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Wool hunting clothing

Anyone have reccomendations for cold weather still hunting wool pants/jacket?
I bought a Filson mackinaw jacket back around new years with some cash from Christmas. It was 50 % off and I had always wanted one. Hope to wear it for years and pass it down.
Wool is still the norm around here. Way more Johnson WM, Pendleton, Filson and LLBean in the woods here, than First Lite, Sitka, Kuiu, etc.
I guess I’ve gone down both roads. Kuiu, for my western ventures as well as spring/early fall here in MN.

By the time deer season and ice fishing seasons come around the wool starts making sense. It’s heavy, and wind can penetrate, that permeability though keeps the sweat moving out away from the skin. A dapper 3 piece suit of Filson Mackinaw wool. With a silk weight layer next to skin, I’m pretty set for a winter day.

The modern hunting gear can be made to work. However, it hasn’t bested the old fashioned woolens, if all around performance is the measure.
I guess I’ve gone down both roads. Kuiu, for my western ventures as well as spring/early fall here in MN.

By the time deer season and ice fishing seasons come around the wool starts making sense. It’s heavy, and wind can penetrate, that permeability though keeps the sweat moving out away from the skin. A dapper 3 piece suit of Filson Mackinaw wool. With a silk weight layer next to skin, I’m pretty set for a winter day.

The modern hunting gear can be made to work. However, it hasn’t bested the old fashioned woolens, if all around performance is the measure.
And nothing is as quiet as wool.
Anyone have reccomendations for cold weather still hunting wool pants/jacket?
I’ve been wearing Big Bills wool pants. My pair is five(?) years old, I wear them everyday hunting and they’re as good as new.
I either wear gators with them or tucked into my lacrosse rubber boots.
I’ve been wearing Big Bills wool pants. My pair is five(?) years old, I wear them everyday hunting and they’re as good as new.
I either wear gators with them or tucked into my lacrosse rubber boots.
I bought a pair of Big Bills merino wool green hunting pants and absolutly love them. They have replaced my much patched Woolrich pair. Only thing I miss is the Woolrich had shoestring eyelets down the calf you could tighten up to slide right into your boots. The BB are heavier weight and much warmer.
I bought a pair of Big Bills merino wool green hunting pants and absolutly love them. They have replaced my much patched Woolrich pair. Only thing I miss is the Woolrich had shoestring eyelets down the calf you could tighten up to slide right into your boots. The BB are heavier weight and much warmer.
They seem to much more budget friendly as well. I thought I’d hit the hunter lottery when I found a rack at Fleet Farm. My size was already gone never to be restocked.
Anyone have reccomendations for cold weather still hunting wool pants/jacket?
I have hunted open country pheasants and sharp tails and woods deer down into the single digits with a double cape wool Jac shirt over a good wool/wicking combo base layer. If you are moving a bit and it's not too windy works great.
I have these items for wool clothing.
Some expense, but not too bad compared to some of the premium clothing lines.
This is my still hunting gear.
Under it all I have some Kuiu merino base layers, and I wear a Pendleton wool button up shirt I got off eBay for like $40.
On really cold days I may add a vest to the mix.
Sitting in a stand I’ll put my parka and bibs on over this
I also wear a stormy Kromer wool hat as I’m folically challenged.
I try to be wearing all wool as much as I can while hunting
I went through a wool outerwear phase. It does a serviceable job in the right conditions. But the new stuff is just so much lighter and warmer and more comfortable. My dad teased me about the new stuff until he tried it. Sold his wool at a garage sale.
I went through a wool outerwear phase. It does a serviceable job in the right conditions. But the new stuff is just so much lighter and warmer and more comfortable. My dad teased me about the new stuff until he tried it. Sold his wool at a garage sale.
I am just the opposite of you.
I started out with the new stuff. I agree it is very well made, and also very light. But for me it was not warm enough. I was always cold in it especially if I was sitting.
I started to pick up some wool things and found that I was much warmer and more comfortable.
To each his own
Wool can't be beat, here in Maine for winter ice fishing 20/30 below. Standard to see Woolrich "Malone" 30 oz to yard, pants and bibs. If it starts blowing hard simply pull out a cheap pair of rain pants and block the wind and wool pants are good to 40 below.