhere?
This is what seems to me what happens when I look for the REAL Good hunting areas. Maybe I am just bitter about that.
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