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Wildife Task force 90-10, etc.

I am with the majority of NR here. Of course we don’t personally blame every WY resident. But some of the comments do get a bit salty perhaps because we are maligned so often and told in no uncertain terms that our opinion does not count and to leave WY policy up to WY residents and to just be grateful for what we get. We are grateful, of course. Wyoming is a wonderful place to visit, hunt, and dream about visiting or hunting. And this IS a bad policy. So we hope our WY resident allies really think this one through and get their WY representatives to respond appropriately. If on the other hand WY residents like this proposal, then that means 90/10 and WYOGA in charge, so be it. My dream and many others’ then fades and I don’t expect WY R tears to be shed for it, no matter how much I wish it wasn’t so. Feeling pretty powerless and sending another email about NA model at this point is probably just pissin’ in the wind.
I'll make some points: first, I wasn't one of the two people you messaged, because you would have had an answer by now. Second, if Larry was one of them, that's a waste. I hope Buzz was one.
Third, resident hunters are not anyway involved with the "Great Compromise".

I don't disagree that that this proposed deal could possibly affect residents, as detailed by Randy on this thread. I would be more than happy to see your specific thoughts on how residents will be affected, because without specifics, this is going to be hard to defeat.
It was Larry and Buzz. Larry did reply today. The great compromise is the utter bullshit piece. Wether task force, residents, wyoga, WG&F, politicians- it’s unlikely to be a positive move for residents in the end when the outfitting industry gets a guanenteed client base of vacationers with big wallets.. it’ll just be the start. Next you’ll have WYOGA drafting regulations and quotas for the G&F director like it’s done elsewhere.

Just my opinion from elsewhere.
There will not be general NR general elk tags in the future, there will be region nr elk tags and the outfitter subsidy is for all tags.
Thanks for clarifying this. I remember reading about regional tags now.

special use permits work in the national forest and wilderness areas the outfitters are capped at how many clients they can guide each year which they are all operating at max in the general area now.

If they are already operating at max now on NF and Wilderness; I could see 1 of 2 things happening but in reality will probably be both. 1) They (WYOGA) goes and demands more tags for NF and Wilderness 2) Private land leases become the norm, thus further limiting resident opportunities and making it even more of a rich man's game.
If I could have half the nonresidents in Montana go outfitted I would be all for it. 15-20 years ago that didn’t need to happen. Noose is tightening.
If I could have half the nonresidents in Montana go outfitted I would be all for it. 15-20 years ago that didn’t need to happen. Noose is tightening.
Could you flesh out your preference for that wish? Why do you think that is the right policy? Or is it about your personal hunting, your personal success, etc. I'd really like to know if this is just a manifestation of always needing more of something. I'm not sure how outfitting even changes anything in that regard. Would it make the trailhead less crowded? That's your right to wish for whatever you want but I assume you are a resident and have no problem getting tags now or tagging out on game. How do outfitted NR as opposed to DIY seem preferable?
I’m going to go against the grain here and just say it- I do blame some Wyoming residents, especially those on the Task Force. Their greed is what got things to this point- lay with dogs (WYOGA), you’re gonna get fleas.

We see WY posters flaunting pictures of their pile of tags on their kitchen table, them threatening non-residents with 90/10 any time there is dissent with their opinion, Wyoming charging us $1000+ for tags etc… Try as I might to be a bigger person, I can’t help but find a bit of humor in this and hope that the next bunch of tags that go for sale to the highest bidder comes at their cost instead of mine.

Enjoy hunting the wilderness areas, residents. If I see you out there with my new outfitter friend and a bunch of our new out-of-state buddies, be sure to say hi.
I struggle with the same sentiment. Being continually told to “shut up and stay in your home state” has an effect on people. That being said I know there are good folks up there trying to stop WYOGA. I do recall some NRs stating early on that 90/10 DEA would open the door for WYOGA set asides. Their NR opinions were quickly dismissed and derided…..
Anyone got a number on how many NR's have shown up to a TF meeting to speak against 90/10, outfitter set asides, the great compromise, etc.? I can think of several residents that have. Those folks burned vacation days, paid for bunch of gas, paid for hotel rooms in Casper, etc all to do that. I can even think of NR's that took time out of their day to testify in support of it but just cant seem to recall any that have testified against it.
Anyone got a number on how many NR's have shown up to a TF meeting to speak against 90/10, outfitter set asides, the great compromise, etc.? I can think of several residents that have. Those folks burned vacation days, paid for bunch of gas, paid for hotel rooms in Casper, etc all to do that. I can even think of NR's that took time out of their day to testify in support of it but just cant seem to recall any that have testified against it.
Do you think it would have mattered? I don't think so. I sent several emails. I only got one response. It was quite patronizing and basically said thanks for your interest, but we will decide what's best for Wyoming.
Anyone got a number on how many NR's have shown up to a TF meeting to speak against 90/10, outfitter set asides, the great compromise, etc.? I can think of several residents that have. Those folks burned vacation days, paid for bunch of gas, paid for hotel rooms in Casper, etc all to do that. I can even think of NR's that took time out of their day to testify in support of it but just cant seem to recall any that have testified against it.
This is why I ask NRs to not blame residents. This is a BS move by WYOGA, not WY residents.

Yet, in fairness to NRs, the TF leaders and the Wyoming legislature has made it very clear that non-resident comments are held in contempt and of little/no value when it comes to wildlife issues.

If Wyoming residents have ideas of how NRs can effectively oppose this, I am all ears. I have been talking to two groups based in Wyoming and we have calls lined up for today. Looking for ideas and ways to help knowing that the TF is heavily loaded toward those wanting to grab the reins and privatize a public asset. If anyone has those ideas, please share them.
This is why I ask NRs to not blame residents. This is a BS move by WYOGA, not WY residents.

Yet, in fairness to NRs, the TF leaders and the Wyoming legislature has made it very clear that non-resident comments are held in contempt and of little/no value when it comes to wildlife issues.

If Wyoming residents have ideas of how NRs can effectively oppose this, I am all ears. I have been talking to two groups based in Wyoming and we have calls lined up for today. Looking for ideas and ways to help knowing that the TF is heavily loaded toward those wanting to grab the reins and privatize a public asset. If anyone has those ideas, please share them.
Randy talking to these groups is the right step. The TF has made it clear even if you are a resident and you comment against the majority, you will also be held in contempt. It kinda of backfired on them in the last meeting and I think it's time for residents to take advantage of it.
Sure, because the greedy residents set it up so you can drop a bunch of cash with your "new outfitter" and hunt every year.

Exactly. And hunt the wilderness. It’s basically like becoming a resident, only it costs way more.
Exactly. And hunt the wilderness. It’s basically like becoming a resident, only it costs way more.
But you don't need to buy a new pack to haul out your elk, or even a new knife, cuz all that will be done for you

Google says 48.19% of Wyoming is federal land. Wyoming owns their elk, but everyone owns most of the elk habitat. You can't have elk hunting without elk habitat. One day, this will bite Wyotes in the butt.
Exactly. And hunt the wilderness. It’s basically like becoming a resident, only it costs way more.
You really need to get over yourself...and get over the idea that wilderness is such great hunting here.

Its not, and for lots of reasons.

The outfitters already have, and would continue to have, a monopoly on wilderness even if the law was changed to allow you to pretend you'd ever actually set foot in a wilderness area as a NR.

If you think the best hunting is in wilderness areas...go ahead and show us how it's done in the Bob Marshall in Montana. I'll buy your NR license if you can kill a six point bull and a mature buck mule deer there. Break out your bad ass and backpack show us all how its done.
This is why I ask NRs to not blame residents. This is a BS move by WYOGA, not WY residents.

Yet, in fairness to NRs, the TF leaders and the Wyoming legislature has made it very clear that non-resident comments are held in contempt and of little/no value when it comes to wildlife issues.

If Wyoming residents have ideas of how NRs can effectively oppose this, I am all ears. I have been talking to two groups based in Wyoming and we have calls lined up for today. Looking for ideas and ways to help knowing that the TF is heavily loaded toward those wanting to grab the reins and privatize a public asset. If anyone has those ideas, please share them.
I don't think its a bad idea to contact the hotel and restaurant lobby here and explain how outfitter set asides are going to impact local businesses. Take a page out of the WOGA playbook when they were singing the blues to the Legislature over the big 5 90-10 bills that were attempted 6-7 years ago.

I also think it wouldn't hurt to contact the Governor's office to let them know the contempt that the task force is showing toward those that are taking the time to comment.
You really need to get over yourself...and get over the idea that wilderness is such great hunting here.

I will be the judge of that. I will be sure to report back on my findings after hunting Unit G for the next five years straight. Thank your buddies on the Task Force for me if you see them👍
Meant H, sorry. Going every year is the win for NRs who have the cash. Pick a unit/region, doesn’t matter.

And 90% of this is tongue in cheek to point out the absurdity of where this has gone due to greed. I have never hunted with an outfitter or guide and never want to. I’ve never even shot an animal on private land.

But this is where we are now… again and again. And it sucks.
You really need to get over yourself...and get over the idea that wilderness is such great hunting here.

Its not, and for lots of reasons.

The outfitters already have, and would continue to have, a monopoly on wilderness even if the law was changed to allow you to pretend you'd ever actually set foot in a wilderness area as a NR.

If you think the best hunting is in wilderness areas...go ahead and show us how it's done in the Bob Marshall in Montana. I'll buy your NR license if you can kill a six point bull and a mature buck mule deer there. Break out your bad ass and backpack show us all how its done.
To Buzz's point, I live next to the biggest wilderness area in the State. It's the assumption that wilderness areas in Wyoming are the Mecca for elk hunting that all residents flock to every fall and thumb their noses at all the non residents on the borderlines from.

Every elk I have killed in the last 22 years have been outside the wilderness. Every single one.

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