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Weird Hunting Traditions

The worst is after like 4-5 days in the woods without a shower, then you finally get take one and immediately have to take a giant shit immediately the next morning, in the woods. So basically I get to enjoy 8 hours with a clean ass and now it’s gonna be another 4-5 days until my next shower.
I eat McDonald’s after every successful hunt as soon as it’s possible.

Non negotiable. If you’re hunting with me and don’t like it GFY, I don’t care what you don’t like .
On those hunts when I get up really early (early enough that the dinner menu is still an option), I always grab a Big Mac and eat it on the drive up. There's something about a Big Mac at 3:00 AM that adds one more layer to the total insanity of the activity.
I always have a bottle of Rumple Minze on ice on every big game hunt. Whenever someone harvests, once the animal is back at camp or in the tree, everyone in the hunting party takes a swig. In Indiana I have a double tradition. First, on the way into the farm every morning I listen to Bob and Tom on Q95 in my truck, as God intended. Also, as I leave town I stop at the same gas station and get the biggest fountain Diet Mountain Dew they have I drink about half of it on the trip and drink the other half when I get back to the truck later in the day.
On those hunts when I get up really early (early enough that the dinner menu is still an option), I always grab a Big Mac and eat it on the drive up. There's something about a Big Mac at 3:00 AM that adds one more layer to the total insanity of the activity.

Big Mac and a cup of coffee is almost as good as a cigarette and a cup of coffee.
The worst is after like 4-5 days in the woods without a shower, then you finally get take one and immediately have to take a giant shit immediately the next morning, in the woods. So basically I get to enjoy 8 hours with a clean ass and now it’s gonna be another 4-5 days until my next shower.
Have you considered wiping?
Idk if it’s considered a ritual or not but I go to my local gun range and take two fouling shots after I clean it. Otherwise, no rituals. Just go hunt.
My dad and I would always stop at this hamburger joint on the way home and get a chicken fried steak sandwich with onion rings. My dad loved those. Been a lot of years ago and I sure do miss my dad. He was one of the best archery shooters I’ve ever seen with a traditional bow
Chocolate glazed donuts, chili cheese Fritos, hot chocolate for the kids, coffee for the adults. Gotta grab them on the way out at least the first hunt of the year. Ever since I was a kid.

Not weird but some of y’all are making nostalgic.
If the hunt isn’t going that well then we break out the Hostess powdered donuts and our luck will change almost immediately. Some kind of weird science 🤷‍♂️
Have you considered wiping?
idk why but it seems like every woods poop is so bad. Sometimes it’s like there’s a marker in my butt, like how can I wipe so many times and it’s not fully clean. It doesn’t make sense, like where does it keep coming from?
I used to hunt with a guy who said he had to "draw first blood" He felt he had to kill something, anything, before he would be able to kill whatever it was he was hunting for. It wasn't healthy to be a squirrel, a rabbit or a grouse on the first morning of any elk hunt.

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