Why I like this Site...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
There is ALOT of crap that goes on behind the forums that alot of people just don't know about. There is Deaths, births, Financial issues, Financial help, Hunt swapping, Friends made, friends lost.. and much more.

I know I've been part in alot of Behind the forums dealings from the giving and getting side. Be it Financially, or hunt helping, or Whatever. Recently I gave a little and in return got something cool in return. Although I think I've changed alot of lives over the past my life has changed with help too. This made me think that even though I've helped and give alot behind the forums, Which is not my place to ever say ;) , I might not say thanx to all those that make HuntTalk what it is to help others and make it what it is today.

I just wanted to publical say thanx to all the guys that have helped me personally and the Site over the years. Although I know alot of guys think it's a pissing contest or sometimes just "us jerks" that post here, I've "Personally" seen hundreds of thousands of $'s switch hands back and forth for help. It just makes me proud to be a part of this group.

Anyways, you guys Kick A$$ :D :D
Seriously, this is the best hunting site bar-none on the web. I've met and hunted with people I never would've if it weren't for good old hunttalk.com. Thanks, Moosie!
Honestly, I stumbled across this place a few years ago searching for advice on a rifle purchase. I had been out of hunting for 15 years and look at me now...I'm frickin' going to Africa in 2010. That never would have happened if I wasn't here. This place rocks. I don't necessarily agree with everyone all the time, but that's what really makes it great. I love hearing other people's opinions, it makes me think.
Its hard to believe...been 7 years since I came to this site. I found it thru an NAHC revolt. The first day I was on here I was greated by April, and Vixen, I thought I was in hump hump heaven. I musta scared em away, I never see them on here anymore, just a bunch of guys :eek::eek:
To think of all the phone porn I would have missed out on had I not met Stan.. no doubt worth the price of admission for that alone.

LOL, yea, the 2 I got yesterday were priceless. Laying in bed at 11pm and my phone makes a message alert noise and my wife asks WTF is that?

This is the best site for sure.
I like to see all of the Chit in one place and this is one chitty site! LOL The yanking on everyone's chain is the norm here, you would get yanked on the other sites. Remember the Dutch Oven General? Heck, what site would have kept that chit going for that long?
Personally, I have met some neat guys on here, some I have hunted with and others just met going to a hunt. Ken, Marv and I even share books through the mail, sorta a Hunt Talk Book Club! I do look forward to spending some time one day with more of ya'll or just chating over a Beer! John
Ken, Marv and I even share books through the mail, sorta a Hunt Talk Book Club!
Fabio Romance Novels no doubt.......fags.:p
Great site Moosie! Been very beneficial in many aspects. Seems like all the phone porn I've received from "friends" through this site has a weiner in it somewhere though. Coincidence? I think not. :D
Seems like all the phone porn I've received from "friends" through this site has a weiner in it somewhere though. Coincidence? I think not. :D

Thanks for the heads-up. I was gonna ask why I wasn't on the phone list, but I guess it's because I'm not a fag. ;)
I was :D :D

Canoe, speaking of Kick ASS people i'm met on this site, Long time no hear. You wanna do lunch later in the week ?
I'd love to, but I'll be out of town starting tomorrow. Maybe we can hook up next week...

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