Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Wolves, they aren't a problem...

Amen to that sweetnectar!

Wyo- I was attempting to find a website with my facts on it, however, I have been unable to locate such a site. I heard that tidbit of info, 7 moose per wolf, during a lecture I attended on wolves. So far I have only been able to find documentation in one study that wolves need 8.5 kg/wolf/day - 19.9 kg/wolf/day. Other studies suggest that it is even less, 2.5 kg/wolf/day, and others go even higher. Per the internet studies, there is a direct correlation between pack size and kg/day. I found it interesting that as the pack size increased, so did the kg/wolf/day. In one study, it seemed to suggest that as packs increase, they kill more just for the kill. I would like to know if that might be because of the teaching process with the pups. Anyway, here is some reading for you:
Of course an average of 674 moose are killed each year on Alaskan road systems, so maybe Alaskans should quit driving?
No one's arguing with you about wolves eating elk and moose...
I'm wondering why one of the admins haven't moved this to SI or PO ???

I'm just guessing because I've never tasted wolf but I'd guess moose taste much better.

Just eat one of your neighbors dogs and imagine less fat :D

Would probably be about the same difference as wild turkey vs. farm raised :)