Wildife Task force 90-10, etc.

I live here….I deal with the long winters…..my neighbors do the same. They deserve an upper hand….a big one.

now, people, don't flame me. i push for better allocation in my state. and i have no problem with wyoming doing the same.

but i always found this part interesting with wyoming comments from wyo residents, so help me understand - what upper hand are residents lacking? i feel like i hear this all the time.

how many elk tags can you get every year that constitute some of the best elk hunting in the lower 48? how many pronghorn tags can you get every year, that is some of the best pronghorn hunting in the country? how many deer tags can you get.... again every year?

it's just a serious question, because comments like that would make you think you guys have no hunting opportunity, when in fact, as residents you're already sitting on the best opportunity in the lower 48.

this isn't an attack, it's not a complaint. it's just a serious inquiry. from the outside looking in, it doesn't seem like residents are losing out on much up there with opportunity. at all.

i know people could say the same thing about me and colorado as i push for 80/20, and i could explain it. but i do see differences between the two states.

i almost feel like you have more residents tags up there than resident hunters... with high quality hunting all around, can't really say that for colorado.

just help me understand the context of these comments.
now, people, don't flame me. i push for better allocation in my state. and i have no problem with wyoming doing the same.

but i always found this part interesting with wyoming comments from wyo residents, so help me understand - what upper hand are residents lacking? i feel like i hear this all the time.

how many elk tags can you get every year that constitute some of the best elk hunting in the lower 48? how many pronghorn tags can you get every year, that is some of the best pronghorn hunting in the country? how many deer tags can you get.... again every year?

it's just a serious question, because comments like that would make you think you guys have no hunting opportunity, when in fact, as residents you're already sitting on the best opportunity in the lower 48.

this isn't an attack, it's not a complaint. it's just a serious inquiry. from the outside looking in, it doesn't seem like residents are losing out on much up there with opportunity. at all.

i know people could say the same thing about me and colorado as i push for 80/20, and i could explain it. but i do see differences between the two states.

i almost feel like you have more residents tags up there than resident hunters... with high quality hunting all around, can't really say that for colorado.

just help me understand the context of these comments.
All we are guaranteed is a general deer and a general elk.

I haven’t drawn a lope tag in 3 years

Haven’t drawn a LQ deer tag ever

Haven’t drawn a LQ elk in 2 years.

I generally buy a cow elk tag.
this isn't an attack, it's not a complaint. it's just a serious inquiry. from the outside looking in, it doesn't seem like residents are losing out on much up there with opportunity. at all.
Example of how my in-laws view the issue. At 65 yrs old they cannot hunt the General deer and elk units like they used to. They try but unless weather works out in their favor they are spinning their wheels. They see easier accessible units, where SxS's are far more useful and they try for those. They are largely unsuccessful at drawing those tags since everyone else see's the same things. This is where their push for 90/10 comes from.
Example of how my in-laws view the issue. At 65 yrs old they cannot hunt the General deer and elk units like they used to. They try but unless weather works out in their favor they are spinning their wheels. They see easier accessible units, where SxS's are far more useful and they try for those. They are largely unsuccessful at drawing those tags since everyone else see's the same things. This is where their push for 90/10 comes from.

makes sense.

i'm rather close with someone in wyoming, also 65+, that has started really complaining about not drawing their cow tag every year anymore in their favorite general unit.

i can't help be feel perplexed though, as the general tag affords them the same amount of time to kill a bull or a cow in the same unit. and all they are really trying to do is kill a cow every fall for the freezer.

i mean, i do get it, either way.

but man, watching a lot of the wyo folks on here, snowy, buzz, yourself, etc, and what they get to enjoy every year really has folks like me scratching their heads when people say the wyomign residents really need a leg up for their opportunity.

i guess buschy and khunter would really make folks wonder the same about us in colorado though.
makes sense.

i'm rather close with someone in wyoming, also 65+, that has started really complaining about not drawing their cow tag every year anymore in their favorite general unit.

i can't help be feel perplexed though, as the general tag affords them the same amount of time to kill a bull or a cow in the same unit. and all they are really trying to do is kill a cow every fall for the freezer.

i mean, i do get it, either way.

but man, watching a lot of the wyo folks on here, snowy, buzz, yourself, etc, and what they get to enjoy every year really has folks like me scratching their heads when people say the wyomign residents really need a leg up for their opportunity.

i guess buschy and khunter would really make folks wonder the same about us in colorado though.
Lots of Wyoming view points out their other than what is typed on HT. For me and my immediate family, we don't get twisted up over 90/10 for elk, little bit more so for deer and a lot more for antelope. We have no desire to kill doe antelope or doe mule deer. We fill our freezers with cow elk and whitetails. We also fill my in-laws freezers with cow elk and whitetails. We have little trouble filling our tags and have the ability to hunt units and areas my in-laws would struggle in.

We advocate for 90/10 on antelope and deer because we really like hunting bucks and want to do it more often. No more complicated for that.
We advocate for 90/10 on elk under the assumption that the 7250 NR cap is going to go away. If that gift is given to NR elk hunters I feel a gift is deserved for Res elk hunters. If cap remains, most likely wont hear a beep out of me for changing elk allocations.
I definitely feel like you've changed your tune about the NR in Wyoming over the years. Honestly...don't really blame you. It sucks that youth may not get to experience Wyoming as a NR the way that I did as a youth. Times change things I guess.
Yes, things change.

The youth I'm more concerned about are Resident youth.

Every state should look for ways to involve their Resident youth and provide Resident youth opportunities and participation, and not rely on other states for those youth opportunities.

Lets just be honest for a moment, a vast majority of NR youth hunters don't have parents that will be taking them out of state for hunting. It's vastly more important for each state to have opportunities for their Resident youth.

I never applied for a single youth tag (they didn't exist when I was youth) or hunted another state outside my state of Residence until 1995.

What I am in favor of is having very reasonably priced NR youth permit fees, including WY's NR youth fee structure.
i'm rather close with someone in wyoming, also 65+, that has started really complaining about not drawing their cow tag every year anymore in their favorite general unit.

i can't help be feel perplexed though, as the general tag affords them the same amount of time to kill a bull or a cow in the same unit. and all they are really trying to do is kill a cow every fall for the freezer.
I know this is kinda tangential to your overall point, but there are definitely units where the -6 tags do afford a little more "frontcountry" opportunity to kill a cow, generally with later or more flexible dates. Depends on the unit.
Lots of Wyoming view points out their other than what is typed on HT. For me and my immediate family, we don't get twisted up over 90/10 for elk, little bit more so for deer and a lot more for antelope. We have no desire to kill doe antelope or doe mule deer. We fill our freezers with cow elk and whitetails. We also fill my in-laws freezers with cow elk and whitetails. We have little trouble filling our tags and have the ability to hunt units and areas my in-laws would struggle in.

We advocate for 90/10 on antelope and deer because we really like hunting bucks and want to do it more often. No more complicated for that.
We advocate for 90/10 on elk under the assumption that the 7250 NR cap is going to go away. If that gift is given to NR elk hunters I feel a gift is deserved for Res elk hunters. If cap remains, most likely wont hear a beep out of me for changing elk allocations.

which i totally get, and would be fully the same way as a resident.

a lot of similar reasons i want better allocations in colorado. but at the same time i'm certainly not lacking opportunity in colorado.

i mostly just want higher quality opportunity in colorado
I know this is kinda tangential to your overall point, but there are definitely units where the -6 tags do afford a little more "frontcountry" opportunity to kill a cow, generally with later or more flexible dates. Depends on the unit.

oh absolutely. and not that it really matters, it was just so perplexing because this particular 6 tag carried the exact same dates as the general tag in this unit. so they don't get the 6 tag and then complain about having to get a general tag. which except for the first three days, allows you the same period of time to kill a cow. 🤷‍♂️
which i totally get, and would be fully the same way as a resident.

a lot of similar reasons i want better allocations in colorado. but at the same time i'm certainly not lacking opportunity in colorado.

i mostly just want higher quality opportunity in colorado
I lived in Craig for a few years in the early 2000's. If I still lived there I would be the loudest voice in the room screaming for changes to elk and deer allocations and the OTC elk tags. I don't know how you guys stay sane when you see what you could have compared to what you do have.
I lived in Craig for a few years in the early 2000's. If I still lived there I would be the loudest voice in the room screaming for changes to elk and deer allocations and the OTC elk tags. I don't know how you guys stay sane when you see what you could have compared to what you do have.

it frustrates the absolute hell out of me.

i'm starting to realize that i think a lot of our resident 1-4 point units are pretty damn high quality hunting, akin to wyoming general i'd assume. what i'd give for us to have resident otc that was like that.
it frustrates the absolute hell out of me.

i'm starting to realize that i think a lot of our resident 1-4 point units are pretty damn high quality hunting, akin to wyoming general i'd assume. what i'd give for us to have resident otc that was like that.
My assumption is if CO made a few obvious and substantial changes to elk tag structure and allocation, you wouldn't waste your time putting in for Wyo elk any more. You'd have all you could want inside your own 4 corners.

Really hope it happens some day for CO. Those folks deserve better than what they get.
My assumption is if CO made a few obvious and substantial changes to elk tag structure and allocation, you wouldn't waste your time putting in for Wyo elk any more. You'd have all you could want inside your own 4 corners.

Really hope it happens some day for CO. Those folks deserve better than what they get.
Just stopping the sell of unlimited NR OTC elk tags would be a huge step forward.
I would like to see a strong resident/NR youth program.

Since they have to hunt with an adult present maybe some way to let them apply in a party with their guardian/mentor and come along for the ride…. No points required for elk, deer, speed goat.

Don’t know if that’s the best way….but it’s a way. Wouldn’t bother me a bit to see a youth take up a tag in Wyoming easily.
Yes, things change.

The youth I'm more concerned about are Resident youth.

Every state should look for ways to involve their Resident youth and provide Resident youth opportunities and participation, and not rely on other states for those youth opportunities.

Lets just be honest for a moment, a vast majority of NR youth hunters don't have parents that will be taking them out of state for hunting. It's vastly more important for each state to have opportunities for their Resident youth.

I never applied for a single youth tag (they didn't exist when I was youth) or hunted another state outside my state of Residence until 1995.

What I am in favor of is having very reasonably priced NR youth permit fees, including WY's NR youth fee structure.
To my recollection, I have never applied for a youth hunt either. A youth "hunt" and a youth "tag/permit" are two different things. Unless I am mistaken, Wyoming does not have any NR youth hunts for big game.

I don't know if the cost of a Wyoming NR youth permit being the same as non-youth would change much in the way of NR youth opportunities. If I had to pay the same price for my kids tags as I pay for mine, I would still include them. I know my dad would have done the same. If money was an issue, my kids would be hunting and I would still be happy to be along for the ride.

I never thought of hunting multiple states until I discovered MM in 2002. I guess, the internet convinced me I should. Prior to that, we put in for WY (lived in CA at the time) and if we drew we hunted only WY, if not, we hunted CA or not at all. During my youth (early 90's) we also had opportunities to buy Pronghorn tags and muley doe tags over the counter in WY if we were so inclined. For the last 20 years I have lived in Idaho and each year I could have purchased 2 deer tags (most of those years), 2 elk tags (most of those years), a pronghorn tag, turkey tag (2 now), bear tag, etc. Not sure why I continued applying in other states with those Idaho R opportunities. But I do know, Wyoming...oh man does it have a special place in my heart. Grateful for the opportunities WY gave me and my family and hopefully still will, even if fewer.
I never thought of hunting multiple states until I discovered MM in 2002. I guess, the internet convinced me I should.

And that is the crux of the issue that has lead to all of this angst, IMO. I never thought about hunting out of state much until the late 90's - early 00's. And it was the internet and @BuzzH that convinced me. ;) Many have forgotten what they didn't used to know about and have now come to expect.
makes sense.

i'm rather close with someone in wyoming, also 65+, that has started really complaining about not drawing their cow tag every year anymore in their favorite general unit.

i can't help be feel perplexed though, as the general tag affords them the same amount of time to kill a bull or a cow in the same unit. and all they are really trying to do is kill a cow every fall for the freezer.

i mean, i do get it, either way.

but man, watching a lot of the wyo folks on here, snowy, buzz, yourself, etc, and what they get to enjoy every year really has folks like me scratching their heads when people say the wyomign residents really need a leg up for their opportunity.
Living in Wyoming over the winter makes you take out your frustration on non residents of all kind. This is just an example.
Unless I am mistaken, Wyoming does not have any NR youth hunts for big game.
Wyo has some units with youth only dates and also different antler point/sex criteria for youth hunters. My sons take advantage of the different season dates and the difference in the quality of the experience is measurable.
To my recollection, I have never applied for a youth hunt either. A youth "hunt" and a youth "tag/permit" are two different things. Unless I am mistaken, Wyoming does not have any NR youth hunts for big game.

I don't know if the cost of a Wyoming NR youth permit being the same as non-youth would change much in the way of NR youth opportunities. If I had to pay the same price for my kids tags as I pay for mine, I would still include them. I know my dad would have done the same. If money was an issue, my kids would be hunting and I would still be happy to be along for the ride.

I never thought of hunting multiple states until I discovered MM in 2002. I guess, the internet convinced me I should. Prior to that, we put in for WY (lived in CA at the time) and if we drew we hunted only WY, if not, we hunted CA or not at all. During my youth (early 90's) we also had opportunities to buy Pronghorn tags and muley doe tags over the counter in WY if we were so inclined. For the last 20 years I have lived in Idaho and each year I could have purchased 2 deer tags (most of those years), 2 elk tags (most of those years), a pronghorn tag, turkey tag (2 now), bear tag, etc. Not sure why I continued applying in other states with those Idaho R opportunities. But I do know, Wyoming...oh man does it have a special place in my heart. Grateful for the opportunities WY gave me and my family and hopefully still will, even if fewer.
Wyoming has youth only hunts and the prices for youth licenses are substantially less.

What I can't figure is why the parent feels they HAVE to also have a tag?

My nephews have hunted Wyoming on NR youths tags 100% of the time without their Dad (my brother) having a tag.
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