Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Montana Fentanyl and Meth. Mexican Drug Cartel Focus.

Welcome to the internet. I said I have no idea why they buy it from someplace other than a dispensery. Other than they say it's cheaper.
So , ... you got my joke , excellent .
I too knew people who would say that , but just a few . Most people I knew wanted the best weed they could get , within reason .
But buying cheap weed from a local grower is vastly different than legalizing all drugs to cut into the cartells market . IMO
So , ... you got my joke , excellent .
I too knew people who would say that , but just a few . Most people I knew wanted the best weed they could get , within reason .
But buying cheap weed from a local grower is vastly different than legalizing all drugs to cut into the cartells market . IMO
I got the joke. Then again some guys from work will drive all the way to Michigan because it's cheaper at the dispensery. Seems like a lot to go through.
My first does for Fentanyl for an adult is measured in micrograms, 50…..I can’t even imagine what goes on using it to cut heroin for illegal sale. I can’t see how legal production can be any worse for our country and communities.
I found a article you may find interesting!

I guess it depends on where you are. Around here our climate is perfect for weed so most people just grow it. It’s almost free! I don’t smoke weed only because I like a few vodka sodas more than being high! Half my friends do. It’s no big deal. I can’t imagine a drug cartel moving into a reservation to set up selling weed though. And I respect Nick for always being so honest!
Legalize all drugs , that's the only answer . Stop putting stupid people in jail for dumb shit , like doing drugs . If someone chooses to be a druggie , oh well , it's their life to waste . I'll be minding my own business
Interesting article

Yeah , I saw that . Seems it just trying to force the addicts to get help though , not really aimed the source ?
I haven't and probably won't read all of HB 4002-- it's over 70 pages. I did see under section 25 they address "delivery" and list what they belive to be distribution amounts. The bill states it makes getting treatment easier. I did find section 91 interesting-
SECTION 91. This 2024 Act being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public
peace, health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist, and this 2024 Act takes effect
on its passage.
EDIT: Stay off the Border issue. This is in a Place For Friends... OFF TOPIC sub forum. About mitigating the issue IN Montana.
How to counter the issue focused on the complexities of sovereign tribal nations and the consequences of tribal and spill over off tribal land.

Sure, place your reports to Randy though again, this is not Political NOR border based... If you can't manage your ability to not open / post in a topic you don't personally find off topic notable... Report away...

LMAO. The entire thing is political.
Its so sad. "When war on drugs" started if we had taken all the resources spent on the supply side and correction facilities and put it toward prevention and rehabilitation would we still be in the same spot? For example the DARE program was effective,but got cut.
Its so sad. "When war on drugs" started if we had taken all the resources spent on the supply side and correction facilities and put it toward prevention and rehabilitation would we still be in the same spot? For example the DARE program was effective,but got cut.
Prevention? That's just silly talk. That's not how we roll here in the US. Now treatment.... that's where it's at. Much more lucrative.
Marijuana is a waste of tax $ and an extreme waste of federal resources, IMO. Focus on manufactured drugs - PCP, Meth, etc. Federally tax the crap out of marijuana - as with cigarettes. And FFS get on board with taxing vapes, etc. Offset some of the welfare toads medical issues. Wild, one joint has the equivalent effect of 2.5-5 cigarettes for lung damage.

DEA has dropped marijuana to a sched III. It's only a matter of time.
Its so sad. "When war on drugs" started if we had taken all the resources spent on the supply side and correction facilities and put it toward prevention and rehabilitation would we still be in the same spot? For example the DARE program was effective,but got cut.
Dare was not successful . It had just the opposite effect , it made kids curious about drugs so they stopped it , sorry but you're wrong .
Look out SMOKY mountain tourists
These dumb bastards in pa. Are trying to pass recreational pot. They claim all the new tax dollars will save everything. BS.all it would mean is that they got a bigger pot to steal from and 5 years later they will still be begging for more $$.CROOKS never have enough $$
Look out SMOKY mountain tourists
These dumb bastards in pa. Are trying to pass recreational pot. They claim all the new tax dollars will save everything. BS.all it would mean is that they got a bigger pot to steal from and 5 years later they will still be begging for more $$.CROOKS never have enough $$
I could care less if someone smokes pot. But that was the big sell here. It would solve all of the states' financial shortcomings. Didn't do a thing they just stole more. Racy Charles could've seen it coming.
I could care less if someone smokes pot. But that was the big sell here. It would solve all of the states' financial shortcomings. Didn't do a thing they just stole more. Racy Charles could've seen it coming.