why the code name

Posed it as a cologne name jokingly to some friends and I've used it all over since. It runs close second to the FurBird which is a result of seeing a dead hawk on the side of the road that was ruffled up so much it appear at highway speed to have fur like a deer.
I was a wedding DJ for 32 years. I use this screen name in all forums. Just easier for an old guy to remember.
Now THAT held some memories! Thought of writing a short story book of different episodes? Bet Netflix has your name waiting. :)

On camping trips, nighttime stories for kids then grandkids were about two adventurous Native American boys, Little Feather and Turkey Feather, who visited the teepee of the tribe elder wise man, Grey Owl, to gain wisdom and tips for their next hunting, fishing, or exploration adventures, which often went awry and involved farting bear cubs, busy beavers, belligerent bull moose and other wildlife characters. Kids wanted to know who passed down these stories, so I told them it was Straight Arrow, keeper of the chronicles of early, early Montana.
pro mo.
PROMO code randy
PROfessional MOrmon
Please Respect Our Montana Outdoors
nickname derived from last name
check it out on onlyfans
PROpelled MOtors
PROMiscuous Otters

only one of those is true, but make of it what you will.
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