I live here….I deal with the long winters…..my neighbors do the same. They deserve an upper hand….a big one.
now, people, don't flame me. i push for better allocation in my state. and i have no problem with wyoming doing the same.
but i always found this part interesting with wyoming comments from wyo residents, so help me understand - what upper hand are residents lacking? i feel like i hear this all the time.
how many elk tags can you get every year that constitute some of the best elk hunting in the lower 48? how many pronghorn tags can you get every year, that is some of the best pronghorn hunting in the country? how many deer tags can you get.... again every year?
it's just a serious question, because comments like that would make you think you guys have no hunting opportunity, when in fact, as residents you're already sitting on the best opportunity in the lower 48.
this isn't an attack, it's not a complaint. it's just a serious inquiry. from the outside looking in, it doesn't seem like residents are losing out on much up there with opportunity. at all.
i know people could say the same thing about me and colorado as i push for 80/20, and i could explain it. but i do see differences between the two states.
i almost feel like you have more residents tags up there than resident hunters... with high quality hunting all around, can't really say that for colorado.
just help me understand the context of these comments.