Biden Announces Lead Ammo/Lure Ban Across Eight National Wildlife Refuges by 2026

Cool. Go build a house there and see what happens.

then lets close all the pubic land. I own enough to hunt the rest of my life. If incrementalism by taking small bits of pieces of freedom and choices aren't a problem for you then I see why you like this. I have no problem with all copper or non lead, I just have problem being told what I can and cannot use when this is not about protecting wildlife.

then lets close all the pubic land. I own enough to hunt the rest of my life. If incrementalism by taking small bits of pieces of freedom and choices aren't a problem for you then I see why you like this. I have no problem with all copper or non lead, I just have problem being told what I can and cannot use when this is not about protecting wildlife.
If it was all about protecting wildlife, we wouldn't get to hunt.
For waterfowl hunting, the nation-wide the ban on lead shot has been an effective conservation tool in preventing
the premature death of thousands of waterfowl.

All my friends up here in Alaska have hunted exclusively with monolithic (lead-free) bullets for at least a decade.
We like the performance of monolithic bullets, especially with an exit hole likely for tracking bears.

I have no complaints about going lead-free.
How about the millions of ducks/geese(whatever’s) dinged with steel shot that die a miserable lingering death?
My lab has retrieved enough dead/crippled ducks/geese that I don’t know which is worse, lead poisoning or steel crippling.
I do know an attack on the gun/hunting community when I see it though.

Both R&D parties are guilty of creating self serving crises when needed. I’m personally so disgusted by what is happening to our nation. Distract everyone with “climate change”, something no human can control. The climate has changed since the good Lord built planet earth. However they Turn a blind eye to a real crisis on our southern border, something that can be controlled.
In order to renew my driver’s license I had to have 3 forms of ID, but to vote(which I consider way more important) I need nothing? End of rant.

then lets close all the pubic land. I own enough to hunt the rest of my life. If incrementalism by taking small bits of pieces of freedom and choices aren't a problem for you then I see why you like this. I have no problem with all copper or non lead, I just have problem being told what I can and cannot use when this is not about protecting wildlife.
Oh, it's definitely about protecting wildlife. Maybe not about protecting species you care about, but it's undoubtedly about protecting wildlife.

How about the millions of ducks/geese(whatever’s) dinged with steel shot that die a miserable lingering death?
My lab has retrieved enough dead/crippled ducks/geese that I don’t know which is worse, lead poisoning or steel crippling.
I do know an attack on the gun/hunting community when I see it though.

Both R&D parties are guilty of creating self serving crises when needed. I’m personally so disgusted by what is happening to our nation. Distract everyone with “climate change”, something no human can control. The climate has changed since the good Lord built planet earth. However they Turn a blind eye to a real crisis on our southern border, something that can be controlled.
In order to renew my driver’s license I had to have 3 forms of ID, but to vote(which I consider way more important) I need nothing? End of rant.
What a spin. Copper bullets to voting and immigration. SMH
How about the millions of ducks/geese(whatever’s) dinged with steel shot that die a miserable lingering death?
My lab has retrieved enough dead/crippled ducks/geese that I don’t know which is worse, lead poisoning or steel crippling.
I do know an attack on the gun/hunting community when I see it though.

Both R&D parties are guilty of creating self serving crises when needed. I’m personally so disgusted by what is happening to our nation. Distract everyone with “climate change”, something no human can control. The climate has changed since the good Lord built planet earth. However they Turn a blind eye to a real crisis on our southern border, something that can be controlled.
In order to renew my driver’s license I had to have 3 forms of ID, but to vote(which I consider way more important) I need nothing? End of rant.
Manufactured crisis allow people to twist information, or completely make it up, on the internet thereby furthering the narrative that our country is in decline. Well done.
Wall Street Journal has a new article out entitled “America is wrapped in Mikes of toxic lead cables”. Blurbs:

…telecom giants have left behind a sprawling network of cables covered in toxic lead that stretches across the U.S., under the water, in the soil and on poles overhead, a Wall Street Journal investigation found. As the lead degrades, it is ending up in places where Americans live, work and play.

The lead can be found on the banks of the Mississippi River in Louisiana, the Detroit River in Michigan, the Willamette River in Oregon and the Passaic River in New Jersey, according to the Journal’s tests of samples from nearly 130 underwater-cable sites, conducted by several independent laboratories. The metal has tainted the soil at a popular fishing spot in New Iberia, La., at a playground in Wappingers Falls, N.Y., and in front of a school in suburban New Jersey.

The U.S. has spent decades eradicating lead from well-known sources such as paint, gasoline and pipes. The Journal’s investigation reveals a hidden source of contamination—more than 2,000 lead-covered cables—that hasn’t been addressed by the companies or environmental regulators. These relics of the old Bell System’s regional telephone network, and their impact on the environment, haven’t been previously reported.

Lead levels in sediment and soil at more than four dozen locations tested by the Journal exceeded safety recommendations set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. At the New Iberia fishing spot, lead leaching into the sediment near a cable in June 2022 measured 14.5 times the EPA threshold for areas where children play. “We’ve been fishing here since we were kids,” said Tyrin Jones, 27 years old, who grew up a few blocks away.


The Journal’s findings “suggest there is a significant problem from these buried lead cables everywhere, and it’s going to be everywhere and you’re not even going to know where it is in a lot of places,” said Linda Birnbaum, a former EPA official and director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, a federal agency.

In Coal Center, Pa., medical tests independently sought by the mother of 6-year-old twins, Joyanna and Beau Bibby, and shared with the Journal, showed they had high levels of lead in their blood. The tests were taken a few days after they played in a lot next to their house under a drooping cable.



—Roughly 330 of the total number of underwater cable locations identified by the Journal are in a “source water protection area,” designated by federal regulators as contributing to the drinking-water supply, according to an EPA review performed for the Journal.

—Aerial lead cabling runs alongside more than 100 schools with about 48,000 students in total. More than 1,000 schools and child-care centers sit within half a mile of an underwater lead cable, according to a Journal analysis using data from research firm MCH Strategic Data.

—In New Jersey alone, more than 350 bus stops are next to or beneath aerial lead-covered cables, a Journal analysis of NJ Transit data found.

—Roughly 80% of sediment samples taken next to underwater cables, which the Journal tested, showed elevated levels of lead. It isn’t known if the level of leaching is constant; experts say old cables tend to degrade over time.
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