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Wildife Task force 90-10, etc.

Wyo has some units with youth only dates and also different antler point/sex criteria for youth hunters. My sons take advantage of the different season dates and the difference in the quality of the experience is measurable.
Do these exist for NR? That is what I was referring to.
And that is the crux of the issue that has lead to all of this angst, IMO. I never thought about hunting out of state much until the late 90's - early 00's. And it was the internet and @BuzzH that convinced me. ;) Many have forgotten what they didn't used to know about and have now come to expect.
Points and the internet hunting forums seem to come about around the same time. :)
I wonder what happens from here.

I have no problem with 90/10, 90/5/5, high price, low price, split draw, etc. I like random odds whenever they're available but beyond that I have grown to be a strict "state's rights" person on this issue, so to speak.

But I wonder with NR tag availability set to shrink big time in Wyoming, plus whatever the hell becomes of Montana over the next few years, plus the chance that Colorado finally stops treating residents like afterthoughts...

...will the demand for western/NR/DIY/whatever hunting begin to atrophy or will it hammer some other resource? Alaska? NZ?

I guess we will know as soon as GoHunt or whoever starts advertising the next last best thing.
90-10 for DEA is going to happen, sooner the better. I would prefer that over 90-5-5.
It’s not going to be the end of the world. Get it done and move on.
Maybe, but I would ask

1) is the level of availability there to allow it to become the next big thing?

2) will people accept it as a substitute for the DIY element that most seem to crave? A lot of folks have come to believe (I think) that it doesn't count if not on public land.

Not an unbelievable premise overall though
1. I don’t know and that’s a great question. Perhaps not now, but there is momentum building to be sure. More supply, more opportunity.

2. Unit-wide tags check both boxes- DIY hunts on public land are readily available.
An outfitter set aside is not a transferable tag.

I'm not really cracked up about outfitter set asides, but the constant NR whining about:

Higher fees, Wyoming pulling in line with other States residents on allocations, Residents are greedy, etc. etc. etc.

Those have all changed my mind to just do what it takes to get 90-10 over the goal line in the next couple years.

I'm tired of listening to all the NR crying, in particular considering all the good deals NR's have received over the years in Wyoming.

Our generosity toward NR's has turned into entitlement and spoiled child syndrome.

I've over it...you and plenty of others have been a motivator for WY Residents to just get it over with. If that means cutting a deal with outfitters...so be it.
Wow, showing your true colors…. Let the non-resident hate flow. Why not just go to 100-0? To be clear 90-10 might put you in line with some western states, but not the western state that issues the most tags, Colorado. Also 90-10 might be in line with most but cutting a deal with outfitters would be 90-5-5, not in line with other states.
Wow, showing your true colors…. Let the non-resident hate flow. Why not just go to 100-0? To be clear 90-10 might put you in line with some western states, but not the western state that issues the most tags, Colorado. Also 90-10 might be in line with most but cutting a deal with outfitters would be 90-5-5, not in line with other states.
Residents still get 90% either way it’s broken down.


Win for residents. NR can use their preferred card of choice and pay for the special to up their chances.
Always interesting to see the incredibly vocal WY DIY public land advocates throw up support for outfitter set asides so quickly…… as long it hoses non-residents. Compromise is always a part of the process.
That’s one state, not most. The consistent line from WY residents is they need 90-10 to be in line with most every western state.
Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, NM, and Montana what are there allocations? You pointed out 1 western state Colorado which has a very generous allocations and is notorious for a mismanaged cpw.
Wow, showing your true colors…. Let the non-resident hate flow. Why not just go to 100-0? To be clear 90-10 might put you in line with some western states, but not the western state that issues the most tags, Colorado. Also 90-10 might be in line with most but cutting a deal with outfitters would be 90-5-5, not in line with other states.
Buzz hasn't forgotten how much of WY G&F management has to be done on the backs of those not residents. They still want nonres money in addition to huge federal subsidies in the form of USFS and BLM land - which nonresidents also pay for. It's all about the res.
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