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To protect eagles, hunters and conservationists rebuild old alliances (non-lead ammo)

I'm switching to an all potassium core bullet because I don't like bananas.

Getting a little serious here needed to make an attempt to lighten the mood.
The mood of hunters and gun owners is pretty sour in Oregon right now after passing 114
Same goes for the take over by non-hunters of Washington state hunting commission.

Reading posts #65 to 72 here, these guys are shooting themselves and other hunters in the foot when it comes to public opinion.

That will translate into anti-hunting. anti-gun and anti-lead bullet votes in the future.
i am not at all sure what and where you are referring to in your first sentence regarding fragments. Please give me a source.

Also referring to anything as "piss poor" totally undermines your integrity. It is adolescent but to your credit you are steps above the dark comments made about eagles by others here.

And where those comments go is right into the antihunting, antigun websites. Ultimately, they are building a case against hunters, hunting and firearms.

Look how close votes are now.
Agree, Mustang. The antis harvest threads like these to demonstrate that hunters don’t care. Ultimately, people resort to proclaiming “death to eagles” because they don’t have anything intelligent to say. It’s an argument of last resort, and is ineffective in terms of persuasion. It is, however, effective at getting a rise from people, especially those who are predisposed to think hunters are cruel and careless. “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
The mood of hunters and gun owners is pretty sour in Oregon right now after passing 114
Same goes for the take over by non-hunters of Washington state hunting commission.

Reading posts #65 to 72 here, these guys are shooting themselves and other hunters in the foot when it comes to public opinion.

That will translate into anti-hunting. anti-gun and anti-lead bullet votes in the future.
You would vote anti lead, possibly anti-hunting and anti-guns not to your liking.
The mood of hunters and gun owners is pretty sour in Oregon right now after passing 114
Same goes for the take over by non-hunters of Washington state hunting commission.

Reading posts #65 to 72 here, these guys are shooting themselves and other hunters in the foot when it comes to public opinion.

That will translate into anti-hunting. anti-gun and anti-lead bullet votes in the future.
I am not looking for fight. All I will say is this. The majority of hunters, I say hunters because this is a hunting forum and I figure I'll get nailed for not including other outdoor activities, anyway, i say to each their own.
I won't speak on the political situation in Oregon as I'm not educated about it and I prefer not to run down that rabbit hole.

What I said was sarcasm, and before we start jumping on each other about viewpoints maybe just maybe we should stop insulting each other and honestly try to understand where each other is coming from. I have a helluva time finding components to reload with and factory ammunition isn't easy to find either. Therefore I shoot what is available, that doesn't mean that I don't care about other animals, what that means is I care about putting meat in the freezer and helping stave off having to buy meat from the grocery store.

If we can't get along and respect each others opinions then we can't expect anti-hunting anti-gun groups to do the same. We all love the same thing, we are all passionate about the sport, our energies are better spent protecting what we love and care about rather than snapping at each other. We are human and it will happen, we have the right to voice our opinions

I won't apologize for my comment that was quoted, if you don't like what I say in this post, then i simply say please don't quote me.

Now can we all just get along.
You would vote anti lead, possibly anti-hunting and anti-guns not to your liking.
This big game season is my 56th or 57th I lost count. At soon to be 75, I am a lifelong hunter. But,,,first and foremost I am a field biologist. I will only hunt in ways that are "good Biology". Lead bullets are bad biology. I would not hunt with anyone using them. That is where i draw the line.

Regarding guns, most of my hunting life I have used bolt action rifles. One in particular, a Safari grade Browning in 30-06, I have hunted with for over 50 years.

I do own two semi-autos. Had them before my whiskers got gray. Both are Colts. One is .45 ACP Commander. The other is a Colt AR 15 "Z". Colt only made 150 of them. Except for sighting it in my "Z" is NIB. All my mags for both of these are also made by Colt.

These firearms are my "just in case" guns. I never shoot them.

When it comes to handguns, I am a S and W double action man.

Being a field biologist, I spend lots of time afield, especially examining kill sites. My wilderness handgun is a stainless S and W 41 mag with a 6 inch barrel. From steady rest or off my shooting sticks, I can hit a beer can all day long at 60 yards.

Some things I am very proud are:

Over 50 years ago I crossed the Canadian Rockies, living off the land with only a USN pilot's knife. There was not even a hint of trails then.

Second. I have taken most game animals in NA but have never shot a predator.

And after I stopped using lead ammo my blood lead level dropped in half over a year.
This big game season is my 56th or 57th I lost count. At soon to be 75, I am a lifelong hunter. But,,,first and foremost I am a field biologist. I will only hunt in ways that are "good Biology". Lead bullets are bad biology. I would not hunt with anyone using them. That is where i draw the line.

Regarding guns, most of my hunting life I have used bolt action rifles. One in particular, a Safari grade Browning in 30-06, I have hunted with for over 50 years.

I do own two semi-autos. Had them before my whiskers got gray. Both are Colts. One is .45 ACP Commander. The other is a Colt AR 15 "Z". Colt only made 150 of them. Except for sighting it in my "Z" is NIB. All my mags for both of these are also made by Colt.

These firearms are my "just in case" guns. I never shoot them.

When it comes to handguns, I am a S and W double action man.

Being a field biologist, I spend lots of time afield, especially examining kill sites. My wilderness handgun is a stainless S and W 41 mag with a 6 inch barrel. From steady rest or off my shooting sticks, I can hit a beer can all day long at 60 yards.

Some things I am very proud are:

Over 50 years ago I crossed the Canadian Rockies, living off the land with only a USN pilot's knife. There was not even a hint of trails then.

Second. I have taken most game animals in NA but have never shot a predator.

And after I stopped using lead ammo my blood lead level dropped in half over a year.
It's unfortunate that we will never hunt together mustangsrule. I'm a nice guy. With that said, remember lead sinkers are used in fishing. If you cut fish out of your diet that are caught using the lead sinker method I'm sure your lead levels would be almost zero.

Keep on keeping on.
This big game season is my 56th or 57th I lost count. At soon to be 75, I am a lifelong hunter. But,,,first and foremost I am a field biologist. I will only hunt in ways that are "good Biology". Lead bullets are bad biology. I would not hunt with anyone using them. That is where i draw the line.

Regarding guns, most of my hunting life I have used bolt action rifles. One in particular, a Safari grade Browning in 30-06, I have hunted with for over 50 years.

I do own two semi-autos. Had them before my whiskers got gray. Both are Colts. One is .45 ACP Commander. The other is a Colt AR 15 "Z". Colt only made 150 of them. Except for sighting it in my "Z" is NIB. All my mags for both of these are also made by Colt.

These firearms are my "just in case" guns. I never shoot them.

When it comes to handguns, I am a S and W double action man.

Being a field biologist, I spend lots of time afield, especially examining kill sites. My wilderness handgun is a stainless S and W 41 mag with a 6 inch barrel. From steady rest or off my shooting sticks, I can hit a beer can all day long at 60 yards.

Some things I am very proud are:

Over 50 years ago I crossed the Canadian Rockies, living off the land with only a USN pilot's knife. There was not even a hint of trails then.

Second. I have taken most game animals in NA but have never shot a predator.

And after I stopped using lead ammo my blood lead level dropped in half over a year.
You have excellent taste in handguns.
“ I will only consume "good Beer". Keystone Light is bad beer. I would not hunt with anyone drinking that. That is where i draw the line. “

I’d drink Keystone Light in emergencies. Why are you hating? But then again, if I was starving I’d also shoot an eagle with a lead bullet, so go figure. Do you think the lead pieces would make ‘em crunchier? Asking for a friend.
You have excellent taste in handguns.
View attachment 250782
Very cool handgun. Thank you for showing it to all if us.

My Hunting partner of over 30 years has one. He and I ended up moving far apart when we retired. I saw one come up online the very first day for $999. I got it right away.

Components being so hard to get especially for 41 mag my old hunting partner had tons and he sent me a lot.
He custom loaded the best ever shot loads ever and sent me a few dozen. They really work incredible.

I got Pachmayer grips with it but 25 years ago I bought a set of vintage original S and W handmade, hand checkered S and W Coke Bottle grips. I have seen them on the internet for way over $500.

I bought and A E Nelson basketweave belt holster and made a custom shoulder holster adapter.

My favorite bullets are 185 grain Barnes Vortex. Barnes bullets are like Bruce Lee. No fat, all fight, shoot flat.

It is a cool rig all around. It will make a fine horse pistol when I am riding my mustang Mare named Rose.

Next summer my old hunting partner will come for a visit.

Time and distance will keep us from hunting again together.

He such a fine person to be afield with. No drinking, so safe, up way way before dawn. Loves the wilderness. He did two tours as a deep recon ranger in Vietnam. He has taken elk with his 41. His patience and stalking skills are way better than mine. He takes elk and deer just feet away.

We both only hunt with Barnes bullets, have both vowed never to use a quad. Neither of us wear camo, just old wool pants and plaid shirts. He makes fun of my well-worn Scottish tweed sports jackets,,,original camo they were.

We are both the same age and know that any hunt could be our last one

Damn we had some fine adventures. he can still fit in his uniform.

My first few years teaching I put on weight and he was merciless with me. He called me Bubble Butt, Lard Ass, Jelly Belly and said If I kept going that way I would never a fit mountain hunter again.

I was back in shape for next season and stayed that way.

I have not seen him in years. We both hunt alone now
Oh my old partners name is John and he loves single shot hunting rifles and revolvers. Had enough semi autos in the war and does not own one.
It's unfortunate that we will never hunt together mustangsrule. I'm a nice guy. With that said, remember lead sinkers are used in fishing. If you cut fish out of your diet that are caught using the lead sinker method I'm sure your lead levels would be almost zero.

Keep on keeping on.
Once a hunter opens his eye, and does the math,,,counts how may tens of millions of big game animals are killed in North America every year,,,all those millions of gut piles left behind loaded with hundreds of tiny easily digestible pieces of lead and how many critters, scavenge on that and some might die, and others just get sick....nothing "nice" about that,,,, makes me sick. I will have no part in it. Pure michimonitou. ( Bad medicine)

I only will hunt with Kichimontou hunters, Algonquin for Good Medicine.

And one of the reasons I write these stories is that over the years I have made some great new hunting friends. They send me a PM, agreed with what I might say,,,but just are not interested in getting the flak from the naysayers.

They have visited me at my ranch.

I have made some truly fine friends.
Do you have some excellent hunting on your ranch? If so - I might temporarily go copper to help the environment (and eagles). If you’d let me go hunting?

Your friendly friend to be..
Went out to my mail box last summer and saw a 2-3 year old Rocky Mountain Bighorn Ram trotting down the road.

Sold an expensive rifle and bought an expensive spotting scope. All summer I watch mountain goats while having breakfast, elk too.

I keep my horses out of part of my tall prairie grass. The deer bed in their all winter. I cut much of my hay by hand with a scythe

This is my third and last place like this. I do not hunt here myself. it would be too boring and break the spell.

Next summer I want to open my home for young field biologists to serve an internship. Teaching them how to hunt would be a small part of a bigger picture.

This will be the last act of my life.

Besides, your soul is filled with way too much lead.
Once a hunter opens his eye, and does the math,,,counts how may tens of millions of big game animals are killed in North America every year,,,all those millions of gut piles left behind loaded with hundreds of tiny easily digestible pieces of lead and how many critters, scavenge on that and some might die, and others just get sick....nothing "nice" about that,,,, makes me sick. I will have no part in it. Pure michimonitou. ( Bad medicine)

I only will hunt with Kichimontou hunters, Algonquin for Good Medicine.

And one of the reasons I write these stories is that over the years I have made some great new hunting friends. They send me a PM, agreed with what I might say,,,but just are not interested in getting the flak from the naysayers.

They have visited me at my ranch.

I have made some truly fine friends.
Mr. Mustangs I'm gonna bow out of this conversation and take the high road before I say something that gets me booted out of this forum or this site. You keep taking the passive aggressive shots and digs if it makes you feel better. Quit poking this bear, Don't judge my character when you don't know me, don't think that a lack of higher education makes anyone inferior.
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