Weird Hunting Traditions

I'm curious on this one too. Movies and TV shows have people doing this all the time. I never thought it was much of a real thing....
I think it's just a primal ritual as part of your rite of passage. Tells the world you are a hunter and can take a life. Very symbolic.
I have no doubt that many of you have strange hunting traditions, and as I was getting ready for the season yesterday I couldn't help but note a couple of mine:

Many of mine have something to do with music. A few years back my old man and I were packing a bull out, and I could tell he was starting to feel it. So to keep morale up and give us something to march to, I started singing the 5th Dimension's "Let the Sunshine In." That has now become our go-to elk hunting song. We also went on a moose hunt when I was in high school, and our hunting buddy with the tag only had a Beach Boys cassette tape in his truck. Since then, the Beach Boys have become part of the hunting soundtrack. Bob Seger's "Her Strut" is our turkey hunting song. And when I was 6 years old, my dad invented the "Elky Welky" song, which was more of a silly poem than a song.

The biggest one for me, though, is that after a successful hunt, I try to track down an ice cold Mountain Dew. I don't drink it any other time of year, and tend to think most pop is garbage. Of course, there's a long story that goes with why I always get a Mountain Dew after a successful hunt.

What are some of your weirdest traditions? What's something you love about hunting that really has nothing to do with hunting? Let's hear 'em!
I love crushing a Mt Dew back at the truck after a pack out. Nothing better. Like you I rarely drink them throughout the year. But they are always in the cooler for hunting trips.
I'm not so sure weird would describe though we always break out the collapsible Coleman oven and toss it atop the camp stove. Load it up with appetizers and get the radio (must remain radio) going for the Griz game. Something nostalgic about listening to the play by play.

A fun tradition.
I did an overnight fishing trip to the Cook Islands out of New Zealand. As we were leaving the harbor they had us throw bread into the water. They did that every trip for good luck. It wasn’t optional, they fid it every trip just like their father had always done. They were giving back to the ocean that supported them for generations. And we did have good luck.
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