Would you still hunt with....

Would you hunt with someone with a hunting Violation ?

  • Yes, It doesn't matter if he/she has taken game out of season or multiple animals.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only if they haven't been convicted.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • As long as it wasn't serious.

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • I'm not answering your dumb Questions.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No, not even if it was because he punched the wrong date on his tag.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Buzz, again, I don't think it's fair to mandate an owner fence his place. Whether he's got 1 acre, 40 acres or 40,000 acres, you cannot reasonably impose any limitations for him to be explicit with his boundaries. I know in simple cases, someone could spray paint, but still...he shouldn't have to. I guess it goes back to knowing where you are and doing research beforehand, whether it's knocking on doors, reading maps or viewing GPS screens before heading out on a hike. :D

Is there an equivalent obligation on the rancher to keep his private cows off of My Public Lands?
I finally agree with Jose!!!

Here private land must be posted or marked with blue paint x amount of yards.
Why is not reasonable to expect a landowner to be explicit with his boundaries? How much work is it to spray paint every brace or gate. Give a highschool kid a 4 wheeler and $15 and they could do in in an afternoon.


Well when the kid falls off the 4-wheeler and has multiple contusions on his face and a broken arm, his parents who are not from Montana but OOHH lets say Los Angeles, CA (California). Decide to SUE the rancher for his ranch, because the kid who fell off the quad was underage of the legal limit of operating a quad that clearly stats over 18 years old and since the rancher ordered him to paint his large ranch with spray paint, the jury finds guilty.
Well rancher loses his land to californians, and the (Californians) hunt it themselves not letting anyone on or no wait, Decides to let an outfitter lease the land therefore no deer or elk for anybody.

Well when the kid falls off the 4-wheeler and has multiple contusions on his face and a broken arm, his parents who are not from Montana but OOHH lets say Los Angeles, CA (California). Decide to SUE the rancher for his ranch, because the kid who fell off the quad was underage of the legal limit of operating a quad that clearly stats over 18 years old and since the rancher ordered him to paint his large ranch with spray paint, the jury finds guilty.
Well rancher loses his land to californians, and the (Californians) hunt it themselves not letting anyone on or no wait, Decides to let an outfitter lease the land therefore no deer or elk for anybody.


You are an idiot.
Although I started this topic, I'm Bowing out.... Problem is, I know too many people with too many Skeletons. Some not so in the recent past.

I'll bow out as the bad tresspasser and potencial "Future Deer poacher" with birds of a feather.... ;) I'll hope I will get some respect still from a few guys that know me. Sounds like I might have lost a few knotches with a few and I can live with that because I made my bed so I'm sleeping in it. Nite :D :D
I guess that explains why you sold this place to Fin! :D:D
I really hate people judging others on what they have done in the past. I don't drink... but some of my best friends are basically alcoholics, does that mean I shouldn't associate with them? I dont' think so. I probably wouldn't let them drive me or my kids home at night after they have been out, but I still go out with them to golf, hunt etc...

Its kinda like going to an AA meeting with no smell of alchohol, the ones that need it most are not there.

Maybe I look for the good in someone always but I always hope people can and will change and not to sound stupid but my actions MIGHT help in the change for good.

I won't put up with illegal/unsafe activity when they are with me though, I won't put myself in that position.
WHT_MTNMAN, drinkings not illegal, but poaching is. Your analogy is off base by a tad. Drinkers don't give the rest of you, that don't drink a bad eye by drinking. Poachers on the other hand give all hunters a black eye. The 80% of the populace that don't hunt perceive us as poachers when they see people do this sort of thing, therefor they dislike hunting and vote as such. You can be a good guy when sober, and an asshole drunk. But a poacher is a poacher no matter what. He can't blame it on delusional circumstances caused by brain altering drugs.

If a Blue Yummie isn't Viagra, are you going to let us in on your little secrete?
Although I started this topic, I'm Bowing out.... Problem is, I know too many people with too many Skeletons. Some not so in the recent past.

I'll bow out as the bad tresspasser and potencial "Future Deer poacher" with birds of a feather.... ;) I'll hope I will get some respect still from a few guys that know me. Sounds like I might have lost a few knotches with a few and I can live with that because I made my bed so I'm sleeping in it. Nite :D :D

No problem, Oscar! It's your choice and rightly so. I'm not impressed, but I still consider you as a friend. I'm confused on your "bowing out". Are you or are you not going hunting with this guy?
Is this the best you come up with nemot, even your sidekick had nothing intelligent to say.
Cmon make a point you live in glasgow, you are probably not a native scotty, but do your best to make a rebutle to your lame ass response.
If I owned land and didn't feel like painting my posts orange to keep a dipshit like you out, I have every right to do that.
Man up to your responses and realize that what you posted is a stupid Idea.
Bend the rules so that you can sneek on to a ranchers place who can't afford to buy paint because his cattle are worth nothing due to the recession and see if he likes hearing that he has to take his fat ass out there and mark every 660 feet of his ranch because some asshole from Arizona is trying to shoot a deer that is not big enough for book, but might make a good mount, and that deer that you want to kill is the deer that might make him a couple hundered dollars for a trophy fee from some corparate businessman that just got a large sum of bailout money that he is now using to take his son and mistress out to some ranch because it looked fun.
Hammered I am and my new hobby is writing responses while sober


  • 223-drunk-guy-funny.jpg
    64.3 KB · Views: 140
WHT_MTNMAN, drinkings not illegal, but poaching is. Your analogy is off base by a tad. Drinkers don't give the rest of you, that don't drink a bad eye by drinking. Poachers on the other hand give all hunters a black eye. The 80% of the populace that don't hunt perceive us as poachers when they see people do this sort of thing, therefor they dislike hunting and vote as such. You can be a good guy when sober, and an asshole drunk. But a poacher is a poacher no matter what. He can't blame it on delusional circumstances caused by brain altering drugs.

If a Blue Yummie isn't Viagra, are you going to let us in on your little secrete?
Well said Shoots.
The situations I have some trouble with is when there isnt any fencing at all. That gets tough trying to figure out where you're at exactly. The GPS comes in real handy in those situations.
Couple that with the fact that some of the most up to date ownership maps are over 20 years old and it gets to be quite troublesome, GPS or not.
Is this the best you come up with nemot, even your sidekick had nothing intelligent to say.
Cmon make a point you live in glasgow, you are probably not a native scotty, but do your best to make a rebutle to your lame ass response.

I see you live in Bozeman which means you are not a native to there. It also means you wear your jeans tucked into your cowboy boots and the closes you have gotten to a horse is the road apples you drove over in your Lincoln Navigator coming home from the Gay Pride parade in downtown Bozeman.

I am not a native Scotty, I grew up one county over in Phillips County. I am in Glasgow by choice and I moved back here from Bozeman because back in 1995 I could see what kind of guys were moving to Bozeman and wanted to be back on the Good side of the state. I am a native Montanan and grew up ranching, the inlaws ranch as well.

If I owned land and didn't feel like painting my posts orange to keep a dipshit like you out, I have every right to do that.

Perhaps if you learned to read dipshits like you wouldn't make idiotic statements. I didn't say a law should require anything, in fact that law requires that the hunter knows where he is and permission is required whether land is posted or not. What I said that it doesn't take long to paint some orange spray paint on your gate posts and on your corner braces.

Man up to your responses and realize that what you posted is a stupid Idea.

I understand it probably would be a stupid idea around Bozeman but out here, where people have learned to drive ATV's without killing themselves and the high school kids have grown up on ranches it isn't to hard to find some kids to do this. I do on our ranch, which is far bigger then your 1/2 Ranchette, in an afternoon. That is marking all the Gates and corner braces on 35,000 acres. It ain't rocket surgery. We have to do this because idiots with 6 on their license plates can't read maps and assume that all land East of Great Falls is public.

Bend the rules so that you can sneek on to a ranchers place who can't afford to buy paint because his cattle are worth nothing due to the recession and see if he likes hearing that he has to take his fat ass out there and mark every 660 feet of his ranch because some asshole from Arizona is trying to shoot a deer that is not big enough for book, but might make a good mount, and that deer that you want to kill is the deer that might make him a couple hundered dollars for a trophy fee from some corparate businessman that just got a large sum of bailout money that he is now using to take his son and mistress out to some ranch because it looked fun.

Can you point to one place where I said bend or break any rule?

Hammered I am and my new hobby is writing responses while sober.

I stand by what I said: You are an idiot

Last edited by Nemont : Today at 08:58 AM. Reason: to Reinforce the fact that BY is an idiot

I thought you did a pretty good job on your first response to him, Nemont.
Jose.........Why should the rancher keep his "private" cows off of "your" public ground if he is paying to run them there? Not to mention that he has more than likely developed some water on that public ground that your publicly owned game animals use on a daily basis. There is also a good chance that he has possibly put in some cross fences on that public ground to help aid in rotational grazing so that he doesn't over graze "your" public ground so that there is still grazing available to "your" publicly owned game animals. This is all done so that you and your family can eat beef from the U.S., not South America.

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