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Judge orders new work on Bitterroot grizzly plan

In the last twenty years grizzly bears have been spotted in the lower Bitterroots between Lost trail pass and the Leadore to Dillon road.
A neighbor of mine claimed to have seen one on a ridge I hunted the next day. It had snowed two days prior and I crossed the grizzly tracks the day after his spotting it.
This might be it. If not it’s pretty interesting.
Yes, that's the video I watched showing how the grizzlies had the biggest struggle crossing I90. In case anyone else is interested, the article showing the new relocation spot in the Sapphires is:

Specifically it states:
"in consultation with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), FWP trapped, radio-collared and then relocated the bears to a remote area on the edge of the Welcome Creek Wilderness in the Sapphire Mountains."

One was confirmed north of Salmon idaho last year, first in that area since 2020. Was also one near grangeville idaho in 2020, that one was definitely a surprise based on distance it was from known populations
One was confirmed north of Salmon idaho last year, first in that area since 2020. Was also one near grangeville idaho in 2020, that one was definitely a surprise based on distance it was from known populations
Didn't the one they tracked to Kelly Creek have a collar and they ended up tracing it back to up the Yaak area?
Didn't the one they tracked to Kelly Creek have a collar and they ended up tracing it back to up the Yaak area?
Looks like it. I know he spent a decent amount of time in some of the country between the lochsa and Selway probably just doing nothing but eat huckleberries

I was just outside if Darby few weeks ago doing work in the woods, and I saw the largest pile of bear crap I’ve ever seen. I would be hard pressed to believe it was black bear. There was 2 different piles near the same area 2 different days. I’ve never dealt with any other type of bear aside from a black so I wouldn’t have anything to compare it to. But I know it was substantially larger than any black bear piles I’ve seen
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